The golden queen strode forward, with a huge fist of several dozen feet, covering the sky and sun, smashing out fiercely, shaking the void to collapse layer by layer.


The golden queen became stronger and stronger with each battle, and the shadow of the undefeated emperor's fist filled the world, and the entire space seemed to collapse...

All the onlookers were stunned, watching this shocking battle, and even their breathing stopped.

Su Ziyue was relaxed and happy, and murmured, "No wonder those students from the outer court call Senior Sister Zhang the King of Ruthless Humans. Such a martial artist is almost a god!"

Li Ming excitedly said: "Senior Sister Zhang's strength is definitely not only elite, even if it is a core disciple, it is far inferior. In the future, he will become a legendary saint! It would be great if I could become her follower."

As the war became more and more intense, everyone was frightened, not by the blood demon king, but by the terrifying ruthless people, and they began to scramble to escape.


The earth trembled again, the entire blood demon altar was crumbling, and countless huge stones fell from the top floor, as if it would collapse and disintegrate at any time.

"Undefeated Emperor Fist!"

In the final blow, the ruthless man fully used the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique, and the power of ninety-nine Flood Dragons came out, completely smashing the blood demon king who was flying with flesh and blood, and threw it into the hell oven for frantic refining!

The blood demon altar was completely unsupportable, rumbling and vibrating, and it was directly reduced to ruins, becoming a natural protective cover for the ruthless people to retreat.

I don't know how long it took, and the earth-shattering fluctuations came from the ground again. A huge sword of ice and fire penetrated the sky and the earth, wrapped in a blue figure and rushed up. It was Zhang Ruren who was retreating underground.

"This Yin-Yang Ice-Fire Sword is a preliminary practice. It's a pity that it has refined so many spirits, and there is even a blood demon king, but it has not yet been able to break through to the seventh level of transcendence."

The ruthless man returned his sword to the sheath, with a hint of dissatisfaction on his face.

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "No breakthrough means that you have a deep foundation and need dozens or hundreds of times the resources of ordinary people. The reason why those fierce beast cubs are powerful is not piled up by resources. You are now a half purebred Taikoo. A beast."

The ruthless man rolled his eyes, and was about to argue with Zhang Tian, ​​when suddenly the central area roared loudly, and waves of powerful waves shook the entire ruins violently.

Zhang Tianning said: "The battle of Xiaodongtian has begun, Nannan, if you want to go, now is the best time."

The ruthless man nodded, flipped his right hand, took out a thin grimace mask, put it directly on his face, and suddenly a burst of aura covered her whole body.

"This grimace mask can really hide the breath. No wonder I didn't discover the existence of the blood demon king before. With it, I don't have to worry about being seen by others."

The ruthless man made a hoarse sound, his body jumped, and it turned into a streamer and headed towards the small hole in the center.

Chapter 52 The confrontation between the caves, the emperor of the demon race


In the central area, the ruthless man sacrificed the incomplete ancient picture, and the surrounding void immediately vibrated like a boil, and a huge vortex appeared out of nowhere, directly sucking the ruthless man into it.

When he came back to his senses, the ruthless man stepped on the spirit ruins, looked down, and suddenly took a deep breath.

I saw that the inside of this small cave was not an ancient bronze temple as she imagined, but a large group of ancient temples, densely packed, most of them collapsed into ruins, revealing an endless desolate and desolate atmosphere.

The most terrifying thing is that this large group of ancient temples is actually in the endless magma, and the red volcanoes are surrounded by them. It's like being in purgatory.

At the same time, Ruthless Man also saw the masters of various factions who came to hunt for treasures.

There was a giant man whose aura fluctuated even more fiercely than Tuotianhou Luohai. Holding a huge battle axe, he fought desperately with a blood demon king hundreds of feet tall.


The giant man let out a long roar, his body bent like a bow, and the giant axe in his hand burst out with unparalleled destructive power, slashing out rays of destruction that were hundreds of feet long, and in the blink of an eye, the blood demon king was split into pieces. Meat puree!

