The chariot broke through the void, and Henggu was above the blood-clothed Hou's mansion. The county master of Jidu lifted the curtain and stepped out, and said lightly: "Zhennan Wang's mansion, a soul stone ore vein, help the Nanling Hou pass the pass!"

The voice fell, and the void roared, and a soul stone ore vein that stretched for thousands of miles emerged directly from the void, was held by seven great saints and sent into the hell oven.

"This... this is the soul stone of the virtual world? A whole vein?"

Everyone's eyes widened. Many big figures knew the existence of the virtual world of war, but that place was an endless hell. Even if you broke your head and squeezed in, it would be a life for those immortal forces to be slaves to mine. Zhennan Wangfu To be able to get a whole vein of ore, and to donate it, this big deal made Nalan Ruoxue, who represented the North Sea Alliance, feel ashamed.

How does everyone know that the Zhennan Palace's site in the virtual world of war was completely created by Zi Yan. Being able to survive in the chaotic world, it was thanks to Zhang Tian's deterrence that he took out a soul stone vein. A piece of cake.


Starting with a whole soul stone ore vein, finally made a qualitative change in the soul sea of ​​the ruthless man. A huge purple palace was formed, and the soul power was like a shock wave, sweeping the heaven and earth, and covering the entire holy city in an instant.

"Legendary realm two changes, breakthrough!"

"What a terrifying spiritual pressure, the strength of this soul is comparable to that of many holy masters."

"This is the foundation of Unparalleled Tianjiao. It's like a bottomless pit. If you want her to be promoted all the way to the Nine Transformations of the Legendary Realm, it is estimated that it will not be enough to lose the entire Deity Academy!"

The ruthless man broke through again, and without any accident, it caused another uproar. The spiritual pressure spread all over the Holy City, making everyone deeply feel the tyrannical strength that went deep into the bone marrow!

Such a terrifying soul power, if you are proficient in another soul attacking secret technique, you will be able to sweep across the legendary kings with just one look. , , .

Chapter 437 Lei Huang arrives and challenges Zhang Tian

The breakthrough is still going on!

The reason why the legendary realm is known as the king is that it can arouse the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but the more important point is that the king of the legendary realm has the power of rules!

Legendary realm one change, the body is powerful and invincible, the legendary realm two changes, the soul rolls thousands of miles, these two changes are still basic rules, but in the third change, the advantages of the legendary realm king will be fully revealed, and the non-transcendent realm warriors are comparable .

This change is the void change, the three changes in the legendary realm, which can traverse the boundless void and control the mystery of space change.

Although for many legendary kings, the spatial meaning that they can understand is very limited, and they can only travel within a radius of dozens of miles, but this is enough to make them invincible when fighting low-level warriors!

As soon as the comprehension began, the surrounding void immediately boiled violently, and bursts of space energy storms poured into the hell oven.

These energy storms are enough to tear apart a high-ranking king in an instant, but for a ruthless man, it is far from enough.

Seeing that the speed of the cultivation base gradually slowed down, the ruthless man could not help frowning slightly, his mind moved, and the ten Void Seeds that were snatched from Yan Qingxuan flew out of the storage ring and threw them into the hell oven.

These Void Seeds are condensed by a great emperor who is proficient in Void Taoism with his own origin, and contain very strong Void energy, which is indestructible.

Ruthless people tried refining before, but they needed a huge amount of spiritual stones to catalyze them, and in the end they had no choice but to give up. Now, they can just follow the energy of the world at the time of breakthrough to forcibly refine these void seeds.

This is a very difficult refining. Each Void Seed is marked with the will of the Great Emperor. Fortunately, it is not a special seal. Otherwise, even with the power of the Hell Oven, it will not be able to be refined in a short time.

Peace between heaven and earth returned, but none of the great masters gathered around left. Everyone wanted to see if the ruthless man could pass this crucial hurdle.

If it stops here, it will be equal to Ye Bufan's achievements in the past, and it is a qualified unparalleled talent, but if it successfully breaks through to the fourth change, it is the middle-level king of the legendary realm, which is equivalent to a big step forward, and the prestige will surpass Ye Bufan has become the most amazing genius in the continent's nearly [-]-year history!

"What a powerful void storm, someone is attacking the legendary four changes?"

Millions of miles away, countless figures broke through the void and hung in the sky tens of thousands of meters above the ground.

