The top Holy Masters on the continent, such as Holy Master Yaochi, Holy Master Tantai, Holy Master Yaoguang, occasionally fight for some treasures in the secret realm. They can be said to have the most peak power under the half-step emperor. With all kinds of powerful Taoist magical powers, it is not difficult to resist the half-step emperor, but compared with the strength displayed by Zhang Tian, ​​it is like a mayfly compared to the ocean.

If Zhang Tian's power can only be regarded as a quasi-god emperor, how powerful should the immortal god emperor be?Can one palm destroy the wasteland?That's definitely not possible.

Therefore, everyone is more inclined to another bolder guess, that is, Zhang Tian has stepped into the realm of the immortal emperor, which is almost extinct in the mainland, completely above all living beings!


The demonic flames in the sky are still raging. With a chirping sound coming from the small courtyard, the demonic flood dragons hiding in the demonic clouds became boundless and irritable, as if they had received some kind of coercive order. Unable to be shocked by Zhang Tian, ​​he lunged down again with fangs and claws.

Zhang Tian stepped on the void, as if he was carrying a side of Xingyu, just waved his palm at will, and formed huge handprints in the void. It reflects the world like the end of the world.

However, after a few breaths, Zhang Tian beheaded all the demons, raised his feet gently, and walked directly in the void, approaching the mighty demon cloud in an instant, raised his hand to tear it apart, and an invincible divine might erupted from the palm of his hand. The demon cloud of swept away, the earth returned to light, thousands of light beams lightly sprinkled, reflecting on Zhang Tian, ​​making him look like a peerless god of war from the ancient battlefield.

"Gudong..." Fiction

A holy king-level expert swallowed his saliva unconsciously, and said with a wry smile: "It's no wonder that quasi-god emperors and immortal god emperors are rarely born. Which holy land can resist such divine might?"

A great sage next to him also nodded with the same feeling, sighing: "No wonder the god emperor is known as immortality, such a strong person, even if placed in the great world, is still a hegemon, if it is not limited by the laws of heaven, how difficult is immortality? ."

Another person said solemnly: "If Senior Zhang is really the Immortal God Emperor, then the joke is too big. Which Holy Master in the world dare not come to worship?"

In the mansion of the eighth prince, the eighth prince Zhou Huang stared blankly at the peerless and invincible, as if stepping on Zhang Tian, ​​who was stepping on the heavens and the world. All plans for the Marquis of Nanling are cancelled!"

The newly built Keith House in the southeast corner of the Holy City.

A holy place arrogant said excitedly: "Too strong, Senior Zhang is probably the legendary immortal emperor, I will follow Nanling Hou in the future, and I will be able to rise in this great world!"

Soul Clan Young Master Soul Xiuya said coldly: "Immortal God Sovereign? Don't jump to conclusions too soon, most of you must have already sent the news back to your holy places. According to convention, an Immortal God Sovereign is born, the Holy Master of the world. All have to worship, and only then can the authenticity be determined.”

All the arrogance nodded, the meaning of the immortal god emperor is extraordinary, the power covers the entire continent, and it can even be said to be the guardian of this world, unless the wickedness is extreme, or the major ancient sect holy places, must give enough respect.That is to say, all the holy masters of the world worship and enjoy the worship of all ethnic groups.

Of course, this property is not for nothing. Once the mainland encounters a major crisis like the invasion of the demon world, the immortal emperor will also stand up to protect the mainland and protect the world.

Therefore, the major ancient sect holy places will definitely try their best to verify Zhang Tian's true cultivation. Only then can the truth be revealed!

The General's Mansion, Wuhou Mansion, Seventh Prince's Mansion, Dali Temple, Hanlin Academy, and even the palaces of the concubines and concubines in the back garden of the imperial city... All the major forces were attracted by Zhang Tian, ​​and their hearts were surging.

Everyone is waiting, the immortal emperor is born, and the holy masters of the world worship. Before that, there must be a test. Whether Zhang Tian can pass or not is still unknown.

At the same time, the demon avatar in the mysterious area of ​​the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness was also forced to the limit by the Golden Thunder Sword, his breath was sluggish, and he could only roar with grief and anger: "Wait, when you are about to break through the holy realm, This Demon Sovereign will summon hundreds of millions of demons to attack!!"

After finishing speaking, the inner demon incarnated by the demon avatar was directly hit by the Golden Thunder Sword and annihilated.

But the ruthless man knew that this Demon Venerable clone did not die, but was severely injured and returned to the Demonic Battle Armor.

"It seems that this time it has provoked a big man among the extraterrestrial demons. I didn't expect the real demons to be so terrifying. No wonder they can compete with the gods in the ancient and ancient times."

