Chapter 445 The Heart Flame of the Nine Dragons Emperor, the Emperor's Decree

The next day, the sky was clear for thousands of miles. After a night of rescue, the fire in the holy city had been completely extinguished. This was also thanks to the large number of holy realm powerhouses attracted by Zhang Tian, ​​who forcibly annihilated the fire with the supreme water system method.Otherwise, the wind will help the fire, I am afraid that the entire holy city will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

However, this incident had no effect on the Zhang Family Courtyard. Zhang Tian, ​​Ruthless, and Yu Xin sat together and ate breakfast as usual.

As for Zi Yan, that girl is still refining the imprint of the Qinglong Claw Martial Soul in retreat. There are often legends about the sleepiness of the dragon race. In fact, it is because the dragon race is powerful. Just get some sleep.

Halfway through the meal, the ruthless man seemed to remember something, and said to Yuxin: "In a few days, it will be the time for the Tianjiao battle of the Pill Dao. With the second sister's alchemy skills, winning the championship should be an easy matter, right?"

Yuxin said modestly: "Eldest sister is joking, there are many talents in the world, I am not sure that I can beat the heroes like eldest sister, as long as I can enter the top five. Because according to the rules announced by the imperial court, the top five in the Dan Dao battle, You can enter the Xuantian Fire Domain and choose a source of fire."

The ruthless man said in surprise: "Xuantian Fire Territory? I know that place. It is said that the emperor pacified an evil sect [-] years ago and captured the Nine Dragon Emperor Xinyan, who ranked seventh in the Nine Realms Variation Fire Ranking, and hid it in the Xuantian Fire Territory. "

Yuxin said: "Yes, Xuantian Fire Territory is a very mysterious and mysterious realm, and the fire element is extremely rich in spiritual energy, so it has collected a lot of powerful fire sources, including the Nine Dragon Emperor Heart Flame, but this strange fire is too much It is so powerful that even the Emperor can't subdue it, so he can only temporarily seal its power, and it is expected that nine times out of ten it will be difficult for me to subdue it."

Ruthless said: "Second sister, don't belittle yourself, I believe you can do it. Dad said yes?"

Zhang Tian raised his eyebrows, looked at Yu Xin, whose face was blushing, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about others, just be yourself. If Jiulong Emperor Xinyan dares to disobey you, Dad will teach him a lesson for you!"

Yu Xin couldn't help laughing, showing a touch of beauty, nodded and said, "Thank you dad, I will definitely work hard and not embarrass my dad."

Just when the family was enjoying themselves, Ji Feixue walked in from outside the door with a slightly anxious look on her face.

Ruthless: "What happened?"

Ji Feixue saluted Zhang Tian and said, "The emperor's decree has arrived, and the Marquis of Nanling is also invited to receive the decree at the Qishi Mansion."

The ruthless man had already anticipated it in his heart, and immediately said: "Then let's go."

The two galloped all the way, and soon arrived at Qi Shi Mansion.I saw all the Tianjiao standing in the courtyard, and a eunuch wearing an official uniform stood under the gate with an imperial edict in his hand.

Seeing the ruthless man, the eunuch immediately took the initiative to meet him and said loudly, "Dare to ask if your Excellency is the Marquis of Nanling?"

Ruthless: "Exactly." 398 Novels

The eunuch immediately took a step back when he heard the words, unfolded the imperial edict and said: "Fengtian transport, last night the holy capital was on fire, and the remnants of Nanmaru stormed the imperial prison in the chaos and rescued the guilty prince of Nanmaru, but his whereabouts are unknown. Inspector order, thoroughly investigate this case, Qi Shifu, Xingbu, Dali Temple fully cooperate, must arrest the rioters hidden in the holy city of Nanmaru, here-"

"Wei Chen accepts the order."

The ruthless man strode forward to receive the imperial decree. She is the champion of Jinkewu, and she has the privilege of entering the palace with swords and bows, so she doesn't have to be too strict with etiquette.

After the eunuch who served in the house handed over the imperial edict to Ruren, he whispered: "This case has caused a shock to the whole court and the opposition. The Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment and other institutions have shied their responsibilities. His Majesty was very frightened and insisted on appointing the Marquis of Nanling as an inspector despite all opposition. Order, you can see your Majesty's trust and hope that the Marquis of Nanling can solve the case as soon as possible, and then there will be a heavy reward."

The ruthless man said: "Thank you father-in-law for the reminder. Please also reply to your majesty, saying that this marquis will do everything in her power to solve the case."

After the eunuch was sent away, Qi Shi Mansion immediately boiled over.

A holy place arrogant said excitedly: "Our Qishi Mansion has just been established, and we can take over such a big case. It really is highly valued by the emperor. Hehe, what Dali Temple used to show off its power in front of the major holy places, so don't follow it this time. We eat ashes behind us."

Chen Beixuan said in a low voice: "It is not the Qishi Mansion that is trusted by the emperor, but the Marquis of Nanling, or do you think that someone else can suppress the arrest of the four gods of Dali Temple? The Lord is on an equal footing with Duke Cao."

All the arrogances nodded in unison, the four gods of Dali Temple, any one of them has the ability to reach the sky, and can rule the roost in the holy realm.As the master of Dali Temple, Cao Zhengming is also a big man who can stand on an equal footing with the Holy Master of Yaochi and the Holy Master of Tantai. Except for the ruthless man who is backed by Zhang Tian, ​​who can straighten his back in front of him?

