The curse of the god king gradually faded away. The changed rules of the heavenly way made their divinity no longer indestructible. The constant flow of divine source made them not even have the strength to roar, and everything in front of them became blurred, as if they had returned to thousands of The Ragnarok of the Gods thousands of years ago.

A black-haired young man from the human race strolled through the God Realm, smearing his hands with the blood of the gods, threatening that there would be no immortal gods in the world. If there were, then change this rule.

Now he has finally fulfilled the oath of the year, and the gods who are high above and never worry about the loss of their lives are finally buried in the river of time.

On the other side, the Ruthless Great Emperor also ended the battle. The snow-covered Tianshen Ruins were covered by the blood of the emperor and the immortals. The fierce blood dyed the heavens red, and bursts of rain fell, paying homage to the deceased supreme.

Slowly, the crowd dissipated, and the 'heavenly' who were watching from afar also evacuated one by one. The white-clothed empress drenched in the rain of flowers has proved everything with her strength.

She is inhumane to kill!

However, many great forces were also relieved. The Ruthless Great Emperor fought against the Wushi Great Emperor, the World Emperor Xiong, and the four true immortals successively. Although they were victorious, their source was almost exhausted. He couldn't hide it, even if he got the God-Defying God's Medicine of the True Dragon's Immortality, the source of his life in this life would not be able to continue.

Even if it can be reincarnated and rebuilt, everything has to start from scratch. At least in a short time, this peerless murderer will disappear from the sight of all the ancient powers.

"Miss, I'm late!"

There was a dragon roar in the distance, and an incomparably huge, golden Taixu ancient dragon passed through the sky. With a flash of inspiration, it turned into a beautiful woman wearing a purple feather coat, holding a peerless god in the shape of a real dragon. Medicine, eyes full of sorrow.

Then there was another violent roar, and a terrifying abyss broke open in the void, revealing a huge ancient bronze coffin, stained with rust, as if it had been covered in dust for hundreds of millions of years.

The most shocking thing is that the ancient bronze coffin was pulled by nine huge dragon corpses that could not be seen at a glance. The whole body shone with black light, and the white bones were covered with a layer of black dragon scales, like nine steel Great Walls, pulling them. The huge ancient bronze coffin is permanently fixed in the void.

At the center of the dragon corpse skull, a peerless fairy with a face like Yuxin stood quietly, did not come down, did not say a word, only stared at the Ruthless Emperor.

The ruthless emperor with a beautiful face and peerless elegance is very relaxed, looking up at the sky and the rain, with a very pure smile on his face, like a girl in the age of cardamom.

After a long time, the Ruthless Emperor looked away and looked at the Ruthless being standing on the other side of the reincarnation. He smiled slightly, the golden light flickered on his body, and Xia Yi turned into a beginningless bell again, and handed it to the Ruthless person together with the True Dragon Immortality Elixir, and said softly: "Put this magical medicine in the Nanling Snow Mountain, and you can use it to create a source of life in the future."


A burst of chaotic time-space power ravaged the heavens and the earth. Above the nine heavens, there were dense clouds, as if there were gods and demons roaring, reflecting the phantom of a god of thunder.

"Crack!" Dong Dong novel

A mountain-like thickness of the Nine Heavens and Nine Tribulations Zixiao Divine Thunder blasted out from the clouds, with the aura of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, as if the end of the world was coming and everything would be destroyed.

The expected explosion did not sound, Zhang Tian's figure appeared beside the Ruthless Great Emperor, just raised his hand and flicked his hand, the Nine Heavens and Nine Tribulations Zixiao Divine Thunder disappeared, and the sky was blue.

"Thank you dad."

The Ruthless Great Emperor smiled sweetly at Zhang Tian, ​​and then he restrained his expression and said softly, "I should go."

After speaking, the Ruthless Emperor stepped on the void and ran towards the ancient bronze coffin pulled by the Nine Dragons.


The coffin on the top of the ancient bronze coffin was lifted, and the Ruthless Emperor flew inside.

