The ruthless man said with a chuckle: "Fairy Tantai is too good at joking, Nanling is only a remote area, and resources are scarce, and the [-] Nanling army is now a piece of paper. As for the palace master of Qi Shifu, he is just an idle job in the middle of reconciliation. The major holy places live in the blessed land of immortal mountains outside the world, so how can they be willing to obey the emperor's dynasty. It is Tantai fairy, who is famous among the arrogance of the heavens, and maybe you will help one or two in the future."

Tantai Mingyue said: "I met the Marquis of Nanling at first sight, and your honor has a life-saving grace for me. In the future, I will definitely assist the Marquis of Nanling. Regarding the matter of the Qishi Mansion, the Marquis of Nanling does not need to worry too much. The Holy Land of Pai is anxious about the upcoming big change, and would never dare to abandon the great ship of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty easily."

The ruthless man nodded slightly. Although she is not as knowledgeable as Tantai Mingyue, she is very intelligent, and she has some foresight about the chaos that will happen in the future continent based on all kinds of adventures.

Returning to the front of the Blood Clothed Marquis Mansion, before the ruthless man could enter, he saw a powerful storm of aura burst out in a nearby house, stirring up the heavens, forming more than a dozen huge vortexes of aura in the void. It rushed towards the house like a river.

"It's Senior Brother Shi who has started to rush through!"

The students of the Deity Academy stopped and felt the chaotic spiritual energy around them, and couldn't help but stunned for a while.

"What a powerful spiritual pressure, Shi Wuhua, this guy has accumulated such a level of information, that monster will not be able to suppress it."

Lu Shaoyan's face is a little unsightly. The vision of being promoted to the legendary realm can best see how much a person's heritage is. The stronger the heritage, the greater the benefits. After being promoted to the legendary realm, the increase in cultivation will be more terrifying.

This is also the reason why the core five giants have a lofty status in the Deity Academy, because they have a strong background. Once they break through to the legendary realm, their strength can immediately increase dozens of times, far exceeding the ordinary legendary realm king, and the road to promotion in the future will also be more open. .

After about half an hour, the spiritual energy in the sky finally disappeared, and it turned into a cloudy cloud. Layers of black clouds shrouded the sky above Shi Wuhua's house, and there were faint shadows flickering in the black clouds. , sometimes transformed into a huge black monster and rushed towards the house.

At the same time, Elder Gu's stern shouts also sounded in the courtyard, and one after another treasured magic was rushing through the night to protect Shi Wuhua.

"Promotion to the second level of the legendary realm, Yin Demon invasion!"

All students held their breath, this was the most dangerous level to break through.

Legend has it that when the world was created, the universe was chaotic, and then the air rose, transformed into the realm of the gods, and gave birth to powerful gods.The turbid qi floats up and down on the earth, some of it turns into an extraterritorial demon, and the other part is mixed with aura.

Martial artists rely on meditation to absorb qi to improve their cultivation, and a large amount of turbid qi will inevitably accumulate in the body.These turbid qi usually do not move. Whenever a warrior breaks through, it will turn into a demon to disturb the mood of the warrior. If it can't stand it, it will go crazy and become a demon.Therefore, there are rumors that the 'magic' is the embodiment of the negative emotions of all things.

Therefore, the more powerful the arrogance, the more turbid qi accumulated in the body, and the stronger the inner demon encountered during the breakthrough. Even when the inner demon is strong to a certain extent, it will actively provoke the extraterritorial demons to disturb the will of the breakthrough.Like the top geniuses of the ancient sect holy places, there are often several holy land elders to help protect the law when breaking through.

In ancient times, the human race had no way to do it. They only knew to imitate the demon race to blindly increase the strength of the physical body, and abandoned the spiritual practice, so that when they broke through the realm, they could not resist the invasion of the inner demon. Frequent breakthroughs meant death. "When the human race was born, the human race condensed the soul into the will of the martial soul, holding the Yuan and guarding the deficiency, which greatly enhanced the means of fighting against the demons.

Finally, after another hour or so, the dark clouds dissipated, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After passing this level, the promotion was completed. 163 novel network

Seeing that the vision disappeared, Ruthless Man also looked back and said, "Everyone, go back, I will also start to make a breakthrough."

