Yu Xin nodded and said, "That's right."

Xiao Guyan was excited for a while, and said: "The last piece of debris is here with me, you dare to bet with me, whoever ranks high in this Pill Dao Tianjiao battle will get the other party's residual picture."

Yuxin said: "I have three, you only have one, is this unfair?"

Xiao Guyan said with a smile: "What's the difference? Without this residual picture of mine, you would never find the treasure."

Yu Xin thought about it and said, "Okay, I promise you."

Seeing Yuxin agree so happily, Xiao Guyan felt a little embarrassed, coughed, and said, "I won't take advantage of you, this time the battle of the Pill Dao Tianjiao is divided into two levels, the first level is to enter the Pill Emperor Realm to find Spirit medicine, the second level is the official alchemy. I know that there is a Yanlong Valley in the Pill Emperor Realm, which is the place where a Yanlong Emperor fell. It turned out a pool of magma, which is a top-quality spirit-inducing material. This is Coordinates, you can get it if you are interested."

After speaking, Xiao Guyan handed Yuxin a simple jade seal.

At this moment, an old man in white clothes flew into the air, and said loudly: "The battle of the Pill Dao Tianjiao will begin soon, please be prepared."

There was an alchemist who recognized the old man and exclaimed: "It turned out to be Senior Zhou Chen, this is one of the only remaining great masters of the alchemy path on the mainland, and it is said that he is expected to hit the alchemy emperor realm."

Zhou Chen, as the royal clan of the Holy Ancestor, is also a famous Dan Dao Grandmaster in the mainland. Naturally, he has great prestige. As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone immediately quieted down.

"Everyone should already know the rules of this battle of the Pill Dao Tianjiao, so I won't repeat it here. The old man just emphasizes one point, the Pill Emperor Realm is rich in spiritual energy, comparable to the top-level Paradise Paradise. Many powerful beasts are entrenched. All alchemists, please be careful when looking for elixir, if you lose your life, the court will not be responsible."

"Now, the Zhongzhou Pill Dao Tianjiao battle officially begins!"

Zhou Chen fell for the last time, and the void in front of him suddenly roared, revealing a faint blue space entrance. There was still a layer of space barrier, and he could sense the rich spiritual energy and fragrant spirit medicine inside.

"Come on!!"

Many alchemists showed enthusiasm and rushed towards the Pill Emperor Realm.

There are tens of thousands of alchemists participating in the Alchemy Dao Tianjiao battle this time, and there are more than 9 alchemy masters of the fourth rank alone. Those alchemists below the fourth rank naturally do not think that they can compete with the alchemy masters. The main purpose is for the peerless elixir in the Pill Emperor Realm.Lazy people listen to the book www.lanren[-].com

Yu Xin did not delay, and with a flash, she followed the crowd into the Pill Emperor Realm.

The stars moved, and when she came back to her senses, Yu Xin found that she was already on a vast wasteland. The sky was dark green, as if there were many green spar dotted on the dome, and various spiritual energy flows in the air were everywhere. At least twenty times stronger.

"Jiuqu Longxinzhi, only three thousand years? That's enough."

"There are three gold and silver blood fruits, good luck."

"This is the three-leaf fairy grass? It has just budded and has medicinal properties for [-] years. This Pill Emperor Realm is indeed a paradise."

Yuxin strolled in the Pill Emperor Realm like a wandering mountain and water. This is an isolated dimensional space, where many rare elixir that have disappeared from the mainland grow, although most of them have been swept away by the first alchemist. But there are still many elixir from childhood.

Because these infancy elixir basically have no alchemy value, and they are difficult to cultivate after they are obtained from the outside world, so no alchemist went back to pick them up, so that Yu Xin who was behind them harvested a lot of elixir without much effort.

For Yu Xin, who is proficient in "Qingdi's Spiritual Transformation", as long as she is given an elixir, she will be able to catalyze it for many years, whether it is a mature elixir or a seedling, she doesn't care at all.

Therefore, this trial of finding the elixir was extremely easy for Yu Xin.

