"Stop it! Stop it!"

"Soul Palace Killer, you are courting death!"

The surrounding alchemists roared angrily, they all came from the top holy places, and they came here at a great price, how could they be willing to be taken up by Yuxin all the benefits.

Several of the radical alchemists even directly cast magical powers on Yuxin, trying to interrupt her spellcasting.

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Several kinds of treasures and magical powers all smashed on the Taiji shield, and a violent roar broke out. The sea of ​​​​fire churned, and even Yu Xin was shaken.

call out!

Just after this delay, Yu Xin had absorbed all the dragon blood, and the number of blood droplets reached an astonishing ten drops. They collided with each other and washed away the blood energy fluctuations that the demon saints would be horrified by.

Putting away the exercises, Yu Xin glanced at the left and right sides lightly, and suddenly burst out with two fingers, clicked again and again, blasted five blood-cutting ghost fingers at one time, rolled up the sea of ​​​​fire, and directly blasted the five alchemists who had just shot. flew out.

And with a twist of her body, she dived directly into the third floor.

The energy of this layer is several times more terrifying than the sum of the previous two layers. Even when Yu Xin used "Blood Nerve" to absorb it, she felt a burning pain.

"...Everyone in the world cultivates the Immortal Vessel of the Lunhai, using themselves as a boat to cross the boundless sea of ​​Dao. Only I am different. I want to melt blood, melt the sea with blood. Blood-robbing finger, blood-robbing palm, blood-robbing body, refining the sky with blood!"

Yu Xin recalled the general outline of blood nerves, and the endless dragon blood poured into her body frantically, making her body seem like dozens of volcanoes erupting, and sweat dripped out, covering her whole body.

Originally there were only ten drops of blood, but the number of blood drops soared to thirty, and it was only six drops away from the thirty-six drops of the first-layer perfection realm.

Gritting her teeth, Yu Xin made up her mind and rushed directly towards the fourth floor. According to what the leader of the King Jiao said, there was a restricted area where the great sage had to stop.


As soon as she entered, Yu Xin immediately felt a pain that burned through her body. The protective shield of the black and white beads disintegrated directly, and even the killer robe on her body was burned into nothingness. Hui's pale snow body was directly exposed in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Although the blood nerves in the body were running wildly, it was still too late to refine the violent dragon blood. Just when this chaotic spiritual power was about to burst Yu Xin, the ice spirit jade ring on her left ring finger suddenly burst out with a dazzling blue light. .

A ray of willpower spread out, and those violent magma liquids immediately retreated like waves and tides, making Yuxin's location a vacuum.


Yu Xin looked at Zhang Tian's faint back of the spirit body, a red glow appeared on her face full of sweat. She wanted to block the beauty, but she couldn't move, so she could only release Qinglian Demon Fire and Dry Blue Ice Flame. , into two thin bands, covering the most beautiful scenic spots.

After balancing the amount of violent violence, Zhang Tian turned around and said with a chuckle, "This Flame Dragon Pond is not bad. Since you like it, Dad will give it to you."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianping pointed a little and shouted: "Dragon blood of all places, from this emperor's order, this emperor's daughter, cast a supreme blood body!"

The sound of the rolling emperor shook the entire Yanlong Mountain Range. In an instant, all the seven-story Yanlong Pond rioted. Countless dragon blood gathered and turned into blood dragons, roaring and rushing towards Yuxin, even the dragons that were dried up in the mountains. The blood was also violently turbulent. Under Zhang Tian's order, he rushed out desperately, and the entire Yanlong Mountain Range collapsed terribly.

"Who is devouring this emperor's blood and disturbing this emperor's sleep!"

A majestic, low, and tyrannical voice resounded throughout the Yanlong Mountain Range. In other words, the sound itself was emitted by the 'Yanlong Mountain Range'. The so-called mountain range was simply the body of the Yanlong Emperor.

