"This power is so strong, it is comparable to the ancient god king."

"It is said that the Ruthless Great Emperor was invincible in the Emperor Realm when he first entered the Emperor Realm, and he killed an unknown number of veteran emperors. If this is true, it would be terrifying."

"After swallowing so many divine bodies, immortal bodies, and holy bodies, the physique of the Ruthless Great Emperor is now approaching that of the ancient gods, and even the true immortals can't kill her!"

Looking at the majesty of the white-clothed female emperor from a distance, the arrogances of all races couldn't help but tremble. They were both emperors, but their 'qi' was like a mayfly compared to a towering ancient tree compared to the Ruthless Emperor. Comparable in the slightest, it seems that the Ruthless Emperor can kill them with one look.

Disdain the ancient emperor, look down on the empress, and amaze the ages!

This is the world's evaluation of the Ruthless Great Emperor. In this great world where the arrogance of the heavens rises together, the Ruthless Human Emperor still stands out from the crowd, surpassing all the arrogances, proud of the ancients and the present.

Many people have never seen the Ruthless Great Emperor before, but they are very shy about her name. Today, when they see her real demeanor, they feel astonished that there is no illusory person under the famous reputation.

But more arrogances are taking revenge on the Ruthless Great Emperor, because the Ruthren Great Emperor's light is too strong, almost covering all the contemporaneous arrogances, if they don't rise up to resist, their luck will be taken by the Ruthless Great Emperor. Go, become a foil on the road to the rise of the Ruthless Emperor, this is something that the arrogant princes, saints, and gods will not tolerate.

The more important point is that the Ruthless Emperor is too domineering, with a domineering personality, slaughtering aliens at every turn, and suppressing the unpleasant mountain of monsters.The practice method is more domineering, the swallowing magic power has nothing to swallow, the place where the hell oven was born, and no grass is left, how many ancient tribes and tens of millions of years of heritage have been swept away by her. Tianjiao with a strong physique is in danger.

In short, such a domineering and stunning Ruthless Great Emperor is too dazzling, and has already aroused the indignation of the heavens.


At this moment, the heaven and earth roared and trembled, the void burned like a boil, and finally turned into a huge gate of light, immortal and beautiful.

"Xianmen was born, and the ancient fairy road opened!"

All Tianjiao boiled up, cheering loudly, with excitement in their eyes, even the Ruthless Great Emperor didn't care.

"Since Zhantian, the immortals of the nine great mountains and seas have collapsed, and the road to immortality has been cut off. Now that the ancient immortal road has opened, there is finally a chance to become immortal!"

Some great emperor Tianjiao is roaring, telling the excitement in their hearts, and some old-fashioned emperors can't help but cry. Can only watch the emperor's body decay.

Because according to the Law of Heaven revised by Emperor Burial, no one can be immortal.

In order to survive, some great emperors can only endure humiliation and slash themselves, causing the true spirit to fall into eternal sleep. There are also stubborn and unyielding emperors who are arrogant and unwilling to slay themselves to survive, but relive life after life with supreme supernatural powers, constantly attacking. Wonderland, and keep failing.School Fictionwww.xuefu168.com

Now that the ancient immortal road has opened, and finally there is hope of becoming immortal again, many great emperors who have been sleeping for millions of years have woken up one after another, dragging their dead bodies and rushing here, just to fight for this line of immortality.


I don't know who said it first, and the arrogance of the major forces rushed towards the fairy gate, stepping into the unknown ancient fairy road.

Time began to pass at an accelerated rate, and the ruthless man only felt that the light and shadow in front of him kept flashing like a revolving lantern, the white-clothed female emperor was fluttering, and wherever he went, the group of demons collapsed, and a furnace of hell was burning behind him, constantly investing in rare treasures. , and even threw those great emperors who were beheaded by her, and refined them frantically.

The mighty essence turned into giant dragons from the sea, roaring and pouring into the body of the Ruthless Great Emperor, making her look from a distance like an ancient god, radiating a thousand radiance, awe-inspiring and not to be despised.

However, under the great world, the arrogance of heaven is high, and although the white-clothed female emperor has the reputation of invincibility, she is too arrogant and has few allies.

In a dead Jedi, dozens of powerful alien forces have set up a net of heaven and earth to imprison the Ruthless Emperor, and more than a dozen powerful emperors have sacrificed Jidao Emperor soldiers, all of which have been cultivated for more than a million years. Treasure of restraint.

These alien races have a big grudge with the Ruthless Great Emperor. They have received secret news before. When the Ruthless Great Emperor was exploring a top-level fierce land, he was cut off by a strange magic treasure. There is not much life expectancy. Immortals will die when their lifespan is exhausted.

