Yu Xin followed her intuition and walked forward, and sure enough, nothing abnormal happened. Just as she walked to the next intersection, another obscure language sounded in her mind.

"Ancient Dao, think of the ever-changing demon. Walking on a non-immortal road, stepping on nine mountains and seas. My Dao is eternal, the people are wrong but my Dao is true, and my life is boundless."

For some reason, Yu Xin could fully understand the meaning of this sentence, and when she recited it again, a passage appeared in her eyes.

Just like this, Yuxin kept walking into the depths of the valley. The further she went, the fewer people she met, and it made her more nervous, but she didn't notice that after reciting the ancient scriptures several times, she had already let her go. The aura in the dantian completely changed its trajectory, forming a brand new Zhou Tian. This is a kind of aura movement method before the ancient times, which is very powerful and clever.


Just when she turned to the next intersection, Yu Xin suddenly took a breath and saw that at the end of the road, there was a white altar, as if it was made of divine jade, and Ye Ye was shining.

Under the platform, there were six majestic men wearing ancient imperial robes, all of them exuding the coercion of an immortal emperor, but they knelt motionless like sculptures.


Yu Xin raised her head nervously and looked towards the altar, only to see a man in white sitting on the altar, with a handsome face, a green jade pendant on his waist, and an ancient book in his right hand, just like a man who had come to Beijing to take an exam. Scholar, there is no coercion at all.

Just when Yu Xin met the man's eyes, a vicissitudes of life suddenly sounded in her mind.

"The lineage of Feng Yao has been passed down from generation to generation for three million years since Dao came into being. This emperor is the ninth generation of Feng Yao Dao Venerable, who created the way of 'Fengtian', intending to step on the road of tribulation on the nine great mountain and sea roads and cut off the heavens. The will of the Great Dao, however incompetent, is buried here..."

"I am saddened by the Heaven and Earth Dao Fa, but I regret that there is no successor, so I kept a single thought, self-proclaimed as a million zhang, and suppressed it in the Tianhe Hai branch. When the disciples of Feng Yaozong came to inherit this emperor's "Fengtian Dao Fa", he returned to the expedition. The way to heaven..."

"If the descendants are in the lineage of Feng Yao, and hold the ancient jade of Feng Yao to verify their true body, if they are not in the line of Feng Yao, leave quickly and take a step forward, they will be forever sealed in endless darkness."

"Zhantian Alliance, the fourth mountain and sea to fight the sky, the ninth generation of Feng Yaozong is not filial, and the emperor of heaven is a masterpiece."

Yu Xin's eyes suddenly magnified countless times, and she almost stopped breathing. She actually saw the Heavenly Fighter five million years ago, the Emperor Fengtian who shook the nine mountains and seas! , , .

Chapter 456 Burial the Emperor, don't go too far!

It took a long time for Yu Xin to come back to her senses, her eyes wandering uncertainly.

"If the descendants are in the line of Feng Yao, hold the ancient jade of Feng Yao to verify their identity, if they are not in the line of Feng Yao, leave quickly and take a step forward, they will be forever sealed in the endless darkness..."

Feng Tiandi's voice resounded in her mind over and over again, without intimidation or deterrence, but with a majestic majesty that made people dare not question his strength at all.

After all, this is the Emperor of Heaven, the quasi-immortal emperor who dominated the nine great mountains and seas five million years ago, and he can overturn the entire Shengyuan Continent with a flip of his hand. Disobeying his will will definitely not end well.

However, Yuxin's hesitation is that, if it is true as Emperor Fengtian said, it is not enough for the disciples of Feng Yaozong to leave directly, then why has no one been able to escape alive for hundreds of thousands of years?

There was another guess in her heart, that is, Emperor Feng Tian was lying. If someone listened to his words and really turned around and left, they would be sealed immediately. The six kneeling immortal emperors were the best proof.

Enter, not a disciple of the Demon Sealing Sect, there is a dead end.

Retiring, there is the possibility of revealing the secrets of inheritance, and it is also a dead end.

Yu Xin could only stand in place, not daring to move at all, desperately thinking about countermeasures in her mind.

At this moment, the ice spirit jade ring on the ring finger of her left hand suddenly flashed a blue light, turning into a blue ribbon, and rolled it straight towards the man in white sitting on the white jade altar.


Yu Xin's eyes widened in fright. She wanted to shout but couldn't make a sound. She could only watch the blue ribbon stretched to the man in white, rolled up the green ancient jade around his waist, and galloped backwards.


Yu Xin opened her hand subconsciously, and the green jade pendant fell directly into her hand. It was cold and warm. The front was engraved with a majestic and magnificent palace. Tens of thousands of demons were crawling on their highness. The mountain and sea map gives people a kind of ancient and ancient atmosphere.


Yuxin has already cultivated a powerful defense of the first-order blood body. Under the light stroke of this green jade pendant, she was directly pierced, breaking through the slightest blood and integrating into the green jade pendant.

Suddenly, the green jade pendant sent out a powerful fairy light, which directly penetrated into Yuxin's eyebrows, and powerful thoughts broke out in her mind, as if she had stepped into the nine major mountain and sea roads, and walked to a beautiful place. Under the fairy mountain.

"Sealing Demon Immortal Sect!"

On this immortal mountain, there is a powerful sect that covers the sky and the earth. Countless disciples in Chinese costumes come in and out. Each of them is mounted on a real dragon, a unicorn, a phoenix and other peerless beasts. Shocked.

"Feng Yao lineage, search for the peerless monster in the heaven and earth, seal the mother energy of all things in the sky, take the demon's life, refine the demon blood, transform the demon soul, and achieve one's own body. Of course, the reincarnation of the heavens and the cause and effect are constant. This is