When Yu Xin glanced at the black and white two-color beads, she couldn't help revealing a touch of surprise. I saw that the two orbs had changed greatly. Although they were still black and white, there was an extra fire dragon figure on the surface, and one more type. Huangwei, at least two levels of quality have been improved.

"Dad, did you do it?"

There was a touch of tenderness in Yu Xin's eyes, and she stroked the jade ring on her ring finger. Although her memory was very vague, she knew that Zhang Tian must have been guarding her just now, which made her feel very at ease.

"Who is it! Who destroyed the Yanlong Mountains! My Huoyan Jiao Clan must smash him into tens of thousands of pieces!!"

A violent roar passed into Yu Xin's ears, causing her eardrums to tremble.

This is the real holy prestige. The collapse of the Yanlong Mountain Range made the entire Fire Rock Jiao Clan furious. The several demon saints hidden in the ground were all born, each locked in the void, scanning the entire mountain range with powerful spirits, trying to catch the murderer .

Yu Xin's heart froze, she quickly took out another Soul Palace killer robe and put it on her body, her right hand controlled the black and white beads, and the sound of wind and thunder under her feet shook, pierced through the ground directly, and flew out.

"Bold murderer, suppress me!"

The moment Yu Xin came out, two demon saints immediately reacted, and they surrounded them with many flood kings.

"Black and white beads, strangle!"

Yu Xin said indifferently, and threw the two orbs, which turned into a sea of ​​​​fire, and directly blasted the two demon saints out. fly.


Yu Xin, who turned into a 'ruthless' state, was not reluctant to fight, she directly put away the black and white beads, stepped on the wind and thunder, and galloped towards the distance like a cyan lightning.

"This person must have obtained the treasure of the demon emperor, and he must not be allowed to escape, hurry up!"

The demon saint of the Huoyan Jiao clan roared again and again, all of them transformed into the dragon body, and crushed Yu Xin with the terrifying power of the body breaking the void.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Pursuing all the way, all kinds of Jiao clan treasures shook the sky and earth, so that most of the alchemists who were trying out in the Pill Emperor Realm were affected.

Yuxin is not feeling well here either. These demon saints of the Huoyan Jiao clan are nourished by the blood of the Yanlong Emperor all the year round. They are very powerful and are comparable to ordinary saint masters from the outside world. Occasionally have to eat a blow treasure.

Fortunately, she has already cultivated a first-order blood body, but in terms of physical strength, it is inferior to these Fire Rock Flood Dragon Demon Saints, and she can still support it.

"Is there a valley ahead?"

Yu Xin looked around, she didn't care too much in her heart, and continued to use her full power to run towards the valley.

However, the demon saints of the Jiao clan who were chasing behind saw this valley, but they all stopped their movements in awe, and shouted loudly: "You are courting death, stop now, there is Fengtian Valley in front!" , . . .

Chapter 455 Feng Tiandi!

"Fengtian Valley?"

Yu Xin, who was running, was slightly condensed, and many memories came to her mind.

Before leaving, the academy's elder Gu had specially warned that there is a fierce place in the Pill Emperor Realm that must not be approached, and that is - Fengtian Valley!

Legend has it that Fengtian Valley is a strange and fierce place. It has existed for thousands of years, and its history is much longer than the time when the Pill Emperor Realm was built.

In order to build the Pill Emperor Realm, the Holy Ancestor Dynasty spent a lot of money to invite seven immortal emperors to take action, but they did not expect that when the Pill Emperor Realm was about to be built, a space barrier suddenly ruptured and connected to another dimension. It is Fengtian Valley.

Several of the immortal god emperors stepped into it with the mentality of exploring ancient ruins, and they never came out again.

This matter spread out and caused a great uproar. The holy places behind the Immortal God Sovereign sent experts to the Pill Emperor Realm to investigate, but no matter how many people went in, there was no return.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and countless people have entered it one after another, but Fengtian Valley is like an abyss of hell, no matter who enters, there will be no waves.

In the end, a supreme artifact emperor refined a psychic mirror and put it into the Fengtian Valley, finally letting the world get a glimpse of the truth in the valley.

But this truth made everyone feel the scalp tingling.I saw that the strong men who entered back and forth were all standing in the valley intact. The only exception was that they were all sluggish, as if time had been blocked by a supreme divine power, and they were in an eternal state of stillness.

Not only these powerhouses who trespassed in, but also all kinds of rare elixir in the valley, ferocious beasts, all remained motionless, as if this was a still world.

The name of Fengtian Valley comes from this, which means that this valley is not under the jurisdiction of 'heaven', and even the sky must be sealed.

Although she knew all these things, Yu Xin couldn't stop her steps. The few demon saints behind her were like maggots attached to their bones. No matter the front or the back, they were all fierce, so it would be better to fight.

Thinking so in her heart, Yuxin had already rushed into the edge of the valley, only to hear the roar of the demon saint of the Huoyan Jiao clan behind her, but she didn't dare to continue chasing in.


The moment she stepped into the valley, Yu Xin had the illusion of stepping out of the other side of time and space, and everything in front of her seemed to have changed the world.

There are many small roads in front of you, and on both sides of the road, you can see the elixir that has long been extinct on the mainland, and it seems to be at least several million years old.

But around these elixir, there are many people, maintaining various postures, looking at their clothes, many of them look like people from tens of thousands of years ago, motionless, including the terrified look in their eyes, they are clearly frozen on.

This made Yuxin cautious and did not dare to tamper with anything.


"&*(#@)*&..." 168 Novel www.168jxs.com

An ancient and desolate word suddenly resounded in Yu Xin's mind, over and over again, as if it was a language from thousands of years ago.

There was a hint of surprise in Yu Xin's eyes, and before she could react, the jade ring on the ring finger of her left hand suddenly emitted a blue light, and she understood the difficult and obscure language at once.

"Ancient Dao, adhere to the idea of ​​sealing the sky, the mountains and rivers are great. When the nine great mountains and seas are robbed, my life is immeasurable."

This is the true meaning of that sentence. Yu Xin only felt that there was a profound avenue in it, which she could not comprehend.

Yu Xin tried to recite the chanting intact, but found that it was very difficult. Even the spiritual energy in her dantian became chaotic and rampant, but the moment she insisted on reciting, the spiritual energy became smooth again. The world also seems to have undergone some changes.

"The third way from the left is the way of life."

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