Thinking of this, the ruthless man said solemnly: "When the Prince of Nanmaru was suppressed, he was only a half-step emperor. After being imprisoned for decades, his skill will definitely decline greatly. He is not the only one to be afraid of. The key is those who rescued him. people."

Tantai Mingyue said: "Nanmaru has this ability, but they are only the Four Heavenly Kings of Fenghuo, Forest and Mountain. These four people were all cultivated by the Prince of Nanmaru, each with their own magical abilities. When they wiped out Nanmaru, the Four Heavenly Kings caused a lot of losses to the imperial army. In the end, only King Yan, Yan Ruge, was captured alive, and the other three heavenly kings disappeared." 139 Novels

The ruthless man pondered: "It seems that the three heavenly kings should be the ones who received the Prince of Nanmaru outside. Miss Nalan, Lingbao Pavilion has always been well-informed, and she should know more about this Nanmaru prison robbery case than we do. I have a lot of inside information, can you tell us something about it?"

Nalan Ruoxue was instantly watched by all eyes, but her face was very calm, and said: "This imperial prison was originally strictly guarded. The guards all the way, that is, the forbidden army led by General Meng Wu. With these three guards guarding, it was foolproof, but because of the fire in the Holy City, most of the guards of Tianjing were sent out to ask for help. Traitors have an opportunity."

Xiao Guyan murmured softly: "Why did the Eighth Prince apply for the addition of the Tianpao defenders for no reason? This is a strange thing. Everyone must have heard that rumor. I heard that Mu Qiluo, the owner of Fragrance Pavilion, is suspected of being a traitor from Nanmaru. Another layer of her identity is that of the Eighth Prince's trusted advisor."

Ruthless Man's eyes flashed, and he said solemnly: "The three-way army guards the Imperial Sky Prison, there must be one person in charge, is this person Meng Wu?"

Chenbei Xuandao: "According to the military rank, Meng Wu is much higher than the other two, so he should be the leader."

The ruthless man said: "So, the person who dispatched the troops to rescue the fire is also him?"

Nalan Ruoxue said in shock: "I remembered that the Nan Swamp traitor appeared once before, when the General's Mansion escorted the witness of King Jinghai's case into the capital. The siege, but because Meng Wu arrived unexpectedly, let him escape!"

Nangong Feng said loudly, "This Wind King Bai Yu must have been sent by the Eighth Prince. He is the one who wants to kill those witnesses the most."

After speaking, Nangong Feng realized that what he said was too straightforward, and he couldn't help blushing and bowed his head silently.

The ruthless man said solemnly: "From these two incidents, it is inferred that Mengwu is a serious suspect, and he is likely to be the inner responder of the Nanzuma traitor. Xiao Guyan, take a few people to interrogate the Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment, and ask them to send them immediately. Come over, the masters, and assist the marquis to capture the general Meng Wu!"

Xiao Guyan clasped his fists and said, "As ordered!"

Then he raised his hand and waved, and directly led the people from Fengshen Academy out of Qishi Mansion.

Gu Xunyi hesitated: "How should the Eighth Prince handle it?"

The ruthless man said calmly: "The prince is guilty of breaking the law and the common people. Obviously, the eighth prince has nothing to do with these two matters. Let Dali Temple send someone to take him into custody first."

All the arrogances were in awe. If they said that they were only intimidated by the strength and background of Ruthen before they obeyed, then now, they are completely convinced by the calm and calm style of the peerless general of Ruthen. , , .

Chapter 447 Invincible Defense?The Emperor's Eyes are destroyed!

The Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple had obviously received relevant notices long ago. After receiving the summons from Qishi Mansion, they immediately dispatched a large number of experts to arrive. Only the Dali Temple side dispatched two divine arrests, the Sword God and the Bone God.

Seeing Sword God Xie Xiaonan, the ruthless man couldn't help but feel turbulent for a while. As her sword intent increased, her control over the Star Ten Thousand Swords Map became stronger and stronger, and her sense of the Star Ten Thousand Sword Map in Xie Xiaonan's body also became stronger. strong.

This is an inheritance of the supreme swordsmanship from the ancient sword king. This sword king wants to create a peerless sword emperor by raising Gu. Therefore, the holders of the Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram are all opponents. When you get to the other party, you can get the other party's Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram and lifetime kendo insights.

