As soon as these words came out, all the onlookers couldn't help but change their faces.

It stands to reason that there is no such thing as a test of the identity of the God Emperor by the Holy Land, because any immortal God Sovereign must have been an unparalleled powerhouse in the world before. No inspection is required.

However, the special case of Zhang Tianshi just appeared suddenly like a comet, shining brightly. The most convincing record so far is to kill the old-fashioned Black Dragon Demon King, but this can at most prove that he has the combat power of a quasi-God Emperor, so the Holy Land thinks It is also understandable to verify the true identity.

It's just that Tianleihuang's words are a bit too hostile.

You must know that no matter how long the history of the Holy Land of Fluctlight is, no matter how deep the background is, no matter how old your Sky Thunder Emperor qualifications are, in front of the real Immortal God Emperor, you are just scum, and you need to be respected by your predecessors.Even if Zhang Tian is not an immortal God Emperor, but a quasi-God Emperor, that is not something you can offend casually.

Even the great saints in the Holy Land of Fluctuation couldn't help but secretly complained when they heard these words, thinking that the Thunder Emperor was too irrational. When it comes to Zhang Tian, ​​isn't this an enemy for Yaoguang Holy Land for nothing?

Tianleihuang was already emotional, and seeing Zhang Tian still meditating with his eyes closed, he couldn't help but get angry, and said coldly: "Daoyou Zhang, didn't you hear what this emperor said? Inspection, the source jade of the god emperor is also recognized as a treasure of the qualification of the immortal god emperor, which can guarantee absolute justice. Or is Daoyou Zhang just trying to gain fame, but in fact there is no cultivation base in the god emperor realm at all?"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Zhang Tian slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Tianleihuang. He was too lazy to say more, and only spit out one word:


Tianleihuang's eyes widened in disbelief, his old face was flushed red, and he still looked half immortal, and he shouted directly: "Presumptuous! Do you know who this emperor is?"

As soon as the words came out, the infinite thunder banged around, like a peerless Thor, the terrifying power suddenly made all the strong people in the audience feel a suffocating oppression.

The faces of the other powerhouses in the major holy places are also a little unsightly. Although the Tianlei Emperor's tone is not good, but after all, it represents the face of the holy places in the world. What if you Zhang Tian is an immortal emperor?Dare to be the enemy of the Holy Land in the world?

The Marquis Tianwu saw that the atmosphere was a little stalemate, and he stepped forward and said: "The Emperor of Thunder has misunderstood. Senior Zhang has unparalleled supernatural powers. A few days ago, he fought against hundreds of thousands of demons from outside the realm alone. People in the Holy City have seen it for all to see. Li, he has never taken the initiative to show his cultivation, according to Ben Hou’s opinion, since Senior Zhang is unwilling, this test can be avoided.”

The Emperor of Thunder didn't appreciate it, and still said coldly: "Don't be interested in fame and fortune? How much has he made in the past two years, and this time it has even alarmed me in the Holy Land. He doesn't want to check and doesn't check? How can it be so easy in this world? matter."

When Tianwuhou heard the words, his expression changed, and he narrowed his eyes and said, "Could it be that the Emperor of Thunder still wants to force Senior Zhang to fail the test?"

"So what?"

The Emperor of Thunder said unceremoniously: "Now that the great world has come, chaos will arise. If Zhang Tian is not the Immortal God Sovereign, he is deceiving the world and his ambitions. If it is the Immortal God Sovereign but he is unwilling to test it, I am afraid he is trying to avoid responsibility. What's the use of such a god emperor?"

The powerhouses of the holy places were originally very repulsive to the Thunder Emperor, but after listening to these words, they felt quite reasonable. Zhang Tian’s reputation in the mainland had reached its peak, and the major holy places wanted to prove his true cultivation. , so that there is a criterion for dealing with each other in the future.Like this ambiguity, it is not what the major holy places want.

"Hehe, the Thunder Emperor really has a good hat. When did the major holy places become the spokespersons of Shengyuan Continent? They even tried to coerce an immortal emperor with righteousness. Are you high?"

