An extremely terrifying sword intent erupted from the ruthless man. Cang Ming, the top-level ice and fire sword of the imperial rank, unsheathed it and turned into a huge sword light, which collided fiercely with the palm of Mengwu's Mount Tai.


Despite the sword intent buffer, the ruthless man was still blown away by the terrifying power of Meng Wu, the sword light shattered, and even two more cracks appeared on the ice and fire sword.

"It's so strong, this kind of physical strength is comparable to that of many demon masters."

Many of the geniuses of Qi Shi Mansion were shocked by Meng Wu and retreated again and again. This kind of power is not something they can compete with.

"Marquis of Nanling, accept your life!"

Meng Wu chased the ruthless man and rushed out of the gate of the government office. Although his body was boiling with killing intent, he actually wanted to escape in the chaos.

But the ruthless man is not as good as he wished. He has an immortal body to protect his body. Attacks of this intensity are nothing to the ruthless man. When he turns around, he returns to normal. rise out.

"Flying Immortal Art!"

"The Great Wilderness Prisoner's Finger!"

The ruthless man did not have time to communicate with the world, so he directly took out all the spiritual power in his body and released his supernatural power. In an instant, a black and golden finger with a length of [-] meters burst out of the air, full of the ancient atmosphere, and bombarded Mengwu fiercely, knocking Mount Tai. Dharma blasted a huge crack.

"Ahhh...I want you to die!"

Meng Wu only felt a pain of tearing flesh all over his body, his eyes were instantly covered with blood red, and he no longer escaped, but completely turned into a terrifying beast, pressing towards the ruthless man.

At this time, the ruthless man's spiritual energy was severely withered, and he had no power to stop it. He could only barely hold up the delicate necklace on the jade neck, where Zhang Tian's will was sealed.

Suddenly, there was a burst of will to the sky on the green necklace, as if an emperor's eyes were scanning the audience. When Meng Wu was swept away, the incomparably powerful Taishan law exploded, and the whole person flew out hundreds of times. Zhang, the body was cracked, and the flesh and blood splashed.

Sword God Xie Xiaonan rushed forward like a gust of wind, and a sharp golden sword intent erupted, turning the divine sword in his hand into a golden color, directly cutting Meng Wu in the middle! , , .

Chapter 448 Stepping through the Prince's Gate!

"Golden Sword Intent?"

Ruthless Man's eyes narrowed slightly. It was the first time she saw Xie Xiaonan make a move, and it was indeed very powerful. Not only did the gold-type sword soul reach the fourth rank, but also the movement technique just now was similar to the sword light differentiation technique, which exuded a strong gust of wind. Sword Intent means that his Wind Element Sword Soul has also reached the fourth rank.

Any martial spirit and sword spirit, from the third to the fourth rank, is a qualitative leap. Many great saints have spent their entire lives and can only linger in the third rank.If you have a fourth-order martial spirit or sword spirit, you can become one of the 'Holy Kings'.

What is the Holy King?Holy King!Even in many super ancient sect holy places, the powerhouses of the holy king level belong to the top-level combat power, and their status is much higher than that of ordinary great saints.

As for the Holy Master above, he must have at least a fifth-order martial soul or sword soul. The most peak Holy Masters such as Tantai Holy Master and Yaochi Holy Master, even have a sixth-order martial soul, which can be hard to beat the Supreme Sage. , you can kill ordinary great saints with just one shot.

With the combat power Xie Xiaonan just showed, he is proficient in two fourth-order sword souls. Even if he is not as good as the Holy Master, he is still in the forefront among the Holy Kings. No wonder he has the strength to deter the major holy places.You must know that many small holy places do not have holy master-level characters.

"Marquis Nanling, are you alright?"

The people of Qi Shi Mansion gathered around one after another and greeted nervously, but most of their eyes were focused on the emerald necklace at the ruthless man's collarbone, and their eyes were full of scorching heat.As soon as Zhang Tian's will came out just now, he broke Mengwu's Mount Tai's dharma by just relying on his power, which really shocked them a little.

"I am fine."

The ruthless man stood up, his complexion has returned to rosy, this is the advantage of the legendary king, he can communicate with the world, even if the spiritual energy is exhausted, as long as you give a little time, you can quickly replenish it.

Sword God Xie Xiaonan walked up to Meng Wu's body and said indifferently: "The Marquis of Nanling really did a good job, and it took less than a day to find out this traitor hidden in the court. Over the years, the emperor has been pursuing Nanmaru. The whereabouts of the Four Heavenly Kings, this time when the King of Mount Tai was killed, you have made a great contribution."

The ruthless man chuckled: "Thank God for chasing the power to kill Mengwu, the King of Mount Tai, this Marquis will report it truthfully, and even if there is a reward, you will be a part of it."

Xie Xiaonan shook his head and said, "Although the King of Mount Tai is the last of the Four Heavenly Kings of Nanmaru, his Dharma of Mount Tai is famous all over the world. He claims to be invincible in defense and cannot be broken by a top sage. If Senior Zhang's will smashed the Dharma of Mount Tai, I would also It's impossible to kill him."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone looking at the necklace under Ruthen's neck became even more fiery, and it was impossible for the top Holy Master to break. Does that mean that Zhang Tian's will is comparable to that of the top Holy Master.And the ruthless person has a top holy master to protect her at any time?

Really more popular than dead people.

In such a comparison, even Chu Xiangtian and Hun Xiuya, the descendants of the top powers, can only stare with envy.

At this moment, dozens of people from Dali Temple pushed a wheelchair and walked over from the side street. Bone God Leng Aotian glanced at him and said in shock, "Linger, why are you here?"

Many people looked over curiously. The four gods of Dali Temple, especially the psychic god Li Linger, were the most mysterious. It was rumored that she was just a crippled person in a wheelchair.

At this glance, all the arrogances can't help but feel a sense of surprise. Li Linger's beauty is completely different from the beauty of peerless beauties such as Tantai Mingyue, Nalan Ruoxue, Ruthless Man, and Gu Xunyi. She seems to be budding. The young flowers are like snow lotuses that are far away in the wind and snow, which makes people unable to bear a strong desire for protection.

Li Ling'er said with a bitter face: "My adoptive father asked me to take someone to the Eighth Prince's Mansion to summon the Eighth Prince, but the Eighth Prince was too spoiled, so he drove us all out. Here it is."

No one thought that the famous psychic and divine arrester would show such a cute girl's demeanor, and they all felt that the center softened, as if only hearing this voice, many troubles were swept away.Hot Search

Even a ruthless person has a good impression of Li Linger, and chuckled lightly: "The eighth prince dares to disobey the order of this marquis, then let's go to him for theories."

Afterwards, Ruthless Man asked Xie Xiaonan to take Meng Wu's body back to Dali Temple to sort out the case, and the rest of the group went to the Eighth Prince's Mansion in a mighty manner.

"Come and knock on the door."

In front of the Eighth Prince's mansion, the ruthless man said lightly.

Li Ling'er shook her head and said, "It's useless, the Eighth Prince will definitely not open the door."

Sure enough, several Tianjiao knocked for a long time, and even shouted loudly, but there was still no effect.

The ruthless man's expression did not change, and he said calmly, "Smash the door."


Chu Xiangtian replied happily, he has a noble status and has always disliked any prince.

"Bold, Zhang Ruren, do you want to rebel?"

The Eighth Prince was banqueting guests in the hall, and when he saw the ruthless man leading someone to force his way in, he immediately showed a very shocked expression.

The ruthless man said in a low voice: "The one who should be worried about this problem is probably His Highness himself. Just now, the Marquis has already led people to suppress the general Meng Wu, confirming that he is the King of Mount Tai among the Four Heavenly Kings of Nanmaru. Before the Royal Heavenly Prison case, it was His Highness specially dispatched him to guard it. This makes this Marquis wonder if His Highness is involved with the Nanmaru rioters."

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