When he opened the door at first glance, Ruthless Man saw Yu Xin and couldn't help but smile and said, "Thank you second sister for helping me with the spiritual pill before, for helping me a lot."

Yuxin said: "Eldest sister, you're welcome. The people in the academy know that you are leaving today, and they have all gathered in the front hall to wait for you."

The ruthless man nodded and said, "I'll go right now."

After chatting with Yuxin for a while, Ruthless went to the front hall alone. The academies were already lined up. She was surprised when she glanced around.

I saw that among the students present, more than [-]% had broken through to the legendary realm. For example, Ji Feixue had broken through to the peak of the second transformation of the legendary realm, and the breath was extremely powerful.

"I have seen Senior Sister Zhang."

When the Ruthless Man came out, all the students stood up to say hello, and the attitude of the veteran students such as Shi Wuhua and Lu Shaoyan was even more submissive. Open, the gap is too big, and even the courage to chase is gone.

The ruthless man sat on the seat and chuckled: "Congratulations to you all for breaking through to the legendary realm."

Ji Feixue said: "Thanks to the colorful flower rain half a month ago, I have accumulated all the information to the limit, not only us, most of the Tianjiao who participated in the human race's Tianjiao battle have broken through to the legendary realm. Beixuan, Xiao Guyan, and Tantai Mingyue even broke through the three transformations of the legendary realm, causing a great sensation."

Shi Wuhua said with emotion: "That colorful flower rain is really a miracle, and we have been baptized in Shengyuan Continent. It's really hard to imagine the power of creating such a miracle, what level of cultivation has reached."

Lu Shaoyan shook his head and said, "How can I expect such a supreme figure? I am afraid that it is the real land gods who have the power to save all beings."

Everyone then started chatting enthusiastically, the topic always revolved around the various things before and after the breakthrough of the ruthless man, especially Zhang Tian, ​​who was sitting alone in the battle against the demon army of the ten directions, tearing up the extraterritorial demons, shouting back the powerhouses in the Holy Land, and transforming into thunder. Although more than half a month has passed since the killing of the Thunder Emperor and other deeds, it has always been a hot topic in the streets and has spread to the entire continent at an extremely fast speed.

"Oh? Did someone try to grab the Demon Emperor's heart before?"

The ruthless man's eyes narrowed, and she suddenly remembered that she was besieged by more than [-] black-robed monsters in the secret realm of life and death. Take it away, attracting a group of greedy people.

She hasn't asked Mu Qiluo to settle this account. , , .

Chapter 443 The whole city is full of Taoist Emperor Zhang!

The party was over, and it was almost dusk.

The ruthless man was dressed in a white shirt and walked on the street casually. It didn't take long for him to arrive at the Lingbao Pavilion. After registering his name, Nalan Ruoxue personally greeted him.

"I don't know if the Marquis of Nanling is here, and if Ruoxue has lost his way, I hope the Marquis will forgive her sins."

The relationship between Nalan Ruoxue and Ruthless Man is considered to be very familiar, and she slightly cupped her hands and made a joke.

Ruthless Man looked at it, his eyes suddenly lit up, and said, "Congratulations to Concubine Xue for being promoted to the third level of the legendary realm. With your talent and strength, it is a waste to be an auctioneer. Why don't I ask the emperor for a decree and transfer you to Qishi. How is the government?"

"Really? That would be great."

Nalan Ruoxue agreed without hesitation.

If it were changed to the past, she might not be willing to give up such a large property as Lingbao Pavilion, but now it is different. After getting the seventh-order Thunder God Martial Soul Mark given by Zhang Tian, ​​her potential has increased more than tenfold.

Especially after breaking through to the legendary realm, she has been able to mobilize [-]% of the power of the Thunder God Martial Spirit, enough to challenge the great sage powerhouse, and it is not impossible to advance to the half-step emperor in the future, which makes her mentality. Huge changes have taken place.

In this world, after all, the strong are respected. No matter how big the industry is, it cannot compare to the weight of a half-step emperor, and following the unparalleled arrogance of the ruthless is undoubtedly the best way to improve strength, let alone , following Ruthless will have infinite opportunities to approach Zhang Tian.

The ruthless man chuckled and said, "You have always been proficient in the world. With your help, I can feel a lot easier. By the way, I came here this time to ask for something."

