Legendary nine changes, blood change, soul change, void change, five elements change, yin and yang change, domain change, ghost and spirit change, star change, immortality change.

At present, the ruthless person is in the first transformation of blood and soul. The so-called blood is not only the blood of the flesh, but also needs to understand the secrets of physical art.Legendary kings are often as powerful as the demon clan because of this first change.

Soon, the methods of creation related to the various magical functions of the internal organs of the human body flooded into the mind of the ruthless man, as if a brand new door was opened for her, especially the exquisite power skills, which made her even more amazed. If you used to be able to hit [-]% of the power with one punch, after learning these skills, you can hit at least [-]%, which is nearly three times higher.

But just comprehending the realm is not enough, one's own qi and blood must also keep up.

Thinking of this, the ruthless man immediately ran the "Swallowing Devil Art", and there was a roar in the void, and a huge space was directly split above the blood-clothed Hou's mansion, and the hell oven emerged.

In the next instant, the Kunpeng Demon Emperor's heart rushed out of the small courtyard, and an extremely surging blood energy spread around.

"This... is this the heart of the demon emperor?"

Countless great powers were jealous, and the heart of a demon emperor actually appeared in front of their eyes. Thinking of the rumors that had flowed out of the Holy City before, many people were even more excited.


I don't know who shouted, and the surrounding void suddenly burst into a storm of spiritual energy. I don't know how many great sages shot, the power covered the sky and the sun, all kinds of magical powers came out, and the eyes were dazzled.

This is a chance against the sky. With the majestic energy contained in the heart of the demon emperor, if anyone can refine it, even if he lies down and sleeps every day, he can become an immortal emperor.Fighting on the road, fighting for the opportunity of this line!

"court death!"

Zhang Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged and silently guarding in the void, suddenly opened his eyes and spit out these two words. In an instant, countless great saints who rushed to the front exploded and died, and the holy blood splattered the sky.


The blood and rain in the sky finally woke up many people, and they retreated violently.

However, it was too late, Zhang Tian raised his hand and waved, the void was still, everyone seemed to be frozen, and then one by one burst into a rain of blood! , , .

Chapter 436 The Weight of the Immortal Emperor

Swish swish!

All the onlookers subconsciously moved hundreds of feet backwards, the holy blood floating in the sky, and the corpses in the air. This scene was too shocking and made people shudder.

Many people know that this is a warning from Zhang Tian. Like those great saints standing at the top of the continent, the so-called great saints are a joke in front of him and can be slaughtered at will.

The method of killing chickens to warn monkeys is familiar to everyone, but treating dozens of great saints as 'chickens' and killing a hundred people at once is unheard of, and the effect is naturally extremely good, until the heart of the demon emperor enters the hell oven, No one dared to have evil thoughts.

Inside the furnace, the fire burned and smelted frantically. The heart of the demon emperor was reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a large force of qi and blood, constantly strengthening the body of the ruthless man.


It was not until nearly [-]% of the demon emperor's heart was consumed that the ruthless talent finally completed the transformation, and hit the second transformation of the legendary realm in one fell swoop.

Qi and blood surged into the night, and a powerful beam of blood-qi light erupted from the courtyard, shaking the galaxy!

"The Marquis of Nanling has broken through to the legendary realm and has changed!"

"The terrifying blood is comparable to a powerful demon saint."

The great powers onlookers were all shocked. The ruthless people did not live up to their expectations. The power of qi and blood alone changed the faces of many great sages who mainly focused on body refining. Suspect.

This time, the breakthrough will be Li Yue Longmen. The ruthless people who were originally juniors will suddenly become an existence on an equal footing with them!

The second change in the legendary realm, the soul changes!

The soul is not only the soul, but also a manifestation of the will of martial arts. If the soul is sand, then the sword soul and the martial soul are the sand to form a pagoda, condensing the soul force to explode stronger power.A lot of sand does not mean that the pagoda is towering, but if the pagoda is towering, it means that there must be a lot of sand.

In the past, when the ruthless man raised various sword souls and martial souls, he had already raised his soul power to a very terrifying realm in disguise.

However, since ancient times, the treasures of heaven and earth that can enhance the soul power

"Lingbao Pavilion, on behalf of the eight major families of the Beihai Alliance, donated [-] pieces of the king-grade fine soul stone to help the Hou of Nanling Chongguan!"

Outside the Mansion in Blood Clothes, Nalan Ruoxue fluttered with immortal energy and stood in the air with four Great Sages of Lingbao Pavilion. First, he bowed to Zhang Tian, ​​and then made a simple move. A delicate storage bracelet flew out, like a mountain and sea. A huge amount of Soul Essence Stone rushed out, and all of them were thrown into the Hell Oven.

"[-] King Grade Essence Soul Stone?"

All the onlookers stared wide-eyed. This handwriting is simply too amazing. The Soul Essence Stone contains pure soul power. That is a full [-] million Wangpin Lingshi.Even the Jade Pond Holy Land would not dare to claim to be able to produce such a huge amount of Soul Essence Stone.

"This is a great gift for Senior Zhang to gather the power of the North Sea. It's courageous enough!"

"Senior Zhang seems to be beheading the Black Dragon Demon Emperor in front of the Beihai Saints. Those people must know the horror of Senior Zhang better than us."

"The great world is coming, and the Beihai Alliance is surrounded by enemies on all sides. Naturally, it will be a big tree on the list. If Senior Zhang is truly an immortal emperor, then this investment is definitely worth it." www.nsxs.org

A group of great people started talking again, their eyes were full of envy. What a warrior has cultivated in his life is nothing more than the physical body, spiritual power, and soul. Among them, the soul is the most difficult to improve, and related treasures are rare. These soul stones, Make them too hot.

However, just when everyone thought it was over, the sound of the surrounding void shattering sounded again.

"The Seventh Prince's Mansion, donate [-]-year-old Blood Spirit Essence Grass to help the Marquis of Nanling Chongguan!"

"Eighth Prince's Mansion, offer [-] King Grade Essence Stones to help the Marquis of Nanling Chongguan!"

"Wuhou Mansion, donate [-] king-grade soul stones and [-]-year-old soul-refining grasses to help the Marquis of Nanling Chongguan!"

"Empress Xigong, offer thirty drops of nectarine brew to help the Hou of Nanling Chongguan!"

All the forces of the Holy City, large and small, have arrived, and they have brought their extremely rich treasures and put them into the furnace of hell one after another. The top figures such as the seventh prince, the eighth prince, and the Marquis of Tianwu have also been present in person. Da Neng was deeply affected by the weight of the Immortal Emperor.

If Zhang Tian hadn't fought the demons of the ten directions alone, and displayed the combat power of an immortal emperor, there would never have been so many forces present, and he would never have offered such a huge amount of treasure.You must know that in this short period of time, the treasures gathered are no less than the accumulation of thousands of years in a holy place!

However, what shocked everyone was that even though so many treasures were gathered, Ruthless was still not able to break through, and the energy in the sky was still rushing towards the courtyard, as if it was not enough.

At this moment, the people of Zhennan Wangfu arrived, and Jidu County Master sat on the Great Wilderness Qinglong Chariot, followed by seven Great Sages behind him.

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