"It's Senior Zhang here!"

Ji Feixue and other students of Deity Academy recognized Zhang Tian at a glance, and immediately cried out in surprise.

"Don't be too happy, this ancient corpse of the gods has fully awakened its strength before death, and even mastered the power of gods and demons at the same time, the necklace contains at most Senior Zhang's will clone, I am afraid that it will not be able to defeat this ancient corpse. "

Soul Clan Young Master Soul Xiu Ya spoke coldly and poured cold water on everyone.

Chen Beixuan, Xiao Guyan and other peerless arrogances did not have the slightest ease in their expressions. They had extraordinary backgrounds, and their vision was very broad. They knew better than anyone how terrifying this ancient corpse of the gods was.

"No, if it is Senior Zhang, this ancient corpse of the gods must not be an opponent!"

Tantai Mingyue said with oath, and immediately attracted a lot of surprised eyes. Although this Tantai fairy is not the best of all the heavenly talents, she is backed by the most mysterious and powerful Tantai Holy Land in the mainland, and her prestige among all the heavenly talents is It is extremely high, and seeing her make such an assertion convinces many people.

Soul Xiuya had always been at odds with Tantai Mingyue's righteousness and evil. Seeing her slap in the face, he immediately said angrily: "Tantai Mingyue, do you Tantai Holy Land only brag about nonsense? With this god..."


Before Soul Xiuya finished speaking, the terrifying ancient corpse with a height of several hundred meters mixed with the power of gods and demons flew out, and smashed into a column of the corridor. It's like a broken life, and the blood is flowing, but there is no symptom of healing.

"This this……"

Hun Xiuya's eyes widened, as if a fishbone had been stuck in his throat, and he choked back in the second half of his words.

Not only him, but also the top geniuses such as Chen Beixuan and Gu Xunyi were also surprised. Although they had heard about Zhang Tian's prestige for a long time, they never imagined that a single will clone could be so powerful. Destroy the gods by hand!


The ancient corpse of the god climbed up with difficulty, but it didn't rush towards Zhang Tian. The divine fire and the demon fire were burning in its eyes, staring at Zhang Tian for a while, then suddenly turned and ran back. 8090 Novel Network www.8090xs.com

The arrogance of the heavens was stunned for a while. After the corpse puppet refined by the ancient gods lost control and entered a violent state, it actually produced an emotion of 'fear'. What kind of power can cause this effect.

"not good!!"

At the same time, Tantai Mingyue, Gu Xunyi, and Nangong Feng's three daughters all showed a dead gray color, because the direction in which the ancient corpse of the gods fled was exactly where they stood.

It can be clearly seen that the ancient corpse of the gods has a violent aura, the magic wings flashing behind it, and they come in a blink of an eye, raising a huge magic palm and blowing towards the three of them. Such a mighty force directly blocks the space, even if it masters countless magical ways. The Tantai Mingyue of the law, there is no way to do it, this is the gap of absolute power.

"Do you still want to leave after hurting Bendi's daughter?"

Zhang Tian, ​​whose whole body was shrouded in blue light, flickered, moved directly across the void, and appeared above the head of the ancient corpse of the gods. It seemed that he just waved his palm at will, and a terrifying force suddenly descended. The freeze frame is normal, motionless, and then crashed to the ground!

A real ancient god, immortal in divinity, was directly smashed to the ground in front of everyone's eyes, and there was no breath.

The Tantai Mingyue girls were already desperate, the terrifying palm was only three inches above their heads, and the coercion had shattered all their defensive magical powers, and suddenly fell to the ground just before they were about to take their lives.

On the back of the burning god, Zhang Tian stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes indifferent, but like the warmest sunshine, the eyes of the three girls were hazy for a while.

"Many, thank you Senior Zhang for your help."

Tantai Mingyue was the first to react, and bowed slightly to Zhang Tian. For the first time, there was a strange smell in the tone that has always been supernatural and refined.