The rapid flow of blood essence made this sleeping demon emperor wake up, sending out a terrifying coercion that defies the sky, and a dragon soul manifested in the Yanlong Pond, looking at Zhang Tian angrily! , , .

Chapter 454 Is there a Great Emperor in the Pill Emperor Realm?

"Little demon dragon, dare to be presumptuous in front of this emperor?"

Zhang Tian glanced at the Emperor Yanlong lightly, a surge of imperial power swept across ten directions, and in an instant, the world trembled, and the coercion of the Emperor Yanlong was under this imperial power, directly like a gust of wind in a gust of wind. Young grasses are generally uprooted.

"Emperor, emperor... Emperor realm powerhouse?"

The dragon soul transformed by the Yanlong Emperor suddenly shrank, with long teeth and dancing claws, and turned into a coiled loach, looking at Zhang Tian with fear in his eyes.

"I beg the emperor to spare my life, I beg the emperor to spare my life, Xiaolong has eyes and does not know Mount Tai, please let the emperor let Xiaolong live..."

The sound of the Yanlong Emperor's begging for mercy roared through the mountain, causing many alchemists on the Yanlong Mountain Range to be horrified. Isn't that the real emperor who can make the Yanlong Emperor cry out for mercy?

Could it be that there is still a great emperor walking in this Shengyuan Continent?

Could it be that there is an invincible emperor living in seclusion in this Pill Emperor Realm?

This is shocking news. You must know that the times have changed and the phenomenon of depletion of spiritual energy is very serious. Since millions of years ago, there have been few emperors walking on the mainland. , Even the Immortal Emperor is almost extinct.

At this time, there is still a great emperor hidden in the Pill Emperor Realm. It is conceivable that if this news spreads, what kind of earthquake will it cause. The entire continent and all the forces will face a huge challenge.

If this great emperor is born, the emperor of the ancestors, the evil god of the wild, the god master of the Ten Thousand Seas God Palace, etc., what are these god emperors who are all powerful in the mainland, in front of him?

Not to mention the shock in the hearts of those alchemists, Zhang Tian was completely indifferent to the Yanlong Demon Emperor's begging for mercy, and was about to slap it to death, when the corner of his eye suddenly caught a glimpse of the black and white two-color beads floating next to Yu Xin.

These two orbs are also considered rare treasures, but unfortunately they were burned by the violent magma, and their spirituality has been greatly lost, and more than half of their power has been lost.

"Since you have destroyed the treasure of Bendi's daughter, use your life to pay for it."

Zhang Tian's eyes turned cold, and he grabbed at the void, and the Yanlong Demon Emperor let out a shrill cry, and the source of his soul was directly killed, leaving only a mass of unconscious dragon-shaped martial souls.

Afterwards, Zhang Tian performed another magic trick to completely melt the dragon-shaped martial spirit into the black two-color beads, which not only restored the spirituality of the two orbs, but also possessed a Dragon Emperor-level artifact spirit with powerful fire damage.

Putting the restored black two-color beads next to Yu Xin, Zhang Tian's body became dim, and finally turned into a blue aura and returned to the ice spirit jade ring.

For Yu Xin, this was a long dream. The powerful impact of dragon blood made her fall into a state of semi-consciousness. She could only run "Blood Nerve" instinctively, watching the blood droplets in her dantian grow from thirty to thirty. The drops were increased to sixty drops, then to a hundred drops, and then one of her fingers was dyed blood, then her palms, and her entire body.

The blood god Dafa, under the casting of the blood of the Yanlong Emperor, directly broke through to the third realm, allowing Yu Xin to temper a first-order blood body.

According to the records in "Blood Nerve", this is considered a small achievement of supernatural powers. The energy contained in every drop of her blood will be comparable to the sum of the essence and blood of other people's whole body, and her vitality will become infinitely powerful.

I don't know how long it took, Yu Xin woke up leisurely, looked around, but saw the surrounding black gravel, and couldn't help showing a touch of disappointment.

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