Soon, Yu Xin collected all the elixir she needed. Thinking of the Yanlong Valley mentioned by Xiao Guyan, she couldn't help but move in her heart. The magma formed by the blood essence of the Yanlong Emperor can indeed be called It is a top-quality spirit-inducing material, and it is also of great use to her.

Thinking of this, Yu Xin immediately found a hidden corner and put on the other side flower robe of the ruthless killer of the Soul Palace, her eyes also became indifferent.

Treasures such as the blood of the Yanlong Emperor will definitely be snatched by a large number of masters. A battle is inevitable, and she does not want to reveal her identity.

Incarnated as a ruthless killer, Yu Xin, without any scruples, performed "Three Thousand Thunders", stepping on the thunderclouds like lightning, and roaring, and soon rushed to the foot of Yanlong Valley.

Although it is a valley, this Flame Dragon Valley is located on top of a tall and majestic mountain range. If you look at it, it looks like the backbone of a giant dragon. It is black, heavy, and full of coercion.

"It is recorded in the jade seal that this mountain range is controlled by the top-level fierce beast Huoyan Jiao clan. Every time the Pill Emperor Realm is opened, this clan will release [-] fire stone seals. Only the alchemist who has obtained the fire stone seal can enter the Yanlong. Gu takes the magma liquid."

When Yuxin visited the introduction, she already understood.

This is a very clever approach. With the value of the Yanlong Emperor’s blood, it will definitely attract a large number of alchemists. Unable to find trouble with the Fire Rock Jiao Clan.

By controlling the perception of grass and trees, Yuxin has discovered the breath of many alchemists in the mountains, there are hundreds of them, and one of them is fighting fiercely.

Gently stroked the ice spirit jade ring on the ring finger of her left hand, Yu Xin's body suddenly rose up, twisted slightly, turned into a blue electric light and ran towards the killing battlefield, leaving a burst of roaring and screaming along the way. , , .

Chapter 451 Bombing and killing the first king of Moxi!

"You... you are deceiving people too much. This Fire Rock Seal was clearly obtained by me first. Do you want to snatch it?"

"Hmph, what about the robbery? The strong are respected in the Pill Emperor Realm. You, an alchemist from a small and broken family, want to take the Fire Rock Seal, it is simply courting death!"

Halfway up the Yanlong Mountains, in the battle group surrounded by a group of people, a thin alchemist was full of anger, but his trembling body revealed his inner fear.

On the opposite side of him, seven tall men with long beards scattered into a semicircle with grim expressions, especially the big man at the head, who tied the alchemy master's robe around his waist, and his muscular upper body was full of terrifying oppression.

These people are all strong barbarians from the land of Moxi. Not to mention their strength, they are still disciples of the Black Underworld Sect, one of the three major sects in Moxi, who dares to provoke them.

"Damn, I persuade you not to listen to my good words and insist on courting death!"

Standing in the center, the big man scolded, pulled out the dark and heavy sword behind him, made a whistling sound, and slashed towards the slender man.


The power of a sword distorted the void for a while, and before the slender man could beg for mercy, he was directly blown into a rain of blood, leaving no bones, leaving only a blood-colored token quietly suspended in the air .


With such a mighty power, there was a sigh of relief in the surroundings. Someone recognized the man's identity and exclaimed, "This is the Black King Sword, one of the seven divine swords of the Black Underworld Sect. Could it be that he is the Three Saints of the Black Underworld Tomb? Zhagu, one of the sons? Known as the first king of Moxi!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was even more horrified. Moxi was a place of four battles, and the people were extremely sturdy. The fact that this person can get the title of the first king shows his strength.Even in his identity as the Son of the Black Underworld, his status is not under the descendants of many ancient sects.

"Haha, I didn't expect someone here to know Lao Tzu. This is even better, you all, please hand over the treasures on your body obediently."

The muscles on Zaku's face slashed, and he immediately started the catastrophe. The nature of the barbarians was exposed, and he was completely the face of a robber.

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