And in the center of these people, there is an old man with a childish face, with a hale and hearty spirit, like an old fairy in a painting, exuding a terrifying aura like abyss like a prison, ascending to the nine heavens, and connecting to the underworld, covering one side of heaven and earth, faintly for the public Respect of the strong.

At this moment, the Hefa old man was looking at the sky in shock, watching the huge void storm that disturbed Xuanyu, and was speechless for a long time.

A person next to him said with emotion: "It really is the arrival of the great world. Even a small world like ours can give birth to such a terrifying genius. If it spreads out, it will shame many immortals. The great world has meant chaos since ancient times. The third ancestor was born, and there is indeed his reason." Weichang Novel Network

The old man with Hefa had a very ugly face, and said coldly: "When the emperor broke through to the realm of the immortal god emperor, you promised the emperor's daughter to the emperor behind your back, if this Zhang Tian is sure to be the immortal god emperor, Which daughter of this emperor are you planning to marry him again? Isn't it enough that we have been corrupted by you people who have gone wrong?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone showed a bright color.You must know that this old man has an extraordinary identity. He is not only one of the ancestors of the Holy Land of Yaoguang, but also the biological father of Concubine Xian among the five concubines of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, and the grandfather of the Eighth Prince.

In order to please the Emperor, the Holy Master Yaoguang secretly married his daughter into the palace while the old man retreated in order to please the emperor. This incident caused an uproar, and the old man naturally did not have the slightest impression of Laishengdu.

After a long time, a great sage of the fluctuating light said cautiously: "The ancestor is joking, even if this sky is really an immortal emperor, how can it compare with the power of the emperor. We have a long tradition of fluctuating light holy land, and there are ranks. Let the ancestors go out this time, just as a representative of the holy land in the world, to see if this Zhang Tian is really the immortal emperor, there is no other meaning."


The old man Hefa also knew that this was an old thing, and he didn't want to talk about it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Outside the Blood Clothed Marquis Mansion, the void exploded one after another, and the holy places came at the same time as if they had made an appointment, and the pomp was extremely large.

Seeing the old man Hefa in the Yaoguang Holy Land team, all the Holy Land powerhouses looked solemn and bowed in unison, "Junior has seen the Thunder Emperor."

The Eighth Prince greeted him in surprise and said, "Grandfather, why are you here?"

On the other hand, the faces of the Seventh Prince and the powerful people in the Holy City changed drastically. Although they expected that the Holy Land would send a team to investigate Zhang Tian's true cultivation, they didn't expect to invite the Thunder Emperor, the great Buddha. .

This is an old monster that is even older than the emperor of the Holy Ancestor. Two thousand years ago, he broke through to the realm of half-step emperor. Three hundred years ago, Tianlei Wuhun broke through to the realm of seventh-order.

Seventh-order martial spirit, this is a terrifying achievement that is enough to shock any strong person. Combined with the top-level thunder law inheritance of the Holy Land of Fluctuation, there was a rumor that the third ancestor of the Holy Land of Flushing Light was comparable to the quasi-king. Fighting power, and thus won the supreme title of 'Tian Lei Huang', shocking the entire continent.

"Grandfather, it's great that you can come to the Holy City. The mother-in-law has always been thinking of you. If she knew that your old man was here, she would be ecstatic. Whatever you say this time, you will also stay in my mansion for a few days. , let me be filial to my knees."

The Eighth Prince looked extremely excited and flamboyant. The Emperor of Thunder, but his biggest backer, was also the source of his courage to fight for the throne. As long as this Buddha was sitting in the throne, even if ten Jinghai Kings died, he would still dare to fight with the Seven Kings. The prince is calling!

The Emperor of Thunder said with an expressionless face: "Let's put it aside in private, this Emperor came here today, and was entrusted by the Holy Masters of the major holy places to investigate whether there is really an immortal God Emperor born."

After speaking, the Emperor of Thunder looked at Zhang Tian, ​​who was meditating with his eyes closed, and his soul swept away, but he found that he was unremarkable. He couldn't help frowning, and took out a piece of crystal white jade that was half a foot long, and said arrogantly:

"I heard that Daoyou Zhang is in possession of the power of a god emperor. This emperor is entrusted by the Holy Master to test it. This is the source jade of the god emperor. Daoyou Zhang, please smash it with all your strength. If you can make this jade bright red, this emperor will represent the holy land in the world. Recognize Zhang Daoyou's strength. If not, the emperor will announce it to the world, so as not to confuse the public and the public with intentional people.

Chapter 438 Zhang Tian, ​​how dare you fight this emperor!

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