After he finished speaking, the Great Emperor Wushi left without a thought, coming and going in a hurry, extremely unrestrained.

The Ruthless Man caught the bell of the beginningless under the fiery gazes of countless people, and imprinted a method of swallowing the heavens on it.

Looking around, he said softly: "Let's fight." ,, . . .

Chapter 423 The Emperor of Heaven Buried Comes Out, The King of God Bows His Head


The actions of the Ruthless Great Emperor made all the great emperors dumbfounded for a while. No one would have thought that the Ruthless Great Emperor could refine the Beginning Bell so quickly. This is the treasure of divine power that is close to the ultimate immortal soldier. Motivation, at least a few days of sacrifice, where can I use it directly like the Ruthless Great Emperor.

"No, she didn't refine the Beginning Bell, but only imprinted the Divine Soul on it, which could simply activate the illusion, but couldn't use the Beginning Bell's true magical powers."

There was a great emperor who was proficient in the art of artifact and saw through the means of the Ruthless Great Emperor at a glance, which immediately made many people relieved.

You must know that the Beginning Bell can be ranked in the top ten of the Nine Realms Treasure List. The sound of the bell once broke the hearts of six immortal kings, causing dozens of mountains and seas in the barren areas to collapse.

Even if it's just a sub-bell, the power is unimaginable. The Ruthless Emperor himself is already at the peak of his combat power. If there is another treasure by his side, I'm afraid that the Immortal King can really be killed.

But even so, the faces of many great emperors are also very ugly. The Beginning Bell is a famous treasure with both offense and defense. Now the Ruthless Great Emperor has turned it into a battle suit and put it on his body. Isn't it indirect use of its defense power.

Originally, the immortal body of the Ruthless Great Emperor was already extremely powerful, and now with the addition of a beginningless bell, who can break the defense?

Thinking of this, many great emperors have the heart to retreat, and they have scolded the Wushi Great Emperor [-] times in their hearts.

"This emperor's time is very tight. If you don't talk about it first, let this emperor start."

The ruthless man was wearing a golden robe and looked contemptuous, like a female god of war who stepped out of the ancient times. The moment the voice fell, a burst of flying fairy light suddenly erupted from the top of his head, and he pointed a little, and a violent immortal energy poured out. In an instant, seven or eight great emperors were blasted out, their bodies cracked, and blood rained all over the sky.

The war has officially broken out!

Countless rays of light covered the light, and the emperor's treasures were blasted out one by one, making people dazzled.

But the most amazing thing is still the Ruthless Emperor!

This is the first time that she has fully stimulated the magical powers of the immortal body, traversing among many great emperors, completely undefended, and completely relying on the defense of the immortal body and the Beginningless Bell.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three pairs were killed in the crowd, and the Tianshen Ruins were shattered. Countless miracles collapsed and collapsed. However, the divine light on the Ruthless Emperor was not dim at all. It was already strong and dazzling. .

"Too, too strong, invincible."

Many great emperors gave birth to a feeling of despair. The battle power of the Ruthless Great Emperor is too terrible. The two sides seem to be not on the same level at all. They can only watch their strong men wither and fall one by one, while the Ruthless Great Emperor is as strong as ever.

Just when everyone thought that the war would come to an end without any suspense, among those great emperors, four eye-scorching fairy lights suddenly bloomed, forming a four-image fairy formation, trapping the Ruthless Great Emperor in it.

"Finally there is a real immortal shot!" 19th Floor Literature

Many onlookers were excited, and long before the battle, someone found the shadow of the 'immortal' in the besieging army, and the other party has been trying to forbear.After all, it is well known in the world that this time around, if immortal-level combat power is used to suppress the Ruthless Emperor, there will only be a reputation for bullying the small. If you can use it, try not to use it.

But the Ruthless Emperor is too strong, and everyone who beats them is too terrified to care about anything else. The four true immortals appeared at the same time, and they joined hands to create the four-image immortal formation that had been set up a long time ago. The Great Emperor killed him.

"I've been waiting for you."

There was a sneer at the corner of the mouth of the Ruthless Emperor, and the momentum on his body suddenly doubled, and a peerless immortal technique blasted out, instantly shattering a corner of the four-image immortal array, and countless spiritual energy leaked, forming a spiritual energy storm that penetrated the heaven and earth. Ruined in the Tianshen Ruins.

"'re crazy, aren't you afraid to wake up the god king who was sleeping underground?"

The four real immortals were frightened. I didn't expect that the Ruthless Emperor would blast the formation with such a rude method, and he was even more afraid of the consequences. How many people can't escape death.

As if responding to the words of the real immortal, the entire Tianshen Ruins suddenly glowed with golden light, and the gods whispered in the heaven and earth, and the surrounding illusions were crowded, as if returning to the ancient gods and demons when the gods dominated the world.

"It's over, the primordial god king wakes up, we're all going to die here."

Everyone was in a frenzy, ramming around like headless flies, trying to escape this Jedi, but the surrounding area was blocked by divine light, making it a forbidden place.

"Those who blaspheme the will be punished by the gods..."

The mighty divine sound reverberated in the void, as if a peerless divine king had awakened from his slumber and wanted to use divine punishment to destroy those who disturbed their rest.

"Buried, buried..."

Just when everyone was ready to meet the divine punishment, the mighty Di Yin turned into endless fear, trembling, as if they had met a natural enemy, and all the miracles and lights were instantly shattered.

If someone can observe the ground with the eyes of the gods, they will find that in the underground palace that is tens of thousands of miles deep, Zhang Tian, ​​wearing a black imperial robe, stands with his hands behind his back, standing on a coffin made of colorful divine gold. The ancient god kings who were enough to intimidate the nine great mountains and seas all knelt on the ground tremblingly at this time, constantly kowtowing and praying.

"This emperor just said that if the king of gods dares to be born and kill without mercy, do you think this emperor is joking?"

Zhang Tian glanced at the remnants of the god king, his eyes full of cold killing intent.

"Bury... Burial Emperor, I didn't know it was you, please forgive the offense..."

"Please bury the emperor to forgive the sin of the little god."

A group of peerless god kings from ancient times and ancient times had to kneel down in humiliation and begged for mercy.Back then, when the Emperor Buried Heaven killed them in the God Realm, the fear that brought them penetrated deep into their souls. Even if they slept for tens of millions of years, it did not disappear in the slightest.

"The gods were born in response to the fate of the gods, carrying innate merits and virtues, gifted with divinity, invincible and immortal, and prosperous with the heaven and the earth. Compared with the human race, which was born weak and was born with three disasters and nine calamities, the god race was really a disgusting race. This emperor has no way to completely destroy you, and can only suppress it in a restricted area, now it is different, this universe will be dominated by this emperor."

Zhang Tian said slowly, his eyes glanced at the many god kings, and said coldly: "This emperor said: The gods should be destroyed." , . . .

Chapter 424: On the Day of the Return of the Dao of Heaven, the Ten Thousand Races will overturn the Heavenly Court!

"Do not!!"

The ancient god kings let out a heart-piercing roar. They found that their divinity was collapsing, the rules of heaven changed, and the gods were no longer immortal.

"Emperor Burial, you, the thief who steals the sky, will one day be punished by the gods, and the day when the Dao of Heaven returns, all races will be overthrown!"

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