Nalan Ruoxue couldn't bear it any longer, and made a sarcastic statement, which immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

The Emperor of Thunder was furious and shouted: "Bold! Whose family is your little girl? Don't you hear that the superiority is orderly? Just based on your words, the emperor will be able to linger you in front of your family. !" 53 Chinese website

As soon as the words came out, an invincible coercion came crashing down.

"Emperor Tianlei calm down."

The four great saints behind Nalan Ruoxue were all startled, shouting loudly while blocking Nalan Ruoxue.

"Boom bang..."

A burst of explosions sounded, and the four great saints were spit blood and flew upside down at the same time, their eyes were full of astonishment, under the power of the Thunder Emperor, they did not even have the ability to resist.

Nalan Ruoxue also turned pale, but still stubbornly said: "I am a member of the Nalan family of the Beihai League. The Emperor of Thunder emphasizes dignity and order, don't you know that in front of Senior Zhang, you are also 'lowly', and you dare to kill I, Senior Zhang, can kill you in front of the world!"

The Emperor of Thunder said proudly: "Beihai Alliance? You know, even the overlord of your Beihai Alliance would not dare to speak to this emperor like this? You respect Zhang Tian so much, but this emperor depends on whether he can protect you today or not. !"

After he finished speaking, the white robe on the Thunder Emperor's body suddenly had no wind, and a mysterious and unpredictable aura radiated out. Compared with the previous domineering, it was more obscure and difficult to understand.

"Zhang Tian, ​​it's okay if you don't want to be tested by the god emperor's source jade. I heard that you killed the ice emperor, the lord of the East Pole, with the lightning method of the sky a year ago at the Deity Academy. If you can win, this emperor will admit that you are the immortal emperor, if you can't win, this emperor will kill this little girl from the Beihai Alliance!"

The Thunder Emperor was in full swing, and his face was full of hideous colors. During this period of time, he had been observing secretly, but found that Zhang Tian did not have the slightest spiritual power, nor the immortal aura.Spiritual power may be hidden, but the real immortality can never be hidden!

Therefore, the Thunder Emperor concluded that even though Zhang Tian possessed extremely powerful supernatural powers, at least in terms of cultivation, he was definitely not an immortal emperor.

The Emperor of Thunder invites Senior Zhang to fight?

All the onlookers felt a burst of suffocating excitement. This is a whole battle between the emperors, which is rare in the mainland for thousands of years. No matter the result, it will definitely become a generational story.

However, there are also many people who frowned. Although Tianleihuang is a veteran half-step emperor, but at most he is more than half of the black dragon demon emperor. To challenge Zhang Tian, ​​it is a bit over-the-top.

At this moment, the corner of Tianleihuang's mouth slightly curved, and he said softly: "Forgot to say, this emperor broke through to the realm of quasi-god emperor two years ago!"

The voice fell, with him as the center, within a hundred miles, the thunder prison descended, and the infinite divine thunder condensed into a huge thunder dragon roaring, whistling in the sky, forbidding the void.

Under everyone's attention, Emperor Tianlei shouted again: "Zhang Tian, ​​how dare you fight against this emperor!"

"You shouldn't, then the emperor will kill this little girl first!"

Heavenly Thunder Emperor has a noble status. How could he have been so neglected before, he was dazzled by anger, and with a big swing of his hand, a sturdy lightning cover like an ancient pine slammed down, instantly turning into a four-sided thunder prison that enveloped Nalan Ruoxue.


A faint sigh came from Zhang Tian's mouth, and in an instant, the Thunder Prisons in all directions collapsed. , , .

Chapter 439 Who Can Stop This Emperor?

Terrible... terrifying!

With a sigh, such a terrifying Lei Fa was vanished into nothingness.

Everyone, including the previous mighty Thunder Emperor, all showed extremely horrified expressions.

Nalan Ruoxue had never experienced such a terrifying crisis in her life. Under the bombardment of a quasi-God Sovereign's powerful thunder method, she only felt that she had stepped into the gate of hell.

Unexpectedly, all the thunderbolts were completely annihilated at the critical moment.Everything was like a dream bubble, the foot that stepped into the gate of hell was pulled back, and the great terror of life and death took away all the strength of her body and fell straight back.


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