
A sharp and shrill roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and in the blink of an eye, a blood-colored figure rushed out from the entrance. It was a huge blood demon, dozens of feet high, and there were two blood wings under the ribs. , The whole body is covered with bloody blood clots, and there is a cloak hanging behind it, exuding a strong breath of death.Kiss Novel www.qinxs.com

A huge blood demon blood wing, the warriors who ran behind were all swept into the torrent of blood, and made a screaming scream.

The Transcendent Realm, with every extra level, has earth-shaking changes. The peak of the Transcendent Nine Layers almost represents invincibility. Unless the Legendary Realm King takes action, no one can compete.


The entire blood demon altar was shaking violently, and a terrifying aura filled the sky and permeated every corner of the second floor.

"Senior Sister Zhang, let's... let's escape!" Fang Lin and the others were so frightened that they trembled. Such a powerful blood demon filled them with fear.

The ruthless man stood like a peak, his hair fluttered slightly, and his eyes were full of fighting intent when he looked at the huge blood demon.

"Senior Sister Zhang..." Fang Lin and the others were all dumbfounded.

"A mere blood demon wants to block my way?"

The ruthless snorted coldly and strode forward. Every time she took a step, the ground shook a bit, and countless earth and rocks cracked, as if the soles of her feet were extremely heavy, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.


The ruthless man's pace is getting faster and faster, and a round of the emperor's phantom emerges from behind her, divine power is like a prison, as if the king is in nine days, full of majesty that looks down on the world.

The sky was shaking, and the huge blood demon guarding the entrance of the cave didn't even have time to react. The ruthless man stepped down, and the emperor's majesty mountain gushed out like a tsunami, instantly turning it into powder.

In a flash, the ruthless man disappeared directly at the entrance of the third floor underground, and a huge roar continued to come from the ground.

Until this time, the people above reacted, and a shocking commotion broke out immediately, and everyone was talking about the identity of the ruthless person.

"That's the elite student of my Deity Academy, the Ruthless King!" Fang Lin shouted loudly, his eyes full of enthusiasm, as if the back of the Batian Jedi was him.

"The elites of Deity Academy, no wonder they are so powerful!"

"King Ruthless? It's really ruthless! I remember this name."

"This blood demon altar has ten floors. The Ruthless King must be going to the last floor. Everyone, please follow."


The warriors on the second floor rushed down frantically, but the ruthless man had already descended to a deeper level.

Fourth floor, fifth floor, sixth floor, seventh floor...

The ruthless man was almost non-stop, like a god who opened the sky, slashing the wind and waves all the way to the depths.The Taiyin sword qi and the big sun sword qi were used at the same time, and all the beasts and blood demons blocking the front were all killed with one blow.

In just four words, it is a fierce flame!

Chapter 51 The emperor's law, the battle against the blood demon king

"As expected of the ruthless king, this method of collecting treasures is also ruthless and ruthless!"

The warriors who followed behind were trembling in their hearts, but also wanted to cry without tears, just because the ruthless man's ability to collect treasures was too strong, as if with a swish, all the things with spiritual energy were gone.

On the tenth floor, the blood is rolling, and the strong blood evil seems to be condensed into reality. Even if you are in it, your flesh and blood will be eroded.

All the warriors could only stop at the entrance and look inside.

Just looking at it, everyone took a deep breath.

In this blood-dark space, the sky is filled with ferocious birds with wingspans of more than ten feet, exuding a fierce and cruel aura, and there are countless huge blood demons underground, each of which is close to the runaway extraordinary ninth-level Blood demon leader.

The most terrifying thing is the central position, a huge black figure, hundreds of feet high, with a hideous grimace mask on its face, and eight huge wings under its ribs, standing on the ground, overwhelming the sky.

From its body, it exudes a dark, bloody, cruel, and tyrannical terrifying aura, and it is a real blood demon king!

However, a large hole several feet wide was shattered in its chest, and countless rancid blood clots fell from the surrounding area. It was obviously seriously injured and was recovering at the bottom of the altar.


The ferocious birds in the sky, as if being guided, screamed at the ruthless people, their wings slashed through the void, like swords slashing, bringing up sharp waves of air.The blood demon on the ground also rushed towards the ruthless man frantically.

In the void, lightning flashed and thundered, and countless dragons danced wildly. The sword qi of the lunar sun and the sword qi of the sun reflected one side of the space icy blue and the other red.

The shadow of the emperor behind the ruthless man is also several hundred meters tall, like a god of Lingtian Jedi, illuminating her slender and tall figure, exuding a divine light that cannot be ignored.


The ruthless man was calm and composed, and with a flash of sword light, several fierce birds turned into a rain of blood, and every time the emperor threw a punch behind him, a dozen blood demons commanded the blown flesh and blood.

As time passed, the boundary between the ice-blue space and the red-red space became more and more blurred, and finally merged into a sword of ice and fire that penetrated the sky and the earth. Oven, calcined with endless hell fire.


The blood demon king roared wildly, his mouth opened wide, and he swallowed all the remaining blood demons and ferocious birds. The two broken wings were reborn at a speed visible to the naked eye, exuding a more ferocious and domineering terrifying aura.

"Okay, I'll accompany you to fight happily!"

The ruthless man screamed in the sky, three feet of blue silk fluttering in the wind, and a wisp of Emperor Qi wafted out of her body, communicating with the Emperor's phantom behind her.

In an instant, the emperor's illusory golden light was shrouded in divine light, his indescribable eyes opened, and his body gradually became solid. Two groups of beautiful mountain peaks protruded from the front, exuding a sacred and inviolable majesty.

With the help of the emperor's aura, the ruthless man turned the emperor's phantom into a dharma for a short time and merged with himself.

At this moment, she is the arrogant queen who looks down upon the world!Balance Novel Network www.xstpwxs.com

"Undefeated Emperor Fist!"

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