She even had a feeling that as long as her mind moved, she could immediately break through to the legendary realm.

However, this step is very important and has far-reaching implications for the future, but one cannot act recklessly, so the ruthless man suppressed his desire to break through immediately, dressed and walked out of the room.

"Senior Sister Zhang, have you recovered? It's great."

Fang Yin seemed to have been at the door a long time ago, and when she saw the ruthless man coming out, she immediately greeted him.

The news spread, and after a while, Fang Lin walked in and said, "Senior Sister Zhang is well, the brothers and sisters of Deity Academy are already waiting in the front hall."

The ruthless man nodded and walked to the front hall immediately. The secret realm of life and death reincarnation became a mess because of the corpse demon sect that suddenly appeared. Although Zhang Tian's strong killing did not cause much loss, But it still disrupted the original deployment, so that there are many follow-up things that have not been resolved.

"Hello, Senior Sister Zhang..."

Seeing the Ruthless Man come out, all the students of the Deity Academy stood up and saluted with very respectful expressions, including Shi Wuhua. After this battle, they also fully recognized the gap between themselves and the Ruthless Man. The difference, if you put on the air of being a brother again, it will not only appear to be over your own limits, but also annoying.

The ruthless man nodded at the crowd in return, and then bowed to the ancient lunatic in the main seat: "I have seen the ancient elder."

The ancient lunatic waved his hands again and again and said: "I can't stand it, I can't stand it, this time the human race is arrogant, you have greatly increased the face of our Heavenly God College, and now no one in the entire Holy City knows, your full blow is comparable to that of the Great Sage. It is an unparalleled posture, and even Chen Beixuan and Tantai Mingyue are willing to bow down. When you break through to the legendary realm, I am afraid that this old man will not be an opponent, so don’t make such heavy salutes in the future.”

Although Gu Lunzi is a member of the Academy's Supreme Elders, he has always been crazy and informal, and the ruthless man knows his temperament well, so he just smiled freely and took the seat on the left.

Ji Feixue said excitedly: "Senior Sister Zhang is not only famous this time, I went to inquire. Among all the top talents, Chen Beixuan of Xihuang Martial Theological Seminary has the most life and death tokens, and only more than [-] yuan, far less than Senior Sister Zhang. Senior Sister Zhang is a well-deserved champion of the human race, the first person in this year's martial arts imperial examination, and the champion of martial arts of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty."

Lu Shaoyan said: "This martial arts champion is quite weighty, it was simply won by the Tianjiao of Sanhuang and Zhongzhou, plus Senior Sister Zhang won the title of Beihai Sword King before, it can be said that he has conquered most of the world, this' I'm afraid that no one will dare to refute the name of the unparalleled Tianjiao'."

"That's right, Senior Sister Zhang's pressure on the Three Wildernesses and One Sea is worthy of her name, and no one can refute it!"

All the students of the Deity Academy were very excited. When the situation gathered, the descendants of the major holy land families came out, and the ruthless could stand out and stand out from the crowd, making them feel proud.

When the noise was interrupted, Shi Wuhua said calmly: "Sister Zhang still needs to make some preparations when it comes to the champion of Wu. As promised before, the top three in this martial arts test will be awarded the title of prince and marquis. The champion is the first-class prince with a fief of [-] miles, and the title is hereditary. Famous but not real."

"From tomorrow onwards, Senior Sister Zhang will be a real power prince sitting on a fief! And it can be passed down from generation to generation, which is an immortal inheritance!"

All the students couldn't help but look envious, a hereditary prince, this is a mighty imperial grace! , , .

Chapter 430: The Shocking Secret of Emperor Yan's Lineage

The contemporary sages and emperors use martial arts to determine the universe, and they have conquered the world for thousands of years. Although they have divided many princes, most of them are third-class princes, that is, honorary princes, with only one title.

Only a small number of people who have made great military exploits can be named second-class princes and get their own fiefs, but if the princes die, this fief will still be taken back by the court.

Only the kind of veteran who has turned the tide on the battlefield and made untold achievements in battles, can he be named a first-class prince, not only to separate the vast land, but also to inherit the title from generation to generation.

In other words, the status of a first-class prince is similar to that of the lord of a country. The so-called fief is the vassal of the ancestral dynasty. It can not only obtain the protection of the ancestral dynasty, but also establish a dynasty system according to its own preferences, which can be passed down from generation to generation.

Because of this, the canonization of each first-class prince is very cautious, and it requires the simultaneous approval of the cabinet, the Hanlin Academy, and the Military Machine Pavilion before it can be approved.

