Several demon emperors of the Fire Dragon Clan did not expect that the Great Emperor Wushi would actually do it, and immediately used the Fire Dragon Art to parry. This clan's Treasure Art attacked the strongest, only to see the four demon emperors join forces and turned into a huge fire dragon. The phantom, roaring loudly, grabbed and tore away the palm gang sent by the Great Emperor Wubei.


A loud bang sounded, and the palm gang of the Great Emperor Wushi directly pierced the shadow of the fire dragon, and his prestige continued to slam on the four Great Emperors of the Fire Dragon Clan, knocking them all upside down and flying them out, and large pieces of dragon scales shattered. Bloody.


All the great emperors were shocked by the power of Wubei's palm. There are such powerful human races in the world, and they blasted four dragon demon emperors, who were known for their strongest defense, with one palm.

This can't help but remind many people of the Wushu Heavenly Emperor who is inextricably linked with the Wushu Great Emperor.

Legend has it that the Unbeginning Heavenly Emperor is majestic and unparalleled in the world.Even if he was as brilliant as the Emperor of Heaven, he had to go through bloody battles to reach the top step by step in his entire life.

Only the Heavenly Emperor without Beginning, as soon as he was born, he was arrogant and unparalleled, swept everything, and swallowed the Eight Wastes and Six Harmonies.No matter what opponent he encounters, he will be wiped out in the first battle and suppressed to the end. There is no suspense at all, and no one has ever worried that he will lose. In the end, mentioning Wushi is the name of invincible.During his lifetime, no one dared to stand up, even the immortal emperors of alien races in the restricted area of ​​life, all silently and dutifully guarded their place.

Although a large part of the reason for this is that the Emperor Buried the Heavens rose first and killed the truly famous Supreme Beings of the ancient times, so that the Heavenly Emperor Wubei failed to meet too decent opponents, but it is enough to show that Wubei The great emperor has the invincible strength to overwhelm the great world.

Even if there is no ancient emperor in the Nine Great Mountains and Seas, and no one will come after him, regardless of the emperors in his life, when he mentions the Wushi Tiandi, he will comment a few words, saying that he can be ranked among the strongest emperors of the human race.

This is an unparalleled honor!

Now that the Supreme Being is not there, the glory is dusty, but the Great Emperor Wu Begins was born. Just like his ancestors, he has the domineering power to sweep Xuanyu, which makes people wonder if today's Great Emperor Wu Begins can inherit the glory of the Wu Beginning Heavenly Emperor.

The Ruthless Great Emperor was single-faced among the heroes, watching the Wu Beginning Great Emperor approaching step by step, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes, a force of flying immortals erupted from his body and swept the world. , , .

Chapter 422 The ruthless fight has no beginning

Peerless battle!

When the two invincible emperors stood opposite each other, everyone felt an extremely heavy oppression.

At the same time, it has also made many people feel difficult. Just one Ruthless Great Emperor has already made them feel unstoppable. If there is another Beginningless Great Emperor, the two of them will join forces, and I am afraid that they can really push the world horizontally.

"The last time I was on Ancient Immortal Road, I couldn't fight with you. I feel very sorry."

The Great Emperor Wushi opened his mouth, his voice was very calm, and there was a strange mystery in his voice. Even if the distance was far away, it was as if it sounded directly in his ears, and it was clearly audible.

The Ruthless Man said: "I have heard the name of your congenital holy body for a long time, and this emperor really wants to learn it. If you don't recommend it, please wait for a while, until I clean up these people, and then have a good fight with you. field."


The surrounding great emperors cried out angrily, just because the words of the Ruthless Great Emperor were too arrogant, they did not take them seriously at all. This kind of arrogance and arrogance made them feel very humiliated.

The Great Emperor Wushi looked around and said solemnly: "It's not an easy task to face such a great emperor alone. If this emperor wants to fight against you, the emperor should fight first. But you face today. The enemy, I will not fall into the trap, as long as you can catch my punch, I will leave immediately."

The Ruthless Emperor smiled slightly and said, "If that's the case, why not gamble a little bigger. This emperor is standing here. If you can shake me with a single punch, even if you win, when I reincarnate and rebuild, this emperor's body will be lost. It's up to you."


