But then the Xiao family gradually declined for some reason. In order to maintain deterrence, some clan elders cultivated six ancient clan forces and made them vassals of the Xiao family.

In order to ensure the loyalty of these six ancient clans, the Xiao clan elders sealed all the treasures of the Xiao clan in a secret realm, including the life-long inheritance of the first-generation clan master, Emperor Tianhuo. Chengdi, but only the Xiao family bloodline who has mastered the "Nine Profound Changes of Heavenly Fire" can open the secret realm.

But they underestimated the greed of human nature. In order to become a great emperor, these six ancient clans not only surrounded and killed an unparalleled powerhouse that the Xiao family had finally cultivated, but also secretly arranged to make the Xiao family decline step by step to the bottom.

If there are no conditions for opening the secret realm, I am afraid that the Xiao family would have perished on Shengyuan Continent long ago.

This hatred, Xiao Guyan will keep in mind, only when he has a strong power, and then go to the six ancient tribes to ask the guilt! , , .

Chapter 431 Jane is in the heart of the emperor, Marquis of Nanling!

On the other side, the students of Tenshin College also gathered together and discussed excitedly.

The ruthless man looked around and said strangely, "Where's Shi Wuhua?"

Lu Shaoyan said gloatingly: "Shi Wuhua is too diligent in his cultivation. This morning, his spiritual power was suddenly in chaos, and his life and death are coherent. Now he is forced to retreat to attack the legendary realm."

Everyone smiled for a while. The step of promotion to the legendary realm is very important. Every point in the background will be rewarded ten times after the breakthrough. Therefore, the real Tianjiao is to suppress the longer the better. Shi Wuhua was forced to break through this time, in fact Not a small loss.

"The gate of the imperial city is open!"

I don't know who shouted a word, and the Tianjiao immediately stopped discussing, and swarmed into this famous historical city.

"Let's go in too."

The ruthless man said aloud, and walked into the imperial city with a group of students from the Tianshen Academy. She had attended the banquet of the Queen of the West Palace before, and she was familiar with it.

Entering the Qianyuan Hall, the banquet has already been prepared. In the vast imperial hall, there are countless tables and tables, all made of divine jade, and all kinds of fairy fruit spirit tea should have an end, which made Tianjiao look dumbfounded.

Although most of them came from powerful holy places, when it comes to wealth, they are not comparable to the ancestral dynasty that occupies the territory of hundreds of millions of miles.

After a while of singing and dancing, the Holy Ancestor Human Sovereign appeared on the dragon chair in Mingtang. His whole body was radiant and his eyes were piercing. Although it was only a clone, the power it exuded was like a prison. Heart worship.

After everyone passed the cliché of greetings and greetings, officials of the Ministry of Rites immediately stepped forward to announce the ranking of the Human Race Tianjiao Battle. The top three were unsurprisingly occupied by Ruren, Chen Beixuan, Xiao Guyan, Tantai Mingyue, Chu Xiangtian, Soul Xiuya, Gu Xunyi, Li Yixuan and others followed closely behind.

Among the top [-] people, only Ji Feixue from the Tianshen Academy is on the list, but the ranking is very close, second only to the Tianjiao Tianwu Jinlong list.Ji Feixue was very satisfied with this achievement. Unlike others, she has the great fortune bestowed by Zhang Tian, ​​but she has not had time to digest it. As long as she is given enough time, her strength will have a very terrifying leap.

After that, there are [-] people in the top three. Shi Wuhua, Lu Shaoyan, and Shangguanqin are all on the list. Among them, Shi Wuhua is the top of the top three, only one life and death token away from the previous one. It can be said that it is very regrettable.

Everyone saluted again, and the emperor waved his hand to signal his flatness, and said solemnly: "The champion, the second place, and the flower, do the three of you have a favorite fief or title?"

Ruthless said: "I want the Nanling area as a fief."


The emperor hesitated, and said: "Nanling is located in a remote area with poor resources, and it is far less prosperous than Zhongzhou. If you insist on choosing Nanling, I will give you all the territory of one million miles around Nanling as a fief. Recruit up to [-] Nanling troops, generations of descendants, Yongzhen Nanling, you think it is good."