In this battle of the arrogance of the human race, the emperor made up his mind to recruit the world's martial arts talents and create the merits of the world. This is why he did not hesitate to reward them, and made an exception to come up with the title of a first-class prince, and allow Wu Zhuangyuan and Wu Bang second place to choose their own fiefs. where.

"A fief?"

The ruthless man whispered, and suddenly remembered what happened in the world of reincarnation before. Her 'future body' had instructed her to put the elixir of immortality in the Nanling Snow Mountain in order to pave the way for a second life in the future.

In theory, it is also said that the Nanling area is also under the rule of the emperor's dynasty, but the climate there is cold and it is located on the border, so it has never been taken seriously by the imperial court.

"Just choose Nanling."

Ruthless Man made up his mind, apart from the entrustment of the 'future body', Nanling was also her hometown, the place where she was born, and becoming the lord there was considered a return home.

Everyone chatted for a while, agreed to gather in front of the imperial city tomorrow, and then dispersed.

The ruthless man returned to his small courtyard, and only then did he have the opportunity to sort out his income in the secret realm of reincarnation of life and death.

Among them, the biggest gain is the "Flying Immortal Art" gifted to her by the "Future Body", and the ultimate treasure, the Infinity Bell. The former directly increases her combat power several times. When it can sweep across the realm of emperors and even fairyland, it is of infinite value.

In addition, the cultivation base has been improved by leaps and bounds, and has officially reached the peak of the triple-level of life and death. The next thing to consider is the promotion of the legendary realm. This is a crucial step. If you are fully prepared, you can Let her soar to the sky!

At this moment, the ruthless man seemed to have remembered something. He lightly stroked the storage ring, and the emperor-rank demon armor appeared in his hand, and his whole body shone with a black luster, which was very miraculous.

"It's really weird."

There was a dignified look on the face of the ruthless man. This magic armor was obtained from the town magic tower, and the quality was roughly equivalent to the intermediate level of the emperor.However, after suffering the full blow of the ancient corpse of the gods yesterday, not only was there no damage in the slightest, but it evolved due to the absorption of a large amount of demonic energy, reaching the top of the imperial rank, the same level as the ice and fire sword!Reading Network

This is a very bizarre change, and there are only two explanations.

One is that this magic armor can increase the rank by absorbing the magic energy, then its value is too great, the ruthless person has never heard of such a treasure.

The second is that this magic armor has an extraordinary origin, and its own rank is very high. Because the damage to the source causes the rank to fall, absorbing the magic energy only restores its source, and all ranks naturally improve.

No matter what kind it is, it is not a bad thing for Ruthless Man, because after thinking about it, Ruthless Man put this magic armor on his body again.A top-level demon armor of the imperial rank, combined with her fairy body keel, is enough to allow her to resist the attack of a holy king-level powerhouse. At critical moments, it can save her life.

However, she didn't see that just when the treasure armor was on her body, a ghostly face tattooed on the back of the magic armor seemed to come alive, slowly twisting into a very hideous expression.

The next day, in front of the gate of the imperial city, all the arrogance gathered, roughly divided into several camps according to the barren areas where they were located.

In the Southern Wilderness camp, Gu Xunyi saw Xiao Guyan standing in the ranks of Fengshen Academy from a distance, thought for a moment, stepped forward lightly, and said, "Xiao Guyan, when he was besieging that demon general a few days ago, You used a fire-melting secret technique, which greatly increased your combat power. I remember that Fengshen Academy does not have this secret technique, I wonder where Brother Xiao learned it?"

Xiao Guyan said slightly jokingly, "Does Miss Gu really know my secret technique?"

Gu Xunyi's face changed slightly, he smiled reluctantly, and turned away directly.

Xiao Guyan looked at Gu Xunyi's back, and the coldness on his face was even heavier. A long time ago, before he left the family, he accidentally noticed that a master of the ancient family was monitoring their Xiao family, with unknown intentions.After that, he grew up all the way, and the shadow of the ancient masters can be seen everywhere.

If he didn't use the power of reincarnation in the hall of life and death to see an ancestor of the family, I'm afraid he would never have imagined that the ancient family where Gu Xunyi is located is actually a vassal of their Xiao family!

To be precise, the six ancient tribes of all the major forces in the Southern Wilderness were originally vassals of their Xiao family!

Back then, Zhantian failed and the Endless Fire Territory was dealt a devastating blow, but Emperor Yan had already laid a backstop, allowing several key descendants of the Xiao family to escape. Ye, ruled the entire Southern Wilderness.

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