Near the left, there are more than [-] women in silver armor riding flying warhorses with huge wings, and occupying an intact palace.The woman in the center had white hair like snow and a ribbon on her forehead. Even in this magma prison, she exuded a strong icy aura, awe-inspiring and inviolable.

The ruthless man just glanced at it and then retracted her gaze. She knew the symbols on these female warriors. They were from the Ancient Cleansing Incense Sect in the Eastern Wasteland. This is a sect with a long history. Legend has it that there is a nine-turn great sage who is close to a god, and is famous in the Eastern Wilderness.

But compared to the human race, the demon race has more masters.

For example, a huge cyan pit viper with a head and body like a lion, covered with cyan scales, reaching a height of several hundred meters, like a majestic peak, is obviously a prehistoric alien species, and he alone occupies an area, no one dares to approach .

There is also a group of crimson giant tigers, the crimson tiger clan, one of the thirteen holy clans of the demon clan.There are also the Thunder Bull Clan, who are entangled in thunder and lightning, the Golden Horned Python Clan with golden horns of destruction on their foreheads, and the Tianhu Clan, who are dressed in revealing and charming clothes.

There are also many alien races, such as the Crystal Race with a transparent body like jade, the You Race with a gloomy aura, the Feng Race with an aura like a rainbow that makes people dare not look directly, and a beautiful girl with blonde hair like water, holding a handle The golden sword, with two pairs of golden wings floating behind it, is the saintess of the golden feather clan.Ranwen Novel Network

Everyone stared nervously at the crater, where the magma erupted, forming a huge sea of ​​hellfire, and a copper hall inscribed with cyan runes was on the sea of ​​fire, ups and downs.

"Among these people, I'm afraid there are many legendary nine-transformation "immortal" kings, or even semi-sacred existences. Ordinary legendary masters come in alone, and they are courting death!" The ruthless man was secretly frightened, with a grimace mask huddled in a Corner, dare not make a sound.

At this moment, more than a dozen huge volcanoes erupted suddenly, and the violent magma directly rushed up the ancient bronze temple from the sea of ​​​​fire. Its base was actually made of five-color divine jade. Some of the characters are in the shape of a dragon, some are like a phoenix, and some are exactly like a unicorn, all of which are revealed.

"This is the emperor text of my demon clan!"

Countless monster tribes cheered and shouted, and many monster tribes knelt down and worshipped, reciting the ancient words of their tribes.


The void suddenly vibrated violently, and another peerless master entered the small cave.

The ruthless man hurriedly followed the reputation and saw the sky trembling.A chariot full of desolation and antiquity came out of the sky, as if cast in gold, and it was engraved with dense Dao lines.The most astonishing thing is that the people pulling the cart were actually nine cyan dragons covered in scale armor, each of which was a hundred feet in size, covered with black-purple chains, the thickness of a baby's arm, and fixed the nine cyan dragons on their bodies. in front of the chariot.

This chariot has a simple and simple shape, and it is hundreds of feet long. There are countless soldiers standing on it, full of chills. On the top of the chariot, a black flag is flying, and a huge word "天" is written on it. The sound of thunder, crushing the sky, rolled in, and a powerful battle intent came crashing down like a tidal wave.

"This is the Marquis of Tianwu of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty!"

The ruthless man's expression is full of excitement. Today's ancestral dynasty oppresses the four barbarians and fights year after year. Anyone who has meritorious deeds can split the earth and seal the marquis, but "Wuhou" is of great significance. There are only seven Wuhou in the entire ancestral dynasty. Each of them has blood-stained the wilderness and killed millions of aliens, which is the pride of the human race!

"Marquis Tianwu, this is the tomb of my demon clan emperor. Why do you humans rob it? Don't you want to go to war with the demon clan?"

The ancient chariot rumbled to a stop in the void, and a mighty figure like a god of war stepped out, and the void vibrated.

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