The surrounding alchemists were all shocked and angry, but no one dared to stand out because of Zaku's strength. Just as the stalemate was stalemate, a thunderous sound suddenly came from a distance, getting closer and closer.


A cyan electric light rushed to the front at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye, slightly twisted, revealing Yuxin's figure, the black robe swayed gently in the breeze, and the other side of the flower seemed to be alive, lifelike.

"People from Soul Palace?"

Seeing Yu Xin's clothes, all the alchemists were startled again. If the Black Underworld Sect is the king of the mountain who oppresses one side, then the Soul Palace is the hell Shura that can make everyone feel fearful. No matter how fierce the robber is, how can Compared with ghosts?

Even Zaku, the moment he saw Yuxin, his arrogant expression was condensed, and he raised his hand and grabbed it towards Huo Yanyin, so as not to dream too much at night.


Just as Zhagu shot, a bloody finger pierced the air with a sharp whistle, and slammed into his palm fiercely.

"Bang bang..."

After a series of collisions, Zhagu was directly carried away by this huge force, and he staggered back a dozen steps before he stopped his figure, his face was full of horror.Nine Peach


Zhagu spit out these two words with a gloomy face. He really didn't expect Yuxin's cultivation to be so high.

The alchemists onlookers were also surprised, knowing that there is an age limit for the Alchemy Dao Tianjiao battle, at most [-] years old.A half-sage who is less than fifty years old, it is terrifying to think about it.

"get out."

In the middle of the sky, Yu Xin glanced at Zaku indifferently through the black veil, and made a hoarse voice, as if there were no interesting emotions.

Zhagu blushed for a while. He was the most outstanding genius in the contemporary black underworld, and he overpowered all the legendary kings in Moxi. This was the reason why he was given the Black King Sword. This time, he came to Zhongzhou to make a big name, but he didn't expect to mention the iron plate as soon as he entered the realm of the emperor.

"Elder Brother, we are..."

The rest of the Hei Ming Sect disciples all looked at Zaku with a searched expression, and at the same time they were all on guard for Yu Xin, who was standing in the sky.

"Damn, what about the semi-sage, it's not like I haven't killed him before, and bullied our Black Underworld Sect..."

Zhagu let out ruthless words, intending to join forces with everyone to fight Yuxin recklessly.

According to the normal development, Yuxin must wait for Zaku to finish his words before fighting, but Yuxin has now entered a 'ruthless' state. Just when Zaku's swear words were just exported, she made a 'fight' judgment. and act decisively.

Black and white two-color beads burst out of the air, turning into black two-color arcs. Under the urging of Yuxin's almost half-holy flower power on the other side, it was as fast as lightning. Zaku was only halfway through his words, and he was surprised to find that he brought Several of his junior and senior brothers were killed by Yu Xin.

"you you……"

Zaku couldn't help but feel a sense of fear. It was the first time he saw such a ruthless person. He immediately took out a round shield to protect himself, and used his body technique to quickly escape to the distance. He no longer had the courage to fight.


Zaku's movement was fast, but the black and white beads were even faster. They flew to his left and right in the blink of an eye, each emitting a ray of light, forming a Tai Chi black and white Tai Chi pattern, which directly cut Zaku in half.


The body more than two meters high smashed to the ground, blood spattered.

"If you fight to the death with this divine sword, you may still have a chance."

Yu Xin said softly, rolled up her sleeves, and put the Black King Sword and Fire Rock Seal into the storage ring. Under the terrified gaze of all the alchemists, they turned into electric lights and ran towards the top of the mountain again.

"Terrorist, Zaku, known as the first king of Moxi, was beheaded by the soul hall killer, and he was also taken away from the Zhenzong Divine Sword. This time, I'm afraid it will be a big mess."

"The Soul Palace Killer Bianhua, after this battle, will surely be famous all over the world. I'm afraid that within a hundred years, there will be another Killer Saint in the Soul Palace."

"The movement technique that the other side flower killer used just now seems to be the "Three Thousand Thunder Movement" of Fenglei Ancient Sect, and that fingering is also like the blood-robbing ghost finger of "Blood Demon Sect", which is really strange." , . . .

Chapter 452 The real killer, the real overbearing!

Ignoring the discussions of the alchemists behind her, Yu Xin had already rushed out thousands of meters away. Her senses were very keen, and she had already sensed the strange rhythm in the belly of the mountain, as if something was about to erupt.

"Who dares to trespass the forbidden area of ​​the Fire Rock Jiao Clan!"

On the originally empty avenue, a sudden whistling sounded, and under the fiery red soil, two gigantic flood dragons suddenly sprang out. With Yuxin swept away, the strong wind blew up.


The two steel dragon tails swept away, but it was just a cyan arc-like afterimage. The real Yuxin had rushed in front of them, carrying the Black King Sword and sweeping them at will. He was blasted out and slammed into the rock wall beside him.

"Bold, who is here to make trouble."

Before Yu Xin stepped forward to make a sword, there was a burst of sound in the surrounding void, and more than a dozen powerful Flood Dragon Kings appeared, staring at Yu Xin.

"The fire rock is here, do you want to violate the rules you set by yourself?"

Yu Xin threw the Fire Rock Seal she got to the dragon who seemed to be the leader. The Fire Rock Jiao Clan had a strong bloodline. In addition, they had been nourished by the Emperor Yanlong's blood for a long time, and the bloodline had changed. Even if she wanted to It is not easy to solve so many Jiao Wang, the easiest way is to follow the rules.

"Impossible, the twenty Fire Rock Seals have been recovered, and yours must be fake!"

The King Jiao, who was blown away by Yuxin's sword just now, rushed back with a roar. It can be seen that there is a sword mark that is several meters long under his neck.

Yu Xin's eyes narrowed, she knew the power of the blow she just had, she didn't use any sword tricks at all, she just swung with all her strength, to be able to do such astonishing damage, she should have relied on the power of the Black King Sword. She was stronger than she imagined.

She didn't know that the Black King Sword was ranked fourth even among the seven divine swords inherited by the Black Underworld Sect. It was always in the hands of a sect's holy king-level powerhouse, but this Zhagu had an amazing talent and was too unreasonable. The great-great-grandson beloved by the elders, this was a special gift, and he was brought to the Holy City to be by his side.

"No, this Fire Rock Seal is real."

The leader of the Flood Dragon said in a deep voice, interrupting all the Huoyan Jiao clan powerhouses.

"What? It's impossible, there were twenty people just now..."

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