The four Heavenly Demon Generals were startled at first, but when they saw their fingers recover, they breathed a sigh of relief and said arrogantly: "See, the power of the gods is irreversible, even if you are a genius of the world, you will surely die from the gods. hand."

"The resilience of the gods is so tyrannical?"

The ruthless man frowned slightly, and only then did he know why more than a dozen top geniuses still couldn't take down the ancient corpse of the gods. This is simply immortality and immortality. Even the lore sword with the blessing of the Fei Xianjue can't deal heavy damage, not to mention other attacked.


Without giving the ruthless man too much time to react, the ancient corpse of the god of heaven was completely provoked, strode on the ground, and attacked the ruthless man like a madman. Murderous aura is even more terrifying than a ruthless sword.

As a last resort, the ruthless can only use a unique trick, the surrounding void roars and trembles, and nine vast and boundless seas of wheels appear, making violent agitation.

"The Great Wilderness Imprisoning Heaven Finger, one finger imprisoning the world!"

The ruthless man shouted, and pointed his flat finger toward the ancient corpse of the gods. The vast spiritual force immediately formed a huge finger of black gold in mid-air, and pressed the ancient corpse of the gods with the might of Mount Tai.


In the face of this powerful blow, the ancient corpse of the gods couldn't resist. It was knocked back dozens of meters, and a terrifying hole was shattered in the huge palm, but it healed automatically in the blink of an eye.

"What a horrible finger."

All Tianjiao were speechless. This ancient corpse was made from the corpse of the gods. Although the strength of the gods was not stimulated, the body of the gods was not fake, and the tyrannical power was enough to instantly tear a great saint. , now that Zhang Ruren has been suppressed by himself, doesn't it mean that Zhang Ruren's strength is already comparable to that of the Great Sage?

"I'm here to hold this ancient corpse, and you can deal with those disciples of the corpse demon sect." 59 Shuku

The ruthless man uses his body to control the sword and turns into a jinghong, which constantly circles around the ancient corpse of the gods, sometimes slamming a sword, causing a little trauma to it. Can be used easily.


Chen Beixuan and the others are all shrewd people, and they quickly understood the tactics of the ruthless, and they rushed towards the disciples of the corpse demon.

"The first form of the emperor's seal, the opening of the mountain!"

"Eighth-level wave ruler!"

Xiao Guyan and Gu Xunyi joined forces to besiege a Heavenly Demon General. Both of them are top-notch talents. They each used their unique skills to quickly drive the Heavenly Demon General to a desperate situation.

Seeing that the ancient corpse of the gods became more and more violent, Xiao Guyan's eyes narrowed, his left hand clenched, and he shouted:

"Tianhuo Jiu Xuan Transformation, the first transformation!"

Suddenly, a strange fire as blue as the sea came out of the body, and then merged with his body, causing a raging fire on his body, and its power skyrocketed several times.

"This is……"

Gu Xunyi's beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of aura, showing a very surprised expression.


Xiao Guyan, who incarnated as a flame demon, waved the eternal fire ruler with unparalleled power, directly smashing through the magic defense of the demon general, passing through his heart.

"You... the sect master will avenge me."

The celestial demon shattered the black robe on his body, revealing a terrifying face full of demonic patterns, roaring horribly, and directly exploding the demon body.Infinite magic burst out.

At the same time, the other three Heavenly Demon Generals were also killed by Chenbeixuan, Tantai Mingyue and other Heavenly Chosen one after another, and the endless violent demonic energy poured out, sending all the Heavenly Chosen flying out.

"Damn, the people of the demon race are really cruel. This is simply to force the cultivation base with the direct use of demonic energy. No wonder there is such a terrifying background. The demonic energy in the body of these demons is close to that of a high-level king."

Chen Beixuan clutched his blown arm, his face was very ugly, the method of instilling demonic energy was very cruel, and the success rate was very low. And bloody.


At this moment, the ancient corpse of the god of the sky suddenly howled loudly, sucking all the demonic energy into its body, and the demonic flames on its body boiled, as if some seal had been lifted, and a monstrous demonic might erupted. People vomited blood and flew upside down, and slammed into an ancient bronze pillar.

If it wasn't for the Emperor Rank Demon Armor to take the initiative to protect the body, it miraculously absorbed most of the demonic attack, and this blow alone would have caused the ruthless person to be seriously injured and dying.

"No, the demon will die, and the corpse demon seal in this ancient god's corpse has also gone out of control."

Tantai Mingyue was well-informed, and immediately spoke out to remind everyone that everyone was terrified, and then they realized that they had missed an important issue.Killing the Heavenly Demon General can certainly make the ancient corpse of the gods fall into a state of chaos, but it also completely frees the ancient corpse of the gods from all restrictions, allowing it to exert [-]% of its combat power!

And in the heyday of the gods, the weakest can be compared to the emperor, and the strong can even compete with the emperor!

Even if this celestial god suffered heavy losses during his lifetime, and only [-]% of his combat power was left, it was by no means a match for those arrogant geniuses who had not yet reached the legendary realm.

This is a must-kill game! , , .

Chapter 427: The Daughter of This Emperor, Do You Dare to Kill?


The ancient corpse of the gods clearly hated the ruthless man, and even if he had no intelligence, he still walked towards the ruthless man with his instinct, his mighty power overwhelmed the world, as if he wanted to pierce the entire hall of life and death.

"The Great Wilderness Prisoner's Finger!"

The ruthless man suppressed the boiling blood in his body, forcibly gathered [-]% of his spiritual power and used a flat finger towards the ancient corpse.


The expected push back did not happen. The power of the gods and demons surged in the palm of the ancient corpse of the gods, directly squeezing the prisoner's fingers, and the mighty momentum directly stunned the ruthless man.The remaining power of the devil's palm remains unabated, and it is still pressing towards the ruthless man, as if to directly blow up this void.

"It's over."

All Tianjiao showed despair, and they were as strong as Zhang Ruren. They couldn't even withstand two blows under the ancient corpse of the god of prosperity. What could they do, they would be buried here today.

"Bendi's daughter, you dare to kill too?"

At the critical moment, the necklace at the jade neck of Ruthless Man suddenly burst out with an extremely strong blue light, and a thin figure was vaguely seen standing in front of Ruthless Man. Just raising his hand, he blocked the monstrous divine might of the ancient corpse of the gods.

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