Forcibly suppressing the urge to take action, the ruthless man said calmly: "The target to be arrested this time is General Meng Wu, who controls the forbidden army, has strong strength, and may have hidden strength, so be sure to act carefully and do your best. Possibly capture each other alive."

Everyone shouted in unison, "Follow your orders!"

The group immediately spread out like fishing nets, and surrounded the Imperial Palace. Dali Temple is a veteran in this area. They have already prepared the formation masters and set up a forbidden formation around the government, in case anyone wants to break through the sky and attack them. escape.


The ruthless man used his sword as a substitute for his sword, and drew his fingers towards the gate of the Imperial Palace. A fiery sword energy blasted out, instantly shattering the entire gate, and everyone roared in.

Chen Beixuan held the bow of the sky on his back, raised his hand and swayed a handprint of destroying the sky, and instantly flew back the dozen or so forbidden soldiers who came out.Tantai Mingyue, Chu Xiangtian and others also showed their magical powers and forced all the forbidden troops to retreat.

The side of the Dali Temple and the army of the Punishment Department spread out in a fan shape, and the momentum rose, encircling all the forbidden troops.

"Who rushed to the Imperial Palace to be wild?"

General Meng Wu strode out, with a height of two feet, a tiger's back and a bear waist, eyes like copper bells, and a hideous beast armor, giving people a great oppressive force.

The ruthless man said indifferently: "This marquis is entrusted by the emperor to thoroughly investigate the Nanmaru prison robbery case. You have a serious suspicion. Now take off your armor immediately and accept the investigation."

Meng Wu's eyes flashed, and he said solemnly: "Presumptuous, this general has the responsibility of guarding the imperial city, and he has a lot of responsibilities. How can you take it as you say? The Emperor Mingming, let him decide."

"Hey, I know you won't be caught without your hands. Come here, take Meng Wu down for this marquis, and if the forbidden army dares to intervene, it will be regarded as a conspiracy!"

The ruthless man did not give Meng Wu any time to buffer, and with a wave of his palm, the people from Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment immediately killed Meng Wu.

The Bone God, the Sword God, and the two great saints of the Punishment Department launched attacks at the same time, but they did not expect a mountain shadow to appear behind Meng Wu, which blocked all the attacks.

"Marquis of Nanling, you deceive people too much. Brothers, follow me to take down the Marquis of Nanling, and hand it over to His Majesty to inquire!"

Meng Wu roared, his body suddenly swelled a lot, turned into a terrifying half-beast shape, and led the forbidden army to press towards the ruthless man.


"Protect the Marquis of Nanling!"

Everyone in Qishi Mansion jumped out one after another. Tantai Mingyue turned into a white lotus pedestal. Chu Xiangtian waved Fang Tianhua halberd and turned into a huge halberd light. Wu in front of him.

However, these attacks fell on Meng Wu, but they were all distorted by an invisible stance, with no effect at all.

"Death to me!" Wenbi Zhai Novel

Meng Wu roared, he actually raised his hand and grabbed the three iron arrows shot by Chen Beixuan, and with a hard throw, he directly destroyed the white lotus platform formed by Tantai Mingyue. As for Chu Xiangtian's halberd glow, Gu Xunyi The ancient emperor's handprint turned a blind eye and let it slam on his body.

Such an explosive attack only slightly reduced Meng Wu's pace by three points, and he still rushed to the Ruthless Man with a violent momentum, raising his fan-like palm and blasting at her.

All the geniuses of Qi Shifu showed a look of horror, what kind of terrifying defense is this, it is comparable to the peerless demon saint,

"Be careful, Duke of Nanling, this is the Dharma Statue of Mount Tai. This person is the King of Mount Tai among the Four Heavenly Kings of Nanmaru.

The Bone God Leng Aotian reminded loudly, his eyes full of anxiety, the Four Heavenly Kings of Nan Swamp, all of them are well-known ruthless figures in the holy realm. Back then, there were so many masters in the imperial army, and they still let them escape, showing their supernatural abilities.

"King of Mount Tai? It seems to have caught a big fish."

The ruthless man faced Meng Wu's aggressive blow, his face showed no fear, the sword domain swayed, and the four sword souls each held one side, instantly quelling Meng Wu's aura oppression.

"The fourth form of the Reverse Chaos Sword Art, the ice and fire will destroy the sky!"

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