This change is to let people master the laws of the five elements, such as turning stones into gold, blooming flowers with a single thought, calling for wind and rain, burning fire with empty wood, turning soil into walls, etc., all belong to the basic five elements.Precisely because of these laws, the legendary four-transformation king is like a god in the eyes of many ignorant people, omnipotent.

The hell oven was burning vigorously, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was chaotic, turning into five strands of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, pouring into the hell oven like the Yangtze River.

Such a massive amount of spiritual power, even if poured into the body of an ordinary great saint, is enough to burst it, but to the ruthless person, these are just a drop in the bucket.


A beautiful figure flew into the air, wearing a long lake green dress, which set her off like a fairy, it was Yu Xin.

I saw that her plain hand was facing the void, and hundreds of spiritual pills flew out, colorful, all exuding extremely rich spiritual energy, and put them into the hell oven.Kanshuwo

"This is the Wood Spirit Pill? It's so rich in spiritual energy, it turned out to be the Nine Marks Absolute Pill!"

"Nine-patterned wood pills, nine-patterned golden pills, nine-patterned water pills... All five-element pills are nine-patterned pills, it's terrible!"

Those onlookers didn't care at first, but then they were shocked to discover that all these hundreds of spiritual pills were actually nine pill patterns, which had reached the limit of pills!

"This is Senior Zhang's second daughter, the unparalleled arrogance recognized by the Eastern Desolate Pill Dao world. A few days ago, she was in the Holy City Alchemist Branch to refine a half-holy-level poison pill. Emperor Dan!"

Many people recognized Yu Xin's identity, and they talked a lot, and their eyes were full of amazement. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that a little girl who was only fifteen or sixteen years old had enough to make the world's alchemists feel ashamed. The peerless alchemy!

Seeing Yu Xin's actions, the powerful people in the Holy Land all lit up. They took out their storage bracelets and walked forward diligently.

"Yaochi Holy Land, donate [-]-year-old Pan Lingguo to help the Marquis of Nanling Chongguan!"

"Dongming Holy Land, donate [-] thousand years of water marsh grass and [-] thousand spirit water pills to help the Marquis of Nanling Chongguan!"

"Purple Spirit Holy Land, offer fifty seven-leaf purple spirits and one hundred seven-patterned purple spirit pills to help the Marquis of Nanling Chongguan!"

The powerhouses of the Holy Land stepped forward, representing their respective forces, and poured a lot of treasures into the hell oven. These were the gifts they had prepared for Zhang Tian in advance. Now, because the Emperor of Thunder messed up things, they could only borrow flowers to offer Buddha. Slightly ease Zhang Tian's anger towards the major holy places.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The golden dragon, the wooden sky, the water dragon, the fire dragon, and the earth dragon, the majestic five elements of spiritual energy transformed into giant dragons, roaring into the body of the ruthless man, and quickly distributed into the nine round seas.

I don't know how long it took, the nine round seas finally overflowed, reflecting an incomparably miraculous five-element formation. This is an innate formation called the innate five-element formation. middle.

The fourth change of the legendary realm, breakthrough!

At this time, the 'epiphany' state also quietly ended.

This is an incomparably long record of 'apocalypse', which lasted for nine days. You must know that the breakthrough of ordinary geniuses, which can last for half an hour's 'apocalypse', is already very precious, even if a peerless genius like Shi Wuhua is But it only lasted six hours.


The wooden door was pushed open, and the ruthless man came out in a valiant manner, smiled sweetly at Zhang Tian in mid-air, and said softly, "I'm out of the customs."

There was a touch of tenderness in Zhang Tian's eyes, he nodded slightly, and then looked at the sky, said solemnly: "This emperor's daughter successfully crossed the border, congratulations from all over the world!"

Suddenly, the sound of the emperor resounded through the nine great mountains and seas, the three thousand great worlds, and the hundreds of millions of small worlds, and countless colorful flower rains fell from the sky above the sky.

Every petal of a flower contains the power of the incomparably precious laws of heaven.