The ruthless man murmured helplessly, the battle of the demons almost exhausted all her energy, and she hurriedly resorted to the hell oven to refine a large amount of spirit stones to supplement it.

Because the next moment is the real critical moment, rebirth from the ashes and leaping from the dragon gate! , , .

Chapter 435 Zhang Tian sits in town, holy blood fills the sky

"The most dangerous stage is over."

Seeing that the magic cloud in the sky dissipated, and instead a thousand zhang Caixia gushed out, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then turned around, showing an excited expression again

Because, the next step is the key point, and it is also the secret of the top-level Tianjiao's ability to increase in strength.

In the cultivation world, the next state is called - Epiphany!

The way of heaven is constant, rewarding the good and punishing the evil. The warrior has gone through all dangers to restrain the invasion of the evil spirits. After this, the 'apocalypse' is the reward given to the warrior by the Tao of heaven.

In the state of 'epiphany', one's innate talent will be enhanced more than a hundred times, the insight is extremely powerful, and one can even see the law of the flow of laws.

Therefore, many world-shattering geniuses tried their best to hone their will to the perfect state before the legendary realm, and then took advantage of the 'apocalypse' to condense the spirit of martial arts and swords in one fell swoop.

"It is said that in the ancient times, the top arrogances of the immortal sects and immortal soils in the ancient times could realize the Dao in a single thought. With the insight obtained from the epiphany state, they could directly break through from the legendary change to the peak of the nine changes. I don't think the background of the Marquis of Nanling is necessarily inferior to those of the arrogance, maybe it is also achieve this feat.”

"This is unlikely. Although there are nine changes in the legendary realm, as long as you understand it, you can break through. But don't forget, how deep the top talent is, and the amount of spiritual energy needed to break through is so terrifying that it is impossible to replenish it instantly."

"Yeah, like Nanlinghou and other unparalleled talents, the resources needed to break through the first rank are enough for a thousand ordinary talents to break through. If you want to break through from the legendary one to the legendary nine in one breath, I'm afraid Tantai Holy Land , Fluctuating Holy Land and other super holy places can’t afford it.”

"When Ye Bufan was promoted to the legendary realm, he seemed to have broken through the three transformations of the legendary realm in one fell swoop, but his combat power could easily kill a half-sage.

All the powerful figures were talking a lot, and their faces were full of anticipation. Before breaking through the legendary realm, no matter how amazing the performance of the ruthless people was, in the eyes of these people, they were just the descendants of Tianjiao.

But after taking this step, the strength has increased by a hundred times, and even many old-fashioned great sages will not dare to ignore the power that they have at that time.

Just in the midst of this anticipation, the ruthless man was completely immersed in the state of 'epiphany'. This state was very short-lived, and every second was precious.

The first is the law of the water system. This sword intent deprived from the Sea God College Tianjiao Sword Xifeng, after being washed by the Great Emperor Beihai, has barely reached the level of the sword soul, and the potential for improvement is very great.

In addition, the Ruthless Man has the "Water Emperor Breaking Sword" inherited from the Sea God Academy's Xeon Sword Dao, and she also collected a set of materials for the emperor's water-type magic weapon, and even the Extreme Dao Emperor Sword left by the Beihai Emperor is also based on The water element is the mainstay, and raising this sword intent will be extremely helpful to her combat power.

After concentrating the mental power on the water-based sword intent, the infinite water-based law immediately flooded into my heart, just like the answer in the exam is directly displayed in front of my eyes, just copy it up.

Almost all the way through, the ruthless man lifted the water-type sword soul to the second-order peak in one breath, which is already a height that many semi-sages can reach, and then after a little effort, this sword and soul broke through to the third-order realm in one fell swoop, until the third-order realm. In the middle stage, the speed of comprehension suddenly slowed down and became difficult.

The Ruthless Man immediately turned around and began to comprehend the two sword intents of ice and fire. After smoothing them all the way to the second-order peak, he changed again and began to comprehend the two most difficult profound meanings, destroying the sword spirit and the emperor's martial spirit.

Whether it is the destruction of the sword soul or the emperor's martial soul, they all belong to the upper-level profound meaning, and their grade is much higher than that of ice, fire and water, so it is very difficult to comprehend. That's it.Parkway

After upgrading all the Sword Souls and Martial Souls, even Ruthless people couldn't help being surprised, because this kind of promotion is too terrifying. If she didn't have the 'Epiphany' state, giving her a year might not be able to upgrade the Sword Soul of Destruction to the first rank. , and now it only took a few hours.

"It took five full days to understand the sword intent, and it's time to improve the martial arts realm."

The ruthless mind changed his mind and put his mind on the promotion realm.

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