Therefore, they expected that the Ruthless Great Emperor would definitely come to participate in this ancient immortal road battle. They specially took out the ancestors of the clan, connected them in secret, and even woke up all the dormant emperors in the clan and entered the ancient immortal road, just for one fell swoop. Kill the Ruthless Great Emperor here.

Although the immortal fate in the ancient immortal road is extremely difficult to obtain, and the chance of the Ruthless Emperor becoming an immortal is very slim, they are not willing to gamble, and even they do not want to let the Ruthless Emperor live longer.

However, they still underestimated the strength of the Ruthless Great Emperor. Just when they thought that the Ruthless Great Emperor was imprisoned and could be slaughtered at will, the Ruthless Great Emperor only flicked his finger and shattered the peerless killing formation.

The expected tragic and unparalleled battle did not break out, but the ruthless emperor unilaterally crushed and killed all these dozens of alien powerhouses with only one hand, and the corpses were thrown into the hell oven, and the monstrous fierceness shook The entire ancient fairy road.

In the end, the vigorous battle of the ancient immortal road ended. The Ruthless Emperor almost killed the entire immortal road, but he still failed to obtain the immortal fate. All the ancient tribes behind him were uprooted, shaking the world once again.

Countless aliens were angry and agreed to fight to the death with the Ruthless Emperor at the Tianshen Ruins, and the Ruthless Emperor agreed.

On the day of the war, most of the world's powerhouses gathered to watch. The Ruthless Emperor was dressed in white, carrying a green sword, and was alone. He invited heroes of different races to fight. Some people even found the shadow of a 'immortal' in it.

This is a great horror. After the war, the nine great mountains and seas collapsed. Even if they were ancient real immortals, they did not dare to waste their immortal power at will. Most of them fell into deep sleep. Close out.

There are even rumors that the Alien Alliance has a will to kill the Ruthless Emperor, and will not give her the chance to reincarnate and rebuild. If the battle is not good, it will not hesitate to dispatch the Immortal King!

But no one noticed that in the bronze immortal hall above the divine ruins that day, Zhang Tian, ​​wearing a black imperial robe, stood with his hands behind his back, exuding the domineering arrogance of looking down at the world, his eyes were deep and unpredictable, and he looked down at the battlefield below coldly. When his eyes swept across the Ruthless Great Emperor, a touch of tenderness appeared in his eyes. , , .

Chapter 420 You can kill as much as you can, Dad protects you!

This is the ancient battle of the emperor. In this great era when immortals and gods are sleeping, the emperor is the protagonist of this world. If one comes out, he can dominate the ups and downs and give orders to a deserted area.

Today, there are countless emperor realm powerhouses, and behind each of them, they represent a powerful ancient clan, or a powerful immortal land force, all of whom are the only ones in their respective wasteland.

"Look, that's the Great Emperor Bingyu from the Frozen Feather Immortal Palace. The Emperor has been in existence for three million years. I thought he was reincarnated, but I didn't expect that he was still alive."

"Fuck, isn't that the Yin-Yang Emperor of Yin-Yang Immortal Sect? He has been in charge of Yin-Yang Immortal Sect for [-] years, and this time he actually went out in person!"

"That red-haired one is the Fire Dragon Demon Emperor, right? The most shining emperor star of the contemporary demon clan was injured by Ruren Great Emperor's "Crossing the Gods" in three years, and he served as a mount for Ruren Great Emperor for eight months. , this matter was cited as the shame of the demon clan, and this time I really came for revenge."

The battle of the emperor was spread all over the world, drawing the minds of countless people. There were even many powerful people who specially crossed the star field, crossed the mountains and seas, and came to the Tianshen Ruins to watch the battle. Boiled.

This is unprecedented!

Those onlookers were shocked to discover that every one of the great emperors who participated in the besieging and killing of the Ruthless Great Emperor was strong and terrifying. There were old monsters who had lived for millions of years, and there were also a generation of hierarchs in charge of Xianzong and Xiangong. Many of today's most famous Tianjiao emperors.

The group of emperors gathered, and everyone dominated one side of the void. The emperor energy on their bodies was boiling and burning, and they looked like burning immemorial mountains.

"The Ruthless Emperor is here!"

Under the attention of all the people, the golden chariot of the Ruthless Emperor finally broke through the air, the curtain trembled, and walked out of a peerless female emperor, still incomparably immortal, magnificent, and did not look as if the source of life had been exhausted. In particular, she has recently made a series of shots, unplugging one tyrannical ancient clan after another, which has made her reputation to the extreme, and people don't even have the courage to look directly at her face.

"Emperor Ruthless, you keep your promise, but today is your funeral."

The Fire Dragon Demon Emperor said coldly, looking at the Ruthless Great Emperor with resentment in his eyes.

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