The ruthless man raised his hand to stop everyone's discussion, and said solemnly: "Since the emperor has handed this case over to the Qi Shi Mansion, everyone must be motivated. If there is anything that has not been dealt with, go back and deal with it for half an hour. Then, gather in the main hall!"

"As ordered!"

A group of Tianjiao clasped their fists and retreated.

After half an hour, all Tianjiao returned to the main hall of Qi Shi Mansion. They were surprised to find that there was a beautiful woman beside the ruthless man. She was slender and charming, and her skin was as smooth as snow. Snow.

Seeing everyone gathered together, Ruthless Man cleared his throat and introduced: "This is Nalan Ruoxue of Beihai Alliance, who has been in charge of Lingbao Pavilion for many years, and is known for her ingenuity. This Marquis plans to recommend her to the Emperor to join the Qishi Mansion. , she will also participate in the whole process of the Nanzuma prison robbery case, do you have any comments?"

All the arrogances nodded and cast a very kind look at Nalan Ruoxue, not to mention that this Xue Fei is a real peerless beauty, backed by the great power of the Beihai Alliance, she only dared to bluntly criticize the Thunder Emperor. One point is enough to make her famous in the Holy City.

Not to mention that she also got the seventh-order Thor Martial Spirit presented by Zhang Tian. Even if they competed in combat power, few Tianjiao in the audience were confident that they would be able to win. Naturally, she had no opinion on her joining the Qi Shi Mansion.

After receiving the affirmative answer from everyone, Ruthless nodded slightly and said, "Last night, most of the holy capitals were in flames, and at the same time, the remnants of Nanzhao attacked the Imperial Sky Prison and succeeded in one fell swoop. What do you think about this?" ,,. .

Chapter 446 The Legendary Great Emperor Reincarnated

Nangong Feng said carelessly, "It goes without saying that the fire must have been set by the Nanmaru traitors. The purpose was to cause chaos, so they could take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters."

Ruren said: "It is indeed the case. It can be seen that there are many masters among the remnants of Nanmaru, and they have planned for a long time for this prison robbery, and the plan is very thorough. Therefore, before starting the proposal, Ben Hou thinks that we should first understand these things. What is the identity of the so-called Nanmaru remnants, and what does Jie want to save the Nanquan Prince?"

Tantai Mingyue said: "I know a little about Nanmaru. The environment in this area is very harsh, with poisonous insects and various poisonous mists, so it is almost isolated from the outside world. , inconspicuous."

"Unremarkable? How did I hear that His Majesty the Human Sovereign had mobilized [-] elite frontier troops in order to pacify Nanmaru, and finally succeeded in suppressing it with his powerful cultivation. This is not unremarkable, right? "

A Tianjiao refuted that their holy land was very close to the South Marsh, and they had a good understanding of what happened back then.

Tantai Mingyue said with a light smile: "Nanmaru is a poor, weak and small country, which is true. One of the reasons why the imperial army spent a lot of effort to destroy it is that the environment there is bad, the logistical continuity is poor, it is difficult to line up the army, and the soldiers are divided. It can be said that he has suffered from a lot of poisonous epidemics. As for the second reason, it is His Royal Highness Prince Nanmaru."

Tantai Mingyue seems to have deliberately dragged a long tone, and with her peerless beauty, it attracted everyone's attention, and then said eloquently: "Most of you are from the Holy Land, you should know that many unparalleled beauty The strong, the will of the soul is extremely powerful, even if the body is destroyed, the broken will will not be wiped out, but wandering between heaven and earth, and there are even special secrets that can take away the body and reincarnate and rebuild it!"

Speaking of this, many people showed the color of comprehension, Gu Xunyi said in surprise: "Could it be that this Prince of Nanmaru is the reincarnation of some unparalleled powerhouse?"

Tantai Mingyue nodded and said, "The Prince of Nanmaru made a lot of noise back then. He was obviously just a prince of a weak country, but he mastered all kinds of incredible magical powers, and it took only two hundred years to break through to a half-step god. In the realm of the emperor, according to various signs, many holy places speculate that this Prince of Nanmaru is likely to be the reincarnation of a strong emperor from the Ninth Mountains and Seas!"

"The emperor reincarnated?"

All holy places Tianjiao can't help but take a breath. This is really shocking. The road of the emperor is difficult to climb to the sky. A strong emperor can sweep invincible even if he is placed in the Great Thousand World. He was reincarnated in the Shengyuan Continent Tiny little world.

Ruthless Man had heard Fang Lin mention the old story of Marquis in Blood and Conquering Nan Swamp, and now combined with Tantai Mingyue's words, the two-phase confirmation, in an instant, he would understand most of the reasons for the conquest of Nan Swamp.

Nanmaru intends to rebel, this is just an excuse, an excuse for the Emperor to send troops to suppress Nanmaru, because the Emperor does not want the Prince of Nanmaru to grow up, or in other words, the Emperor is coveting the imprint of the Great Emperor in the Prince of Nanmaru!Otherwise, why would Prince Nanzuma be imprisoned and not killed?

However, the ruthless were not interested in the truth of the year. Perhaps the people of Nanmaru were indeed wronged back then, but they set fire to the Holy City last night and caused countless civilian casualties. These crimes are irrefutable.

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