This time will be no exception!


A muffled sound of thunder exploded from Tianlei Emperor's body, and the aura as vast as a river gushed wildly, but it was Zhang Tian who abolished the origin of the nine round seas of Tianlei Emperor, resulting in no support for the aura, all of which were vented out of the body, and then he was caught. The hell oven that exudes a powerful suction can all accommodate refining.

"Ah ah ah..."

The Thunder Emperor let out a terrifying cry like a bitter ghost and wolf howling, his realm rapidly declined, his body was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, countless wrinkles appeared, just like a dry corpse, how could there be half a childish face, immortal style and bones. Old fairy look.

"You, how dare you do this to me, do you want to fight against the Holy Land in the world?"

Tianleihuang was shocked and angry, he never thought that someone who respected him like him would be abolished Lunhai Yuanyuan because of such a small friction.

That's right, in the eyes of the Thunder Emperor, Nalan Ruoxue is an insignificant junior. Even if he were to kill him, it would only be considered a small friction. A mere junior, can he be compared with the quasi-god emperor in this great holy land?

It's just that he never imagined that, in Zhang Tian's eyes, he was not even an ant.Humans don't care about easily with ants, but if the ants insist on offending, they will be trampled to death.

"God's sins can be forgiven, and self-inflicted sins can't be lived."

Zhang Tian was indifferent as if he was raising his hand and waved a trivial matter. The powerful Heavenly Thunder Emperor, who had entered the realm of the quasi-God Emperor, exploded with a bang, his body was dead and his soul was annihilated!Lingjiu Literature Network

Everyone felt a deep horror at the scene in front of them. Zhang Tian actually fulfilled his promise and killed the Thunder Emperor in front of the world!

This is a great event!

The quasi-God Emperor of the Fluctuating Light Holy Land actually died in the Holy Capital!

It is almost conceivable that if this incident spreads out, what kind of stormy waves will be caused, and the entire continent will be shaken.

A group of Leimang quietly hangs on the original position of the Emperor of Thunder. It is faintly visible that there is a strange-looking 'man' in the center of Leimang, holding a giant axe, which resembles the god of thunder in ancient times.

This group of thunderbolts is exactly the origin of thunder law understood by Tianleihuang, the thunder god martial spirit of the seventh rank!And it contains a god-shattering method, "Jigu Shenlei Technique", which is so valuable that it can make any holy land dynasty go crazy!

Many people have incomparably hot looks in their eyes. Normally, this kind of martial arts imprint is closely related to the martial artist itself. Usually, it is one-shot death. Even if the martial artist is willing, it is difficult to strip it out.

But Zhang Tian did it. On the premise of killing the Thunder Emperor, he kept his Thunder God spirit.

"Zhang, Senior Zhang..."

The eighth prince's throat moved, his eyes were full of eagerness, and the royal family had no affection. Although the death of the Thunder Emperor had shocked him, the first thing he thought of right now was to inherit this supreme Thunder God spirit.

Zhang Tian's expression was indifferent, as if there was just a toy in front of him, he grabbed the group of thunderbolts in his hand, and then pressed it into Nalan Ruoxue's eyebrows.

"You were frightened just now, this martial spirit is the apology that Thunder Emperor gave you that day."

Zhang Tian said in a relaxed tone, causing all the onlookers to drop their jaws. A seventh-order Thor Martial Spirit was actually rewarded to a little girl who had not yet broken through to the legendary realm.Then they showed an expression of incomparable envy and regret. If they knew that there was such a report, they would try their best to drench the blood of Tianleihuang's scolding.

"Senior Zhang, I, I..."

In Zhang Tian's arms, Nalan Ruoxue was so excited that she was speechless. This is the experience of a quasi-god emperor for thousands of years. With this inheritance, her future will be limitless.

Under the surging emotions, Nalan Ruoxue didn't know what she was doing at all, she just instinctively wrapped her arms around Zhang Tian's neck, brought her peerless beauty closer, and pressed her lips together tightly.

In the next instant, an extremely warm touch was transmitted to his heart, making Nalan Ruoxue's snow-white face full of red clouds.

With the nephrite jade in his arms, Zhang Tian was naturally not polite, and carefully tasted the snow lotus blooming above the North Sea, and then slowly separated.

Nalan Ruoxue's heart was like an elk slamming into her heart, and Concubine Xue, who was dignified, took the initiative to offer her her first cut.

Zhang Tian still looked like a Sword Immortal looking down at Qingliu. He held the extremely shy Xue Fei in one hand, and stood in the sky, his eyes casually looking at the powerhouses in the Holy Land who were barely able to get up from the ground.

Just this look instantly made all the tension to the extreme. , , .

Chapter 441: The Emperor's Word: Congratulations to the Nine Mountains and Seas!


At this moment, the void vibrated violently, making bursts of explosions, and the hell oven that absorbed the whole body of the Thunder Emperor finally dissolved all ten void seeds and turned them into countless void source laws, which were transformed into hell ovens. Refinement, transformed into a chaotic energy, pouring into the body of the ruthless man,

In the next moment, the sky and the earth became dark, and a surge of power burst out from the ruthless man's wing, accompanied by a roar of cloud-dragon-like void energy, reverberating in the sky above the blood-clothed Hou's mansion, connected end to end, it was actually condensed. A tall and majestic palace, comparable to the imperial court of the ancestors, gave people an invincible domineering connection to the world.

"This is... the Void Temple?"

"The Marquis of Nanling actually condensed the Void Martial Spirit!"

"It's so terrifying, the Marquis of Nanling actually used the energy of the void to build a temple!"

Countless people shuddered in shock. Any Taoist magical power cultivated to a high level will produce a martial soul imprint. For example, the Qinglong claws that exploded when King Jinghai was beheaded before are the martial arts formed by the magical power of "Qinglong Destroying the Heavens". Soul imprint, another example is the Thunder God Martial Spirit imprint left by the Thunder Emperor just now.

The Way of the Void has always been one of the most mysterious of the great avenues of the heavens. There is a saying that time is respected and space is king.Normally, the law of the void understood by the three-transformation king of the legendary realm can only be regarded as a little bit of fur, but the way of the void understood by the ruthless person has condensed the martial spirit!

A Void Temple Martial Spirit!

What a terrifying qualitative change this is, you must know that looking at the entire continent, I have never heard of a great master possessing a Void Martial Spirit, let alone such a miraculous Void Temple Martial Spirit.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tian couldn't help showing a look of joy on his face, and temporarily moved his eyes away. This simple action suddenly made everyone secretly relieved.

The great saints of those holy places were hit hard one by one, and their breath was sluggish, but when Zhang Tian did not express it, no one dared to move. Everyone looked at each other, and their eyes were full of helplessness.

There is no way, the martial artist thinks of reaching the advanced realm, and the method of wealth and companionship is almost indispensable, so most of the unparalleled powerhouses must have the support of super sects behind them. Dare to offend all holy places at once.

It is almost unheard of for an immortal god emperor like Zhang Tian who was born out of nowhere and has nothing to worry about, and the major holy places have nothing to do with him, because they don't have any capital to threaten a quasi god emperor who can kill a quasi god emperor in one move. of the strong.

The breakthrough...and it goes on!

The ruthless man who broke through to the middle-level king in one fell swoop has ushered in a new challenge, the fourth of the legendary changes to the five elements!

The five elements are metal, wood, water, fire, soil, water to moisten the bottom, fire to burn, wood to bend and straight, gold to leather, earth to make crops, moisten to make salty, fire to make bitter, straight to sour, leather to make pungent, and crops to make sweet.The circulation of five elements constitutes the perfect function of the human body.

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