The two people below trembled even more, and the one on the left whispered: "Return to the devil, the divine imprint of the god servant corpse king and the ancient corpse of the gods, all... all shattered, I'm afraid they won't be able to catch up. came back."


The Demon Lord of Purgatory was furious, and the roar shook the sea of ​​magic, and a terrifying claw attacked it, directly tearing the Demon Saint Kneeling down to pieces.

"Lord Demon Lord calm down, Lord Demon Lord calm down..."

The other demon saint was so frightened that he kowtowed and begged for mercy.

The Demon Lord of Purgatory said coldly: "If there are high-level people in the holy capital, even the gods can be killed, but so what? This Demon Lord has been forbearing for a hundred thousand years, and he has long learned the way of your human race. The mistakes of the past year, this Demon Lord will not make again. Send the order and let all parties prepare for action, and this continent will be submerged in fear from now on!"

"Subordinates obey, let's go and make arrangements!"

The Demon Sage below let out a long sigh of relief and exited the Demon Temple without stopping for a moment.

"Hmph, if it weren't for the time when the Corpse Demon Sect was employing people, would this Demon Lord spare you?"

The Purgatory Demon Lord whispered at the back of the Demon Sage's departure, and his figure suddenly disappeared. The next moment, he appeared directly at the bottom of the Demon Temple.Love Book

I saw that this is a very open space, with a square altar standing in the center, the whole body is made of dark black gold, and the four corners are lit with raging magic flames.

And in the center of the altar, there are many warriors of both human and demon races, their bodies are covered with magic marks, and their expressions are hideous and terrifying. They are all waste products that failed to empower, and can only be used as sacrifices, gradually sinking in the magic flame.

Walking closer, the devil fire in the eyes of the purgatory devil was even stronger, and he said softly: "Come on, just a little bit, this devil will be able to open the channel of the dark devil world, the great dark devil, your magic light will once again envelope this place. A piece of land, nine mountains and seas, it's our Demon Race's turn to call the shots."

At the same time, in the Ninth Mountain and Sea World, a mysterious fairyland, there was also a commotion.

Inside the Yaochi Immortal Palace, a beautiful young woman sat on a phoenix chair, her brows were filled with sad thoughts, and she said softly, "Who can answer this palace, what happened, and why is the bell without beginning sealed on the top of Immortal Treasure Terrace? Lose one?"

A white-haired old man stepped out from the left position below, and said slowly: "This is really strange, the Immortal Treasure Terrace has been guarded by the old man, and there was no abnormality in the sealing formation during the period. The golden bell without beginning is like a It disappeared out of thin air, sorry for the incompetence of the old man, I really can't see the reason."

A pretty fairy on the left frowned and said, "Palace Master, could it be that some immortal from a hostile force slipped into the Yaochi Immortal Territory and stole the fairy treasure while we were not prepared?"

"No way!"

The white-haired old man said solemnly: "Under the current world, immortals are hidden and rarely walk in the world, and even a peerless immortal king wants to steal the golden beginningless bell without disturbing the seal formation. impossible things."

The beautiful lady sitting on the first seat sighed: "In those days, the Heavenly Emperor Wushi left nine bells without the beginning, and the colors were different. Among them, the golden bell was the most powerful. I planned to give it to the emperor when he cultivated to the realm of the emperor. What's up with him now?"

At this moment, two palace maids wearing jade pond feather clothes walked in quickly and said excitedly: "Palace Master, we have found the whereabouts of the golden bell without beginning through Yuan Yin."

"where is it?"

Everyone in the hall looked sideways and looked nervous.Every immortal treasure in Yaochi Immortal Territory has a source seal, just like a soul lamp made by a cultivator with a ray of divine soul.

The palace maid on the left said: "According to the source seal, the current position of the Beginning Bell is in the ... Ziwei star field."