The ruthless man said with a little joy: "Thank you for the grace of the emperor."

"Congratulations to the Marquis of Nanling."

All the arrogances congratulated them one after another, with envious expressions on their faces. One million territories and half a million troops. Such power has already surpassed many ancient sect holy places. It is completely the treatment of a country lord.However, they also knew that a large part of the human emperor's generosity was due to the quasi-god emperor Zhang Tian's face.Dream Literature Network www.mxwxw.net

"Marquis of Nanling?"

The ruthless man murmured a word, and smiled casually: "This name is not bad."

Chen Beixuan touched the scarred Zhentian bow on his back, and said solemnly: "I want to be the title of 'Zhentianhou', the fief is optional, as long as Xihuang is enough."

On the spot, the emperor bestowed Chenbeixuan a [-]-mile territorial land, and promised him to establish a [-]-strong Zhentian army.

Xiao Gu said: "I want the title of 'Heavenly Huohou'."

The emperor nodded and said: "This title is very good. Five million years ago, there was a Heavenly Fire Emperor in the mainland. His skill was almost half a step true immortal. At the same time, he controlled nine different fires and shook the world. Brave and diligent. By the way, this Heavenly Fire Emperor is also Xiao surnamed."

As soon as these words came out, the arrogance of the six ancient tribes in the Southern Wilderness changed color at the same time.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Ron."

Xiao Guyan accepted the reward expressionlessly and sat back to his seat.

The Emperor's daily management is full of opportunities, and naturally he will not reward them all. The rest of the top two and three top martial artists have their own Ministry of Rites responsible for issuing rewards.

When the banquet was coming to an end, the emperor said again: "Now that the great world has come, alien races are frequent, and there are evil sects like the corpse demon sect making waves, the major frontiers of Shengyuan Continent are full of wars, and the court is employing people. At this time, all the Aiqings are all talents of martial arts of the human race, and I hope that they can take the overall situation as the top priority, help the court to clear the alien race, and create the foundation of the eternal peace of the human race."

After a pause, the emperor continued: "But the court does not have so many vacancies for everyone at the moment, and you should also familiarize yourself with the court's laws and military discipline. Therefore, I plan to follow the example of the Hanlin Academy and build another Kishi's House as a place for all of you. The place where Wu Ke Jinshi lives, and when there is a suitable position in the future, I will arrange it one by one, what do you think?"

The arrogance of the heavens looked at each other, and most of them said in unison, "I would like to be dispatched by the emperor."

In fact, the omen of the great world coming this time is very strong, and many holy places feel themselves in danger. They sent their descendants to the holy capital. They intend to rely on the emperor's dynasty to survive the unknown great changes. The emperor's move can be said to be just right for them. Mind.

The emperor nodded slightly and said: "Marquis of Nanling, you are the champion of the human race's arrogance battle, this year's champion of martial arts, the world's recognized unparalleled arrogance, the position of the first palace lord of Qishi Mansion is none other than you, I don't know you Would you like to take on the role?"

The ruthless man clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for the trust of the emperor, this prince will do his best!"

Through the images of reincarnation, the ruthless people have long known the chaos of the nine alien races in the mountains and seas in the future, and they are determined to turn the tide. The first step is to sweep away the major alien races in Shengyuan Continent.

A group of Tianjiao worshipped at the ruthless man again: "See the Palace Master."

The rest of the nobles and princes who accompanied the banquet had different expressions. The emperor's mind was so unfathomable that he established Qi Shifu, a special institution that included the forces of the holy places of the ancient sects. Under the Dali Temple, the power pattern that was originally dumped to the Seventh Prince's camp has been restored to a delicate balance.

Among them, the ruthless man who is the first prince and the palace master of Qishi Mansion has become the focus of attention from all parties. , , .

Chapter 432 The emperor is here to suppress the demons of the ten directions!

"Congratulations to the Marquis of Nanling, who has sealed the territory for millions of miles, is in charge of the heavy army and military power, and also controls the power of the various ancient sects of the Holy Land. sir."

As soon as he left the imperial city, Tantai Mingyue took the initiative to come over to congratulate her, with a very close attitude.

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