All the onlookers could not help but take a deep breath, sighing not only the arrogance of the ruthless person, but also her generosity.Just now, Wu Shi slapped the four dragon demon emperors at will, and one could imagine how terrifying his full-strength punch would be, but the Ruthless Emperor was confident that he would be able to catch it without moving.

As for the stakes, it is even more astonishing. The Ruthless Emperor himself has an immortal body, and the "Swallowing Devil Art" practiced is extremely domineering. At the extreme point, she even has the title of the number one immortal body in the world, and her emperor body value is by no means inferior to an extreme immortal treasure.

The Great Emperor Wushi also showed a dignified expression and said, "What if this Emperor loses?"

The Ruthless Great Emperor smiled and said: "I didn't expect that the Great Emperor Wushi would also consider losing. I heard that you inherited the Wushi Bell, the ultimate treasure of the Wushi Heavenly Emperor. My request is very simple. If I win by luck, I will send you The Beginningless Bell lends me ten thousand years."

The Great Emperor Wushi was a little flushed by the words of the Great Emperor Ruthless. He is the descendant of the Emperor Wushi, the chief emperor of the Yaochi Immortal Domain. These two identities require him to only advance and not retreat, so he knows that the Great Emperor Ruthen will use aggressive tactics again. , he can only take it.

"Okay, this emperor should make this bet. As long as you can catch my punch, I will lend you the Beginning Bell. But you need to know what this emperor's full-strength punch means."

The Great Emperor Wubei was unprecedentedly serious, his whole body was concentrated, as if a blue dragon had awakened in his body, causing the void to roar and vibrate.

Suddenly, the Great Emperor Wushi widened his eyes and shouted: "This emperor's full-strength punch has once knocked out a true immortal!"

The moment the words fell, the Beginning Emperor moved, his body bent like an open longbow, and an unparalleled might condensed on the front of the fist and blasted out brazenly!Love my novel

Suddenly, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the spiritual energy in the sky stirred, forming a storm of spiritual seas, countless black clouds pressing the top, and faintly exploding in the clouds accompanied by astonishing thunder.

The power of one punch is so terrifying!

All the onlookers were deprived of their minds. They only felt that the Wubei Great Emperor at this moment was like an ancient sacred mountain.

Even the great forces of the ancient clan who set up the 'Heavenly Power' to watch from afar, were all shocked beyond measure. No one would have thought that the background of the Beginning Great Emperor had become so tyrannical that even a true immortal would need this punch. feel despair.

"Only I am the only one!"

The Ruthless Emperor's face was also extremely solemn. After blessing the "Flying Immortal Art", he used another top-level magical power, and his whole body exuded a powerful golden light, like gold casting, and like an ancient god descending into the world, majestic Unparalleled.


A devastating storm swept through the audience, nearly half of the emperors were directly slammed by this powerful force, and even the Tianshen Ruins were shaken violently.

But everyone couldn't care about this, and they all stared at the center of the battlefield, only to see the Ruthless Emperor still standing there, not moving at all, even the three-foot blue silk was scattered on the front and back, as if an ancient statue Immortal jade sculpture, magnificent.

"I lost."

The Great Emperor Wushi looked up to the sky and sighed. He had tried his best, but the immortal body of the Great Ruthless Man was not weaker than him.

"Since life has no beginning, how can you be ruthless."

All the onlookers couldn't help but feel this emotion in their hearts. No one would underestimate the Great Emperor Wu Shi because of this. They can only say that two peerless arrogances who are proud of the ancients and the present were born in the same era by mistake.

"One punch damages me twice. You are enough to be proud of yourself. I have never suffered such a serious injury since my immortal physique was completed."

The Ruthless Great Emperor speaks very slowly, and upon closer inspection, you can see that her complexion is a little paler than before.

The Great Emperor Wushi nodded slightly, took out a golden bell that was as crystal clear as amber, and said: "The real Wushi Zhong is not on me, nor in the Yaochi Immortal Territory. Back then, the Wushi Tiandi differentiated into nine sub-bells, which will be no longer on my body. The body of the beginning bell is sealed in an unknown place. Yaochi Xianyu has three sub-bells, and this is one of them. The divine power is no less than the immortal treasure of Jidao. You can take it, and you don't need to take the initiative to return it. After the emperor becomes an immortal, I'll ask you for it myself."

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