Mu Qiluo waved her hand to screen away the maid, and only then did she investigate the contents of the jade slip. Seeing this, her complexion suddenly changed. With her simple hands, the jade slip made by Qingmu Lingyu was directly crushed into pieces.

Bai Yu said in surprise: "What happened?"

Mu Qiluo said with a gloomy face: "Our identities seem to be exposed, and now there are gossips circulating outside, saying that Xiangxiangxie is a gathering place for the chaotic people of Nanzhao, intending to revolt and restore the country, the news will spread throughout the morning at the latest. Shengdu, our plan must be advanced!"

Bai Yu said solemnly: "Bai Yuwei is already on standby outside the city and can act at any time, but many of the Nanmaru survivors have not been summoned."

"It's too late, I'm here to inform Meng Wu that you should go outside the city to mobilize Bai Yuwei to prepare to storm the Imperial Sky Prison."

Mu Qiluo acted resolutely, made a decision on the spot, and said solemnly: "Tonight, the prince must be rescued!"

Chapter 444 The prince was born, the poisonous dragon killed the holy city

Bai Yu was very convinced of Mu Qiluo. After hearing the arrangement, she did not refute at all, and immediately turned into a breeze and left.

Mu Qiluo followed up with some deployments. After pouring out all the orders, she moved lightly to the outside window and opened the window to see that it was the most prosperous night scene on this ten-mile Fengyue Long Street. The lanterns are on display everywhere, and the whole street is as bright as day, a bustling scene.

At this time, the half-bright moon moved out of the clouds, and the bright moonlight just shone on the attic where she was, making her bathe in the gentle moonlight, and the faint silver light reflected on her body even more highlighted that she had the aura of heaven and earth. It is a beautiful outline with distinct ups and downs like the mountains and rivers.

The only fly in the ointment was that her beautiful eyes, which should have contained autumn water, were full of murderous aura.

Suddenly, the corners of Mu Qiluo's mouth twitched, and the murderous aura in his eyes slowly disappeared, instead showing an indescribable depth.


A cold voice fell, and Shili Fengyue Long Street suddenly burst into flames, reflecting half of the sky red, as if the entire holy city was on fire.

The next moment, the fire spread like a long dragon in the dark night, and most of the holy capitals were all set on fire.

The voices of the people, running and shouting, resounded throughout the capital.

In the midst of this commotion, Mu Qiluo, wearing a black night clothes, leaped out like a night elf and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​fire.

But she didn't realize that at the moment she flew out, a figure hidden in the darkness at the top of an adjacent attic also flew out, following behind Mu Qiluo unhurriedly.

With today's ruthless man's accomplishments in the Way of the Void, although he has not learned any special Void-like secret techniques, he is still in the water, and his movement speed is several times faster. Combined with the sword-light flying technique in "Swordsmanship", in the One way of moving, he can already look down on the heroes.

Following all the way like this, the two quickly approached the place where the Imperial Heavenly Prison was, but Mu Qiluo suddenly disappeared.

"You guys, bring all your equipment and go to Dongshi Street to put out the fire!"

"You guys, go to Beishi Street to rescue the store so that no one can take advantage of the fire!"

General Meng Wu, riding a tall and mighty mount, stood in front of the Tianjing prison, calmly dispatching, seemingly impartial law enforcement, but in fact, most of the people who were dispatched were the original Tianjing garrison, so that there were only a few left. There are not many defenders, all of them are the forbidden troops under his command.

When the ruthless man saw this scene, he frowned slightly, and always felt that something was not right. When he was thinking about whether to release his soul to find Mu Qiluo, he suddenly saw countless fire lights burst out, and countless fire-type treasures rushed to the sky prison at the same time. , and instantly forced the forbidden army guarding the front door to retreat.


At the end of the street, many people in black suddenly rushed out of the shadows, swarming into the prison, and their movements were extremely agile. Especially black crows.

What made Ruthless was strange was that Meng Wu, who was guarding the general, made a very weak resistance, but because the scene was too chaotic and she didn't dare to release her spirit, she couldn't tell the specific situation.


It didn't take long for a violent vibration to be heard from the depths of the prison, as if the whole earth was trembling, and then the men in black rushed out again, and among those men in black, there was an extra sound. A tall man in a prison uniform, with a very strange appearance, not only his hair is green, but his eyes are also green, like a poisonous snake, and like the deadliest poison.Qusoshu Book

"Dali Temple's divine arrest is here, and all the robbers will be captured immediately, or they will be killed!"

"Bold robbers, who dare to make trouble at the feet of the world, and do not surrender immediately."

At this moment of delay, all the troops from the military departments of Dali Temple, the General's Mansion, the Wuhou Mansion and others arrived.

"Master Bone God, the three captains, this person is the Prince of Nanmaru, and the emperor has ordered him to commit the crime, so hurry up and capture him!"

Meng Wu's voice suddenly came from behind, full of anger, and accompanied by a violent force, it blasted towards the man in the blue-eyed prison uniform.

The bone god of Dali Temple and the three captains of Xiyuan looked at each other and launched an attack in unison.


A voice full of coercion came from the mouth of Prince Nanmaru, which seemed to be extremely disdainful. With a roll of white robe, a green energy burst out, turning into a huge poisonous dragon, rolling in all directions.

"Bang bang bang..."

Under the sweep of this poisonous dragon, Bone God, Colonel Xiyuan, Meng Wu and others were all blasted out backwards, so shocked that all the imperial army retreated a few steps.

"No, this poisonous dragon qi is poisonous."

The ruthless man was startled, he had planned to resist the aftermath of the gangster qi, but at this time he had to expose it, to refer to the sword, turning into a sword of destruction, instantly annihilating all the poisonous qi.


Prince Nanzuma's terrifying divine soul power swept through the audience, and he soon discovered the ruthless man who turned into a sword light and fled into the distance, with a cruel look on the corner of his mouth, he raised his hand and swayed, a cloud of green The poison gas coiled into a dragon, roaring towards the ruthless man's vest.



One person and one Jiao, moving as fast as lightning, galloping in the sky above the burning holy city, and finally arrived at the gate of the blood-clothed Hou's mansion.

At this time, Mrs. Xianglian was standing in the yard directing Fang Lin and others to clean up the fire scene. Suddenly, she saw the ruthless man falling from the sky, followed by a huge poisonous dragon.

The poisonous dragon was extremely powerful, and the oppression from a distance made her feel suffocated, and she was about to shout when suddenly all the pressure disappeared, and a masculine air poured into her breath.

But it was Zhang Tian who did not know when he appeared beside Mrs. Xianglian. The evening wind was blowing, and his blue shirt swayed slightly, like a peerless sword fairy. He pointed at the poisonous dragon behind the ruthless man, and the void around the poisonous dragon was suddenly distorted. , turned into a black hole and disappeared, and the world returned to peace.

That night, the fire filled the sky, the Royal Heavenly Prison was robbed, the Prince of Nanmaru escaped from the trap, poisoned the holy capital, the remnants of Nanmaru were reunited as kings, and the world shook! , , .

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