"Do not……"

The ruthless man wanted to step forward to stop it, but found that he couldn't move at all. He could only hold the Infinite Bell and the True Dragon Immortality Elixir in his hands, watching the Nine Dragons pull the coffin, leap over the burial grounds, leap over the nine mountains and seas, and finally stopped at the place she was very familiar with. a piece of land.

"Who is the peak at the end of the immortal road, it will be a dust, an empty, the Ruthless Emperor returns to the ruins in Nanling, and the whole world is sad..."

There were bursts of Sanskrit sounds in the ears, as if many people were mourning, chanting the great achievements of an empress.

The ruthless man's eyes were wet, he looked at Zhang Tian, ​​and said silently: "Why?"

Zhang Tian stepped forward, wiped away the tears for the ruthless man, and said softly: "This is the path you chose yourself, the world of the world is just a different path, no matter how many times you rebuild, you are still a father. In the end, you have to remember that the future you see is not a doomed future, and everything is in your hands.”


The ruthless man nodded heavily, and the scene in front of him shattered and reappeared in an empty hall.

"The power of reincarnation is really amazing."

The ruthless man stroked his cheeks, as if he could still understand the temperature of Zhang Tian's palm, he couldn't help holding the necklace presented by Zhang Tian on the jade neck tightly, and he felt a burst of peace of mind.

Looking at the Beginning Bell and the True Dragon Immortality Elixir in her hands, the ruthless man couldn't help showing a dignified expression. In the future, she could become an emperor, and she could even invite the Great Emperor of the World, but in the end she could not escape death, and she needed the True Dragon Immortality Elixir. Helping to live out the second life, it can be seen that the immortal road is full of thorns, and it is not easy to become an immortal.

As for the golden bell without beginning, this is a supreme treasure. It was born from one of the ten treasures of the Nine Realms. It is enough to arouse the greed of all the forces in the nine mountains and seas.

Putting away the Wuji Bell and the True Dragon Immortality Medicine, the ruthless man meditated cross-legged on the spot. After a long time, he finally sorted out the memory of the reincarnation world completely, sealed it in the bottom of his heart, and regained clarity in his eyes.

As Zhang Tian said, one flower is one world, she will use her own will to create the future, instead of following the fateful trajectory. , , .

Chapter 425 The ancient gods who are still alive

Standing up, the ruthless man was about to step out of the main hall when he suddenly stopped and looked at the main hall. The samsara airflow was clearly visible, which was a supreme treasure.

Although the ancient elders said that the power of reincarnation cannot be brought out of the secret realm, what if it is contained in a container that can isolate time and space?

Thinking of this, the ruthless man raised his hand and pointed at the void, the storage ring flashed, and a three-foot-sized black pagoda emerged, hanging in the void. The imperial artifact has the miraculous effect of accommodating the universe and isolating time and space.

Because the function of this pagoda is biased towards the auxiliary type, it is basically useless to the enemy, so since getting it, the ruthless people rarely take it out, but this time, he had a whim, and planned to use the Suppression Pagoda to receive the power of reincarnation in the Yama Palace.

I saw the Demon Suppressing Pagoda turn around, and in the blink of an eye, it became more than ten feet in size. The seven-story pagoda exuded a dark golden light, like a long whale absorbing water, and all the power of reincarnation in the hall rushed towards the pagoda.


Ruthless Man's eyes lit up, and after absorbing it, he immediately stepped forward to check, only to see that the power of reincarnation was all taken into the fourth floor of the pagoda, wandering aimlessly, and sometimes evolved to occur in the fourth floor in the past. such as the amazing blow of Zhang Tian Tu Demon Dragon in the abyss of Demon Dragon.

She has been refining this Pagoda for a long time. Although she cannot fully control it due to her cultivation, she knows the function of the pagoda in her heart.

After just a short groping, she discovered another wonderful use of the power of reincarnation, that is, she could use the magical powers of the Suppressing Devil Tower to turn the fourth floor into a world of reincarnation, and use the power of reincarnation to manifest images of the past. .

In this way, the fourth floor is equivalent to being guarded by countless inexhaustible demons and hell dragons, because the real bodies of these phantoms are in the 'past', and no one can cut off the past.

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