"Then look at this, you can't stop it! Jin Lei breaks the demon!"

The ruthless man shouted, the entire mysterious space trembled violently, and a golden light that broke the sky traversed the heaven and the earth.


The Golden Thunder Excalibur contains the origin of thunder, which is the biggest nemesis of all evil things, even if the extraterritorial demon is no exception, it directly blasts the inner demon out, and the body is cracked.

"Ah...you dare to hurt this Demon Venerable, you dare to hurt this Demon Venerable, this Demon Venerable will destroy this world!"

The devil armor 'ruthless man' showed a very angry expression and roared loudly. She seemed to have a lot of background and felt extremely humiliated that she was injured by a native of a small thousand world.

But it was said that outside the wing, as soon as the demonic whistling sound came out, the demonic cloud that had been scattered by Zhang Tian gathered again, thicker than before, as if covering the entire Zhongzhou. It was condensed into a lot of huge demons and rushed out from the demon cloud, fangs and claws, and the whole body was shrouded in demon flames, and they all rushed towards the small courtyard.

"Okay...it's terrifying, it turned out to be ninety-nine-eighty-one extraterritorial devils. When the emperor crossed the holy robbery, he only attracted one devil."

"It is unheard of to be promoted to the legendary realm to attract extraterritorial demons, let alone the two offensives of the army of hundreds of thousands of demons and [-] demons. I am afraid that in the Primordial Period, there are very few people who have the opportunity to become the king of gods. The Son of God will be inspired."

"Could it be that the aptitude of the Marquis of Nanling is comparable to that of the Primordial Son of God, and has the possibility of becoming a peerless Immortal King? That's why the group of demons attacked and wanted to destroy her?"

All the great powers onlookers were shocked, what a powerful background this must be, to be able to alarm so many extraterritorial demons, eager to kill and then quickly.


At this moment, the earth trembled violently, and the majestic holy capital suddenly burst into golden light, almost vying with the demon clouds in the sky.Xunread www.xunread.com

Afterwards, the golden light converged and condensed into a huge square golden shroud that enveloped the entire holy city.

At the corner of the due east, a huge blue dragon stands proudly. The huge dragon body is several thousand feet long.

Due to the south, a sacred beast Suzaku guarded the thousands of feet, and the whole body was raging in flames.

Due to the west, a white tiger with a king's forehead stepped on the ground, his whole body was boiling with murderous aura, it was the God of War who was in charge of the killing.

Due to the north, the flood waters turned the sky, and a huge Xuanwu turtle jumped out of the water. It was boundless, as if it could support the heaven and the earth!

"This... this is the Great Array of Four Spirits, and the Emperor actually opened the Great Array of Four Spirits to protect the Dao of the Marquis of Nanling!"

All the great powers were shocked by the golden light shield guarded by the four spirits and beasts. This is the most powerful hole card of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. Once the four spirits array is activated, the entire holy city will be as indestructible as the ancient divine tower, but at the same time, for The consumption of spirit stones is also terrifying, and just this one blow will consume at least tens of millions of king-grade spirit stones.

Back then, there were half-step emperors who ravaged the holy city, massacred them, and even stirred up the storm in the prince's mansion, but they failed to disturb the Four Spirits formation.In the past [-] years, only when the overlord of Western Chu led a large army to the city, did it open it once.

"The Marquis of Nanling is really a blessing. The four spirits protect the Dao. I'm afraid that the descendants of the holy places like Tantai Holy Land and Yaochi Holy Land will not have this treatment."

"After all, the Marquis of Nanling is the first-class prince in this Tianjiao battle. Of course, the first-class prince just bestowed by the emperor must be preserved with all his strength, otherwise it will not make the world ridiculed."

All the great powers onlookers showed a relaxed look. As one of the most peak forces in the continent, the Holy Ancestor Dynasty was naturally extremely powerful as the Four Spirits Great Array. Even the peak of the Great Sage is difficult to shake.


The demonic flood dragon in the demonic cloud roared furiously, wielding its demonic claws and grabbing at the golden cover in all directions, causing the golden cover to vibrate violently, and even crack open several terrifying cracks.

"What, this extraterritorial devil is so powerful, one blow will make the four spirits turbulent, almost comparable to a half-step emperor."

All the great powers are a little trembling, such a terrifying magic power comes, I am afraid that the four spirits will be broken, and the rest will not be able to escape the magic calamity.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The roar was endless, and eighty-one demonic flood dragons exerted their strength at the same time, but within ten breaths, the entire four-spirit formation was torn apart, and the monstrous demonic power swept the imperial capital.

"It's over, it's over, my life is over!"

"The robbery is too strong, it cannot be stopped by human beings, and the real body of the emperor is not there, this holy city is afraid that it will be destroyed."

In the holy capital, there are griefs all over the place, and everyone can feel the terrifying killing intent of the extraterritorial demons. Obviously, their targets are not only ruthless people.


In the midst of this grief, a roar suddenly interrupted everything. It was Zhang Tian who used one hand to pinch a demon!

The terrifying emperor's power swept across the ten directions, causing the remaining eighty monsters to retreat in unison!

The world was completely silent, and everyone was shocked by Zhang Tian's power. At this moment, they only had one thought in their hearts:

Zhang Tian is by no means a quasi-god emperor! , , .

Chapter 434: All the Holy Masters of the World Come to Worship

This scene shocked everyone too strongly!

The sky and the earth were dark, and the devil cloud was shrouded in it. The extraterritorial devil Jiaojiao snaked thousands of feet with fangs and claws. The devil flames boiled.

But such a terrifying demonic flooded dragon was actually vulnerable to a single blow in front of Zhang Tian, ​​and was directly crushed by a monstrous hand.

What kind of tyrannical strength is this?

Half-step god emperor?Definitely more than that!

Quasi-immortal emperor?Or the immortal emperor who has successfully competed for the destiny and his lifespan has soared?

Everyone is a little uncertain, because that kind of realm is not something they can speculate at all.

It has been a long, long time since the Immortal God Sovereign made a move on this continent. When that kind of taboo-like power was born, the entire continent would be shaken.

Quasi-God Sovereigns are busy 'fighting for the destiny' and will not walk in the world, and even half-step god Sovereigns are mostly only known by their names.

On this continent where the ancient sects are lined with holy places, the Holy Master is already close to the top level of combat power, and the powerful figures of the new generation are actually not very clear about the power of the peak powerhouses such as the quasi-god emperor and the immortal god emperor, because there is simply not enough. actual combat for their reference.

But there is one thing, they are very clear, that is Zhang Tian's strength, which has far exceeded the limit that can be imagined by the Holy Land powerhouse.

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