When facing the enemy in the future, the enemy can be taken into the fourth floor, and his strength will be consumed for life. After he dies, his 'image' will also become the guardian of this world.

This is the real magic of the town magic tower!

"Since the power of reincarnation is desirable, the power of life and death can also be collected."

Thinking of this, the ruthless man couldn't wait to step out of the Yama Palace, intending to go outside to collect some life and death energy. Since the devil's head was beheaded, the seven-story tower of this town is empty, just enough for her to come. Filled with new supernatural powers.


What the ruthless man didn't expect was that the moment he stepped out of the palace, he heard the screams of killing from the sky, countless magical powers slammed against each other, and the entire hall of life and death was shaking violently.

Just when Ruthless Man was about to let go of the soul probe, a flash of light suddenly flew in front of him, revealing the figure of a student of the Deity Academy, and said loudly: "Senior Sister Zhang, be careful, those masters of the Corpse Demon Sect have set up an ambush here, there are many Corpse King!"

The ruthless man looked around, and at a glance, he saw a corpse king with a rancid aura appearing behind the student, his eyes were empty, and he was waving his corpse claws and grabbing towards his back.


The ruthless person reminded, the Ice Fire Sword was unsheathed, and a brilliant sword light traversed the sky, directly smashing the corpse king behind the student.

"Many...Thank you, Senior Sister."

The student was so frightened that he was in a cold sweat and apologized to Ruthless Man again and again. The rest of Tianjiao also saw the Heavenly Power of Ruthless Man and gathered in her direction.

The ruthless man ignored this, and only stepped forward to check the remains of the corpse king, and said softly: "It's not the corpse of a god servant, it's just the corpse of a demon powerhouse. No wonder it's so fragile." 19th Floor Literature www.19wo. com

After hearing this, the arrogance fell for a while. This corpse king at least had the combat power of a high-level king. He chased a group of arrogance and fled in confusion. As a result, when he arrived at the ruthless man, he only got a 'vulnerable' evaluation.

One of them said: "It's useless to kill this corpse king alone. The disciples of the corpse demon sect opened a magic circle in the center of the hall, together with a demon world, with the help of the death energy in the hall and the blood of Tianjiao, they constantly summoned the corpse king. , there is even a real ancient corpse king!"

"Ancient God Corpse King?"

A gleam of light appeared in the eyes of the ruthless man, and he said solemnly: "Who can take me there."

The rescued student of the Deity Academy volunteered: "Senior sister, come with me, I know where the magic circle is."

The two of them immediately moved towards the center, and the corpse kings they encountered along the way were all smashed to pieces by the ruthless sword, and countless Tianjiao were grateful.

The slaughter in the Hall of Life and Death was very serious. Just the ruthless person obtained more than [-] life and death tokens from the body of the corpse king who was slaughtered by her. It can be seen how many Tianjiao died in the hands of these corpse demon sects.

I don't know how long it took to fly, and the ruthless man saw the demonic fire burning in the distance, and the terrifying demonic energy was no less than the original test of the town demon tower.

"That's enough, you can find a safe place to hide yourself."

The ruthless man explained, using the sword with his body, turned into a terrifying sword rainbow, and rushed into the area covered by the magic circle like lightning. With just a whirl of the sword light, all seven or eight corpse kings who were planning to approach were smashed into slag.

"No, Zhang Ruren is here!"

A few men in black from the Corpse Demon Sect in the center showed very frightened expressions.

"Hmph, shut up, you rubbish, Zhang Ruren came just in time, and see that our demons will wipe out all the arrogances!"

Next to the four Earth Demon generals, there are four black-clothed men with an extra silver star in their black robes, and their aura is very terrifying. Any one of them is close to the top talents like Chu Xiangtian and the young master of the Soul Palace.

"Zhang Ruren, come over and help soon!"

Chu Xiangtian's roar attracted Ruthless Man's attention, and when he looked around, he was suddenly surprised.

I saw a terrifying demon corpse with a height of several hundred meters hanging in the void. The two huge broken wings were covered with demonic flames. Although it was dead, its body was not decayed. Instead, it exuded a sacred and inviolable divine brilliance. , if there are several terrifying holes, including the heart was also pulled out, no one can see that this is a corpse that is being manipulated.

This is a real ancient god!

At this time, more than a dozen top geniuses such as Chen Beixuan, Xiao Guyan, Tantai Mingyue, Chu Xiangtian, Gu Xunyi, etc. were besieging them with all their strength. However, the corpse king's might was so terrifying that he could destroy the world with every gesture, but forced him to They were embarrassed, and those who were pressed had no room to fight back.

The four Heavenly Demon Generals said arrogantly: "Haha, this is the corpse king who was given by the Sect Master for the sacrifice of the corpse of the gods. I heard it clearly, it is the real corpse of the gods. You ants, you still want to fight against the 'God'. ? This continent will eventually surrender to the feet of my corpse demon sect!"

"What about the gods?"

The ruthless man looked contemptuous, and the moment he spoke, a force of flying immortals erupted from his body! , , .

Chapter 426 The ultimate battle, a desperate crisis

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

He Ren stepped on the void and exploded a series of sonic booms, like a violent thunder dragon passing from the sky, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed to the front of the ancient corpse of the god of the day, and a sword qi shot out into the sky.

"The fourth form of the Reverse Chaos Sword Art, the ice and fire will destroy the sky!"

Three terrifying sword energies go straight to the Tianhe River, as if penetrating the entire hall of life and death, turning into a huge sword light, and slashing towards the huge ancient corpse of the gods.

"What a terrifying sword energy."

Chen Beixuan, Xiao Guyan, and the others were all horrified. They felt an aura of destruction from this sword light, and they quickly used their movements to evacuate to the distance.

The ancient corpse of the gods seemed to have sensed the crisis, and instead of chasing Tantai Mingyue and the others, it stood on the spot and raised a corpse palm to grab the sky-high sword light.


A huge explosion sounded from the ground, countless smoke and dust swept the four directions, and the terrifying spiritual energy spread one after another, as if the sky and the earth were about to collapse.


In the center of the smoke, there was a scream that was tearing the sky and the ground. It was faintly visible that the ancient corpse of the god was knocked out, and the palm that was trying to grab Jianguang was cut off three fingers, a golden god. Blood spurted out.


A flash of divine light flashed, and the three fingers extended at a speed visible to the naked eye, but after a few breaths, the effort returned to normal.

This is the real God, the God-given divinity, the immortality of the divinity, and the immortality of the divine body.

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