Everyone was stunned. Although the Ziwei Star Territory did not exceed the dominance of the Ninth Mountain and Sea Territory, the Big Dipper Territory where the Yaochi Immortal Territory was located was one billion eighty million miles away. Even if the Great Emperor wanted to cross, he had to set up 'Heaven' will do.The most important thing is that a star field contains at least dozens of Great Thousand Worlds and tens of millions of Small Thousand Worlds, like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Hey, what about the Ziwei Star Region, let me know, activate the ancient teleportation formation, contact the Yaochi Holy Land over there, and in any case, bring back the Originless Bell intact!"

The beautiful palace lord on the main seat acted resolutely, and soon gave an order, a group of Yaochi powerhouses stepped out from the fairyland and entered the Ziwei star field through the ancient teleportation array.

But I don't know that the news of the loss of the Originless Bell has long been secretly known by several Daxianmen. Not long after the Yaochi team set off, the major forces of the Big Dipper Star Region also sent teams one after another, such as the Originless Bell and other treasures. , enough to increase the strength of an Immortal Sect by a large margin, how could they miss it.

As the source of all the gatherings, Ruthless was ignorant, lying on the sickbed with peace of mind, enjoying Zhang Tian's care. , , .

Chapter 429 Zhang Tian's 'Personal' Care

In the Bloody Marquis Mansion, the ruthless man was wearing a moon-white nightgown, reclining on the sick bed and eating bite by bite when Zhang Tian fed him. The face is covered with red glow, like a lustrous ripe apple, very cute.


At this moment, Yuxin pushed open the door and walked in, holding a tray in her hand, she walked closer and said, "Eldest sister was injured too badly this time. I have prepared a panacea for internal use and an ointment for external use, both of which should be able to restore the eldest sister to her cultivation as quickly as possible."

The ruthless man nodded slightly and said, "There is a second sister Lao."

Yu Xin's expression was calm, she put down the tray in her hand, and said, "I still have a kind of elixir being refined there. Dad, please help my eldest sister to apply the ointment."


The ruthless called out in surprise, but Yu Xin seemed to have not heard her, as she pushed the door open and walked out.

In an instant, the ruthless man's face turned even redder, he looked carefully at Zhang Tian, ​​and when he saw that he was playing with the ointment, his face was like a burning cloud, and he was about to drip blood.

"Nah, be good, lie down."

Zhang Tian laid the ruthless man flat, and carefully untied a corner along the collar, revealing the fragrant shoulders and a small clavicle in the air.

"The family is no longer a child..."

The ruthless man thought in his heart, and suddenly his beautiful eyes widened, only to feel that the lining of his clothes had been pulled down by most of it, and the breeze was blowing, and there was a slight chill, and it was clear that the skin and the air were in direct contact with each other.

In the next instant, a warm palm covered her. The ointment was indeed very effective. It contained a strong yang force, which well dispelled the demonic energy accumulated in her inner strength, making her whole body feel warm, and she couldn't help but relax. The tense heartstrings, let Zhang Tian's palm wipe and press on it.

After suffering like this for a long time, the healing came to an end. The ruthless man only felt that he had lost all his strength, Qiu Hong was full of beautiful eyes, and only one hand still had a bit of energy left, holding Zhang Tian tightly. corner of the clothes.

"Okay, you can have a good night's sleep. After you wake up, it will be rainy and sunny."

Zhang Tian carefully covered the quilt for the ruthless man, leaned down, kissed her on the cheek, and then walked out of the wing, leaving the ruthless man hiding in the quilt, confused and confused, and finally lost. Medicine, fell into a deep sleep.

In the early morning of the next day, the morning tide was misty, and a vast river of purple energy started from the eastern pole, swept across the earth quickly, and ushered in a vitality.

In the ruthless man's wing, the ruthless man who was sleeping like a sleeping beauty slowly opened his eyes, the stars in the beautiful eyes were bright, the pupils were deep, the forces of life and death converged, and the life of the bridge between heaven and earth was hanging by a thread.

Yuxin's elixir is indeed powerful, and in just one night, the ruthless person was restored to its original state, and the moment of wandering between life and death made her mood sublime, and she completely reached the peak of the three-layered entrance of life and death.I love

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