Nalan Ruoxue said sternly: "Marquis Nanling is polite, my clan head has informed me, Beihai Alliance is willing to follow Senior Zhang closely, no matter what difficulties Nanling Marquis may have, Beihai Alliance will do their best to help."

The ruthless man said: "I will convey the wish of the Beihai Alliance to my father. The matter I want to talk about today is quite simple, as long as the Lingbao Pavilion helps me spread a message."

"What! Listening to the fragrance pavilion turned out to be a secret base set up by the remnants of Nanmaru?"

After hearing Ruthless Man's words, Nalan Ruoxue was taken aback and said solemnly: "This is a big event, the destruction of the country in Nanmaru has always been a taboo in the imperial court, and all the survivors of Nanmaru are under very strict supervision. It was Mu Qiluo, the boss behind the Perfume Pavilion, who was also implicated in the Eighth Prince, and this incident will definitely cause shocking waves."

Ruthless said: "I don't care how much trouble it will cause, Mu Qiluo hurts my heart, I just pay her back."

Nalan Ruoxue said: "Since this is the case, I will arrange for people to spread the news, so that the news can be spread throughout the Holy City at the latest tomorrow morning. However, the information network of listening to Xiangxie is very powerful, I am afraid that Mu Qiluo will get it ahead of time. news."

Ruthless: "I have my own plans for this."

Listening to the perfume pavilion, the guests raised.

Originally, after the Lingbao Trading Conference and the Human Race Tianjiao War ended, many people who joined in the fun planned to leave, but they did not expect that there would be so many hot topics before and after the breakthrough of the Ruthless Man, even if it was ten days and ten nights, it could not be finished. 101 Chinese website www.101zw.com

For a time, not only did the people who stayed in the Holy City not leave, but they also swarmed in a lot of great powers who heard the wind, making the ancient city of the Holy City also overcrowded. It is the most sought after, no matter day or night, it is full of people, talking about the anecdote of the Holy City.

"Hey, have you heard? The Thunder Emperor in the Holy Land of Fluctuation actually broke through to the Quasi-God Emperor Realm. This is incredible. Unfortunately, he was killed by Senior Zhang before he could show his prestige."

"Hmph, Senior Zhang is now considered a man of influence in the Holy Capital and even in the whole world, but I don't think his arrogance is too long. Who was Emperor Lei that day? It is closely related to the Holy Ancestor Dynasty and the Holy Land of Fluctuation, let alone the Holy Land. Senior Zhang is still using the "Jigu Shenlei Technique" that is secret from the Holy Land of Fluctuating Light."

"Come on, Tianlei Emperor has been dead for more than half a month, and no one from the Holy Land of Fluctuating Light has come to the door. I heard that Concubine Xian was furious in the palace and threatened to pay Senior Zhang's blood and blood, but what? It was the emperor who didn't say a word, so you can see the power of Senior Zhang."

"Zhang Tian, ​​Zhang Tian, ​​you know that Zhang Tian is a bunch of idiots!"

The window of a wing room on the top floor of the water pavilion was half-open, revealing the delicate face of Mu Qiluo. Listening to the topic discussed below, eight out of ten sentences were inseparable from 'Zhang Tian', which made her feel very depressed, and suddenly opened the window. together.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to have such a rude side. It seems that you also care about Senior Zhang."

In a corner of the room, Bai Yu, the wind king, leaned on the pillar and said lazily.

"Bai Yu, don't mess with me!"

Mu Qiluo gave Bai Yu a cold look, turned around and walked to the desk and sat down, opened the information sent by his intelligence network, and said solemnly: "Zhang Tian is too arrogant, don't you know that it is easy to hide with a clear gun, and a hidden arrow. It's hard to prevent, the holy places he offended have power all over the continent, and none of them are easy to come by. Even if they don't dare to provoke openly, they have the ability to do bad things behind the scenes. Zhang Yuxin, Zhang Tian's second daughter."

Bai Yu clapped his hands and said: "That's not right, you go and tell Senior Zhang this information, maybe you will be able to win his favor and bear some more rain. If you can pull Senior Zhang to our side, Nanzhuo will publicly announce the restoration of the country. Who else dares to make trouble?"

Mu Qiluo showed a shy and angry expression, and was about to have a seizure, when she heard a knock on the door, she immediately cleaned her face, and said calmly, "Come in."

A maid pushed in the door, handed over a jade slip, and said respectfully, "Sect Master, this is the urgent information sent from below."

"I know, you go out first."

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