Although she knew that Zhang Tian was not trying to save her, but after all, he was pulling her back before the gate of hell. This kind of life-and-death rescue, even if she had practiced the state of mind of 'Sword Heart', she couldn't help revealing a flaw for Zhang Tian. .

"Thank you Senior Zhang for your help."

Gu Xunyi and Nangong Feng also reacted one after another, saluting Zhang Tian with a gentle tone. Although they are from the ancient clan, their minds are still very pure. Facing the unparalleled hero Zhang Tian who can turn the tide, it is inevitable that they will not be upset. .

Gu Xunyi is okay, Nangong Feng has always been known for his hot temper, this shy appearance can make a group of Xihuang Tianjiao lose their eyes.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, his figure flashed, and he returned to the ruthless man again. He picked up her body, and his eyes swept forward. Sweep away.

At the same time, the two energies of life and death converged to form a black and white light ball, which collided fiercely, revealing a huge door of death and life, and the other side was the barren valley when they entered.

"The secret realm trial is over."

Zhang Tian said lightly, and stepped out from the gate of life and death with the ruthless man in his arms.


All the young Tianjiao looked at Zhang Tian's back looking at the world, and felt a burst of blood boiling, breaking through the secret realm, breaking the empty door, and destroying the gods with a flick of his finger.

"You're right, as soon as Senior Zhang came out, the ancient corpse of the gods was no more than a chicken and a dog."

Gu Xunyi's warm voice sounded quietly, as if he was talking to Tantai Mingyue, and he seemed to be whispering, stepping out of the secret realm with a lot of emotions.

But I don't know, just when the arrogance of the heavens just left the secret realm, the two hidden places of the nine mountains and seas broke out at the same time! , , .

Chapter 428 Threat from Yaochi Immortal Domain

In a mysterious place in Shengyuan Continent, there is a lot of demonic energy and all kinds of shadows. In the center of a sea of ​​demons, stands this tall and terrifying demon temple.

At this moment, an angry roar broke out in this demon hall.

"What did you say? All the demon generals and earth demon generals sent by this gentleman are dead?"

In the Thousand-Zhang Demon Hall, nine black dragon golden pillars prop up the hall. It is dim and dark. Only the highest throne has four fiery green demonic flames burning, reflecting a terrifying demonic shadow like a mountain.

That roar is exactly what this ghostly shadow came from. Although he was under the shadow of the green demonic flame, no one could see his face clearly. He could only vaguely see two demonic eyes, as if ignited by a faint fire. The sun, with a strange coercion.

"Go back... Go back to the Demon Lord, the soul lamps they left are all extinguished. As for what happened, I don't know yet."

Below the stone steps of the Devil's Hall, there were two burly men kneeling in devil armor. They were supposed to be majestic, but at this time they were like chilling cicadas in the wind and rain, trembling. They knew the devil's temper. , kills at every turn, and the means are extremely cruel.

The Demon Lord of Purgatory said coldly: "This time, in order to make our Corpse Demon Sect famous all over the world, this Demon Lord did not hesitate to send four Heavenly Demon Generals and twelve Earth Demon Generals. You should know how much it cost to cultivate these Demon Generals. Resources, this matter must be investigated clearly, no matter who it is, who dares to kill the disciple of our Corpse Demon Sect, this Demon Lord will make him and the forces behind him pay a painful price!"

The two below said in a row: "Yes, yes, the subordinates have sent people to notify the secret agents hidden in the Holy City to keep an eye on them, and I believe the news will be sent back soon."

The Purgatory Demon Lord flicked his sleeves, as if the entire Demon Temple trembled, and said: "Forget it, there are still a lot of human warriors who were caught last time, and if you spend more effort to empower the demonic energy, you will always be able to produce a few demon generals. And the Earth Demon General. But the number of ancient corpses of gods and servants is limited, and they must be recovered. Especially the ancient corpse of the gods, there are only about [-] in total, and they should have been distributed to the holy demons. A demon will bring it to the Holy City, and it must be brought back intact!"

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