"Last time the Pill Emperor Realm was opened, we only took back nineteen Fire Rock Seals. This Fire Rock Seal should be the one that was lost last time."

The leader of the Flood King explained it again, and suddenly many strong Flood Dragons showed a sudden look.

An elderly Jiaolong Weng said: "This matter is difficult to handle, the formation we set up in the Yanlong Pond can only accommodate up to twenty people, if there are more, it will definitely affect the underground magma. balance."

The leader of the Flood Dragon also frowned. If Yuxin was just an ordinary alchemist, it would be easy to pass up, but she is a semi-sage, and her strength is stronger than anyone present, a strong Flood Dragon, this is not possible easily provoked.

After thinking about it for a while, the leader of the Flood King suddenly brightened his eyes and said jokingly: "Since Your Excellency has the Fire Rock Seal, please go up the mountain."

"Boss, this..."

Watching Yuxin rush to the top of the mountain, many Jiao clan experts are confused.

The leader of the Flood King sneered: "No one who obtained the Fire Rock Seal this time is easy. Offending anyone is not good for us. It is better to put them all up and let them compete for themselves!" Haha Literature Network www.hahawx. net

Here, Yuxin quickly arrived at the top of the mountain, and there was a huge valley in sight, as if a meteorite from outside the sky landed, smashing the peak of this mountain range.

In the center of the valley is a huge circular platform, and there are already many people waiting there.


Yuxin landed on the platform and swept away at random to find that everyone's aura was above the Seven Transformations of the Legendary Realm, and they were all high-level kings.

After all, the Yanlong Valley is famous. The magma that is rich in magma contains the blood of the Emperor Yanlong. The fire rock seal is naturally unique.

Yu Xin looked carefully, but did not find Xiao Guyan, but saw two other acquaintances, one was the Demon Nightmare, a disciple of the Corpse Demon Sect who caused a lot of waves before entering, and the other was Nalan Ruoxue, she was also the only one in the audience. A low-level king.

"Everyone pay attention, only twenty people can enter the Yanlong Pool, but there are twenty-one people in the audience. You must eliminate one person first."

The voice of the leader of the Flood Dragon reverberated throughout the valley for a long time.

In an instant, everyone's eyes turned to Yuxin, who came last. The signboard of the Soul Palace may be very shocking from the outside, but the alchemists present, who have no top forces behind them, are not afraid of Soul Palace.


Yu Xin didn't talk nonsense, and directly released the semi-holy pressure, which immediately made all the alchemists change their faces and quickly looked away.

The nightmare of the Corpse Demon Sect glanced at the audience, suddenly fixed his gaze on Nalan Ruoxue, and said with a smile: "Little girl, among all the people present, your strength is the lowest, you are not even a mid-level king, what qualifications do you have with us? Tied, take the initiative to abstain."

Nalan Ruoxue frowned slightly, her fingertips flashed with lightning, and said softly, "What if I say no?"

"Then the uncle will kill you first?"

The Nightmare's face changed suddenly, and the terrifying aura of the Nine Transformations of the Legendary Realm 'immortal transformation' was fiercely pressing towards Nalan Ruoxue. The magic power was so high that even Nalan Ruoxue's fingertips had always restrained the evil spirits. .

"What a powerful magic art."

Nalan Ruoxue's face was a little ugly. Although her Thunder God martial spirit was strong, the magic power that the nightmare had cultivated was also very terrifying. In addition, the gap between her cultivation bases was too great, so she might not have much chance of winning.

At this moment, Yu Xin's body suddenly twisted and disappeared directly into electric light, and in the next instant, she appeared behind the demon.

The second form of the Blood God Dafa, the blood-robbing ghost palm!

Yu Xin's palm protruded from the black robe, and it was already blood-colored, and slammed into the back of the nightmare at a lightning speed.


A mouthful of black blood splattered into the sky, and the demon's body flew out directly, and immediately slammed into the opposite rock wall, shaking down several tons of rock blocks and directly burying him alive.

"Now, the number is just right."

Facing everyone's astonished eyes, Yu Xin said lightly. , , .

Chapter 453 Diwei Sweeps Yanlong Valley!

The sudden change took everyone by surprise, and led them to react, but they only saw the nightmare who was buried alive by the boulder, and Yu Xin, who recovered the bloody palm and calmly.



All alchemists felt a chill in their hearts. Although the Holy Land behind them was not afraid of the Soul Palace, the Soul Palace was a group of paranoid killers who didn't follow any rules, which made them worry about their own lives.

Suddenly, the earth trembled violently, interrupting everyone's thoughts. At the center of the platform, a five-pointed formation radiated bright light, forming a blood-colored energy vortex, and then an extremely hot breath spread out.

The Flame Dragon Pond is open!

The formation was extended to the extreme. Around the platform, there were exactly [-] entrances. Both sides of the passage were covered with solidified magma, and the heat wave was overwhelming.

"Remember, the further down the Yanlong Pond is, the stronger the heat wave. If it exceeds the third floor area, it is enough to burn the holy bones. When you temper your body and collect magma liquid, it is best not to exceed the second floor area."

The voice of the leader of the dragon king sounded coldly again.

All the alchemists were stunned, and they took out the Noble Phantasm that had been prepared for a long time, and jumped into the entrance in front of them.

Yu Xin thought for a while, took out the black two-color beads, surrounded the surroundings, turned into a Tai Chi round shield, and jumped into the Yanlong Pond.

"What a rich fire attribute energy, as expected of the essence and blood of the Yanlong Emperor."

As soon as she entered the Yanlong Pond, a ray of light appeared in Yuxin's eyes. Maybe it was because of the strong spiritual energy of the world, or the protection of the Fire Rock Jiao Clan. The magma here contains very pure power, especially the one from Yan The blood energy on the Dragon Emperor's body made a blood droplet in her body grow rapidly.

This blood drop was obtained from her practice of "Blood Nerve". As the Xeon inheritance of the ancient blood god, this practice is very domineering. Even though Yuxin has been practicing for a long time, she is still in the entry-level state, but in the blood of Yanlong Emperor Under the nourishment of , "Blood Nerve" improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It didn't take long for her to absorb the dragon's blood in the surrounding magma, and the surrounding alchemists noticed it and looked over in alarm and anger.

Yu Xin ignored it, twisted her body and dived directly to a deeper level, and soon reached the second floor area, running the blood nerve with all her strength, and the dragon blood that traveled in the magma immediately turned into a sea like a hundred rivers. Xiaolong used it in Yuxin's body.

With this little effort, there were eight more drops of blood in her body.

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