Everyone was taken aback, Ji Feixue said worriedly, "Senior Sister Zhang has a deep background, shocking the past and present, I am afraid that the invasion of Yin Demons will be very sad, and you need to be careful."

"Do not worry."

The ruthless man waved his hands to say goodbye to everyone, and was not too worried about the invasion of the Yin Demons, because she had the sword of destruction, which could kill all illusions, including the so-called Yin Demons condensed by negative emotions.

Time passed, and the ruthless man completely put down everything at hand and concentrated on entering a state of retreat.

Three days later, an incomparably dull pressure descended on the entire Holy City, as if the sky was about to collapse. For the entire two days, the clouds avoided the sky and the sun was not seen.And in the center of the cloud, there seems to be a vast ocean, perpetually fixed in the void, gushing out a galaxy-like aura.

"This is... someone is attacking the legendary realm? Linghai trembled, Yin Demon invaded, and two difficulties came at the same time."

In the holy capital, countless powerhouses hang in the void, looking at the terrifying vision at the Bloody Marquis Mansion, shocked to the extreme.

In the next moment, something even more horrifying happened. In the thick black cloud, a large army of yin demons stepped out, and ten yin demon generals lined up. With one look, a nearby great saint will be stared to death!

"This is... the robbery of the gods? The legendary robbery in the mere robbery has alarmed the demons outside the ten directions. Could this Marquis of Nanling be the reincarnation of a god-king?"

All the powerhouses were shocked to the extreme, and they retreated thousands of miles away. The extraterritorial demon is an existence that even the gods fear. It is a thousand times stronger than the yin demon. This kind of terrifying catastrophe gives them a feeling that the world will be destroyed. .


The army of demons let out a loud roar, like an army of expeditions on the battlefield. There were hundreds of thousands of demons, and they were slaughtering towards the wing where the ruthless man was. With such power, the existence of the Holy Master finally felt a burst of despair.


At this moment, an emperor sound came out from the small courtyard, accompanied by a powerful emperor's prestige, sweeping across ten directions.

"This emperor is here to suppress all demons!"

Zhang Tian's figure, I don't know when, was standing in the sky above Hou's Mansion, standing with his hands behind his back, facing the mighty army of Yin Demons, he punched out.

In an instant, the color of heaven and earth changed, and a strong golden light gushed out from the front of the fist, coiled into a huge golden dragon and roared out, instantly annihilating the army of demons, and the remaining power was unabated, and the demon cloud that was thousands of meters deep was blackened. The fog opened a hole, and the infinite sun shone down.

Stand alone and face the demons of the ten directions! , , .

Chapter 433 Zhang Tian is definitely not a quasi-God Emperor!

At this time, in Ruthless Man's wing, he saw Ruthless Man sitting cross-legged on an emerald green futon, his eyebrows tightly locked, and a few drops of sweat dripping from his temples, as if he was encountering a very dangerous situation.

In fact it is!

In a certain mysterious area in the sea of ​​ruthless man's consciousness, his spirit turned into a fairy in white, with an incomparable heroic appearance, and he was indistinguishable from fighting another person.

What is shocking is that the enemy who competes with the white-robed ruthless man actually has a face that is very similar to the ruthless man, but he is not wearing white clothes, but a magic armor, the ruthless man's top-ranked demon. First!

"Giggle, little girl, you don't have to struggle anymore. This phantom body is catalyzed by your inner demon, and it knows everything about you. It is completely equivalent to your clone. Coupled with the deity's magical blessing, it is better than yours. The body is even stronger by three points, what do you use to resist?"

"Don't be afraid, thinking that you have awakened the will of this Demon Venerable's clone on the Demon Armor. This Venerable will not make you suffer too much, but will only eat your soul and borrow your body."

The 'ruthless man' wearing the magic armor made bursts of sweet young female voices, as if he did not take the ruthless man in his eyes at all.

The ruthless man's face was tense, he raised his hand and made a move, a grey sword soul sank into her hand, and slashed towards the inner demon.

"Destroy Sword Intent, kill!"

A black sword light swung out mightily, as if to split the entire space.

"Giggle, it's useless, this Demon Venerable is not those weak Yin Demons, who can destroy Sword Intent in a mere way, and still can't hurt me."

In order to show his strength, the demon of the heart directly broke the sword light with two fingers, and his face was full of evil smiles.

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