The whole world, billions of creatures, boiled instantly! , , .

Chapter 442 The whole universe has been cultivated for a big bang!

"This...this is?"

Outside the Blood Clothed Hou's Mansion, some onlookers raised their hands curiously to catch the flower rain, only to find that the flower melted and turned into a stream of quintessential spiritual energy that poured into the dantian. It appeared in my mind, and some of the difficulties that were incomprehensible on weekdays were all overcome.


The entire Holy City, no, the entire universe, the creatures of all the worlds, all ushered in a big explosion of cultivation!

The young plants and trees turned into towering ancient trees hundreds of feet high, and the flowers and fruits fluttered in the wind, exuding the musk of the elixir of ten thousand years.

Everyone is boiling, this is a miracle from heaven!

"It is said that in ancient times, when a powerful person opened an altar, there would be visions such as the goddess scattered flowers, the ground swelled with golden lotus, etc., but the vision was only limited to a square inch. Could it be that there is some heaven-defying almighty in the nearby Daqian world. Dao, expanded the scope of the vision to the small world of Shengyuan, let me also follow the blessing?"

Many old antiques speculated based on their experience, but they never imagined that this grand vision was not limited to this small star field, but spread to every corner of the universe.Unexpectedly, all the visions originated from the four words 'Putian congratulations' shouted by Zhang Tian just now.

Soon, these people could not care about their wild thoughts, but all sat up on the spot. This chance is too great. The spiritual power contained in each petal is close to the elixir of ten thousand years, and the law contained in it. The power of strength is even more difficult to find in a lifetime, and everyone is racing against time to refine it.

Even the ruthless man who had just exited the customs re-entered the state of retreat, releasing the hell oven, which generated a strong suction to absorb all the nearby colorful flower rain, and wanted to refine it.

This time, she jumped directly from the triple realm of life and death to the legendary five-transformation yin-yang transformation. The realm span is very large, and it is precisely the huge spiritual power that is urgently needed to stabilize the realm. This colorful flower rain is tantamount to sending charcoal in the snow.

The legendary five changes of Yin and Yang, this realm, is about the changes of the way of Yin and Yang.

Legend has it that at the beginning of the sky, there was only one yang qi and one yin qi, so yin and yang are the foundation of all living beings, and it is also a very mysterious law, which is much more difficult than the law of the five elements.

"It's a pity. If the 'epidemic' time can be longer, let me understand the changes of yin and yang."

The ruthless man has stabilized his cultivation, and can't help but secretly regret that the sixth legendary realm has become a domain change. She has already realized the sword domain at the Tianwu Zhaobi before. If she can break through the yin and yang change, she can take advantage of the situation to transform the sword domain into a domain. , broke through the sixth transformation of the legendary realm in one go, and became the high-level king of the legendary realm.

However, being able to improve her cultivation to such a state has far exceeded her expectations.

The first is the water-type sword soul, which has been upgraded to the third-order intermediate level. When the water-type emperor soldiers are refined with Shuiyun Emperor Stone, and combined with the "Water Emperor's Killing Sword", she will definitely become her strongest trump card.

The second is the Ice Element Sword Soul, the Fire Element Sword Soul and Destruction Sword Soul have both been upgraded to the second tier, and then the "Reverse Chaos Sword Art" is used, and the power will be no less than 16% of the spiritual power of the Great Wilderness Prisoner's Finger, and it should not be a problem to kill the Great Sage in seconds. . 16 Novel Network[-].com

The only regret is that the realm of the two supernatural powers, "Flying Immortal Art" and "The Great Desolation Prisoner", was not improved, because these two supernatural powers are too powerful, even if they are in the state of 'epaphany', they are too much for ruthless people. too obscure.I am afraid that at least she will have to wait until she breaks through the state of 'harmony between man and nature' before she can improve these two magical powers.

Cultivation has no time, and the ruthless man has been so steady and steady to consolidate his cultivation, and half a month has passed quietly.

Finally, the day of exit came.

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