
As soon as this statement came out, the senior officials in the hall panicked. If there is any crime that can cure the prince, it would be collaborating with the enemy and treason.

The eighth prince was also stunned, and then loudly said: "I was wronged, this prince is wronged! Zhang Ruren, you are taking personal revenge, I want to see my concubine, I want to see my concubine!"

However, the tree fell, and before the charges of 'cooperating with the enemy and treason', whoever dared to intercede for the Eighth Prince could only watch him being taken into the Dali Temple dungeon.

The mighty Nanmaru prison robbery case, which shocked the government and the public, made significant progress in just one day. The great traitor, General Meng Wu, was discovered and killed!

The facts of the case were announced, and the Emperor Longyan Dayue gave him a unicorn robe and [-] imperial spirit stones as a reward.For the first time, the name of the ruthless man's bravery and good judgment came to the ears of the common people of Shengdu.

Just at this time of jubilation, there was a gloomy wind in a palace in the imperial city. The virtuous concubine who ranked second among the five majestic concubines, the previous saint of the Holy Land of Fluctuation, was constantly beating like a shrew. Smashing jade, looks like a madman.

"Zhang Tian, ​​Zhang Ruren, you killed my father and imprisoned my son, I don't share the sky with you! I don't share the sky with you!..."

A series of gloomy and shrill voices echoed throughout the deep palace. , , .

Chapter 449

"Three hundred royal grade spirit stones, the emperor is really generous."

In Qishi's mansion, the ruthless man swept the storage bracelet that the eunuch in the house had given her, and couldn't help but stunned for a while, and the rest of Tianjiao also had hot eyes.

The so-called emperor-grade spirit stone means that there is a trace of immortality in the spirit stone. It is said that refining this kind of spirit stone for a long time can increase the probability of breaking through to a half-step emperor or even an immortal emperor. It can be exchanged for [-] pieces of Wangpin Lingshi, but there is still no market for it.

Three hundred royal grade spiritual stones are three million royal grade spiritual stones!Many saint king-level powerhouses have accumulated fortunes for hundreds of years, but there may not be so many.

Seeing the eyes of the arrogant people around him, Ruthless Man couldn't help but smile slightly and said, "This time we can suppress the King of Mount Tai, it is everyone's concerted efforts, I will accept this unicorn robe, as for these imperial grade spirit stones, you can divide it up by yourself. ."

As soon as this remark came out, all the arrogances showed their excitement. Although these spirit stones were not many in the hands of individuals, they were the attitude of ruthless people. They shared the blessings and made their sense of belonging to Qishifu stronger. a bit.

The ruthless man said again: "Tomorrow is the day of the Pill Dao Tianjiao battle. I'm going to send the second sister off. Everyone should have a day off. The day after tomorrow, they will gather at Qi Shifu on time. The power of the thieves hidden in the dark should not be underestimated, and everyone must raise their spirits.”

The arrogance of the heavens said in unison: "Follow the order!!"

In the early morning of the next day, a sea of ​​people gathered in the Pill Emperor Realm of the Holy Capital.

There are three thousand avenues, all of which can prove Hunyuan, but in addition to the three thousand avenues, there are [-] side gates, and three thousand left roads. Although they may not be able to prove Hunyuan, if they practice to the extreme, they can also control one world, and It can complement each other with the three thousand avenues, and it has been prosperous for hundreds of millions of years.

Pill Dao is the first of the eight hundred side sects. It is vast and profound. It is called the flesh and bones of the living dead. However, it is the primary level of Pill Dao. Taoist, highly respected by the world.

For the bottom-level cultivation world, the most important role of Dan Dao is to refine various spiritual pills that can improve their cultivation, so that martial artists can practice more with less effort, especially in the recent ancient times when spiritual qi was depleted.

Therefore, any ancient sect holy land with a slight scale will spend a lot of effort to train its own alchemists. The emperor's dynasty is the overlord of the continent, and it naturally spends a lot of effort in this regard. Not only does it have a large number of top alchemists, It has even devoted countless efforts to create the Holy Land of Alchemists - the Alchemy Emperor Realm!

For hundreds of thousands of years, I don't know how many alchemy emperors have come out of the alchemy emperor world, and they have counted the entire continent, and only the alchemy world of the Nanhuang alchemist guild can compete with each other.

The scale of this Zhongzhou Pill Dao Tianjiao battle can be regarded as the strongest competition in the Pill Dao in ten thousand years. The emperor not only specially opened the Pill Emperor Realm as the battlefield of the Pill Dao Tianjiao battle, but also threw out the "Kowloon Emperor Heart Flame". As long as you rank among the top five, you will have a chance to get it.

With such a grand occasion, even the pure-hearted alchemist can't sit still. The three deserts and one sea, and even many alchemists from other regions have come to participate. The rare alchemist in the past is now. It's everywhere, it's amazing.

Zhang Tian and Ruthless sent Yu Xin to the entrance of Pill Emperor Realm. They were surprised when they saw this scene, and they looked at each other and smiled.

Zhang Tian stroked Fu Yuxin's soft and smooth cheeks, and smiled: "Last time your elder sister entered the secret realm of life and death, my father gave her a necklace, Zi Yan also had a bracelet there, and my father also gave her a necklace. You have prepared accessories, but I have never had the chance to give you the opportunity, this time I finally found a chance." Quanben Novel Network www.qbxsw.com

After speaking, Zhang Tianzhang's heart flashed, and a very delicate red sandalwood box appeared. In Yu Xin's expectant eyes, he slowly opened it and saw a crystal clear ring lying quietly inside, the whole body was ice blue. , as if made of crystal, beautiful.

Whether it's Ruthless Man's necklace, Zi Yan's bracelet, or Yuxin's ring, all of them are made by Bing Ling. In addition to containing a wisp of Zhang Tian's will, they are also treasures themselves, which can clear the sea of ​​consciousness and nourish the soul.

"Dad, bring it for you."


Yu Xin blushed slightly, stretched out one hand, and let Zhang Tian bring the Bing Ling jade ring to the ring finger of the left hand, where there is a bloodline connected to the heart, allowing the qi of the Bing Ling to penetrate the heart and spleen, quietly smoothing her troubled state of mind.

"Thank you dad, I will cherish it well."

Yu Xin said seriously, as if she was about to turn around and leave, but she seemed to have made up her mind. She suddenly pointed her toes, stamped on the corner of Zhang Tian's mouth, and ran into the arena with a red face.

The ruthless man's eyes followed Yu Xin's back all the way, and suddenly there was a splendid brilliance in her eyes, and she swept towards the sea of ​​people. At that moment, she seemed to sense Mu Qiluo's breath.

Soon, she found the figure of Mu Qiluo, and saw that she was wearing a wide light blue dress with a light veil, covering all her graceful appearance, hiding in the crowd, inconspicuous.

"How courageous, to even dare to appear in front of everyone's eyes."

The ruthless man laughed angrily, and was about to expose her identity in public, not wanting to burst into a commotion next to her.

"Yes, I am a member of the Corpse Demon Sect, so what?"

On the arena, a young man wearing a black robe recklessly revealed the identity of the corpse demon sect, which immediately caused an uproar. You must know that after the incident of the secret realm of life and death, the corpse demon sect was jointly wanted by the Holy Ancestor Dynasty and all the holy places, a real rat crossing the street. .

In the face of what thousands of people pointed out, the corpse demon sect youth was not afraid, and sneered: "My demon is here to participate in the Pill Dao Tianjiao battle this time. Well, no matter the demons, as long as they are contestants, their lives will be guaranteed, do you want to break the rules of the emperor?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone outside the venue was speechless for a while, and they could only let out ruthless words in resentment.

When the ruthless man saw this scene, he could understand the reason why Mu Qiluo dared to show up openly.

But she still had doubts in her heart. Given the current situation of the Nanzuma survivors, it was too late to hide. What was the reason for Mu Qiluo to take a huge risk to participate in the Pill Dao Tianjiao Battle? , , .

Chapter 450 The Land of the Fall of the Dragon Emperor Yan

However, after the Demon Nightmare revealed his identity as a disciple of the Corpse Demon Sect, all the alchemists in the arena were in danger. They all knew the ferocity of the Corpse Demon Sect, and they were completely mad dogs. In case this guy is madly slaughtering inside, few people can stop it.

Yu Xin carefully avoided the crowd and stood in a corner. She was about to breathe a long sigh of relief when a cold voice suddenly came from her ear: "Miss Zhang makes me look good."

Yu Xin looked at the sound and couldn't help frowning: "Xiao Guyan? Do you have something to do with me?"

Xiao Guyan said: "Ming people don't say secret words, you have three fragments of that red lotus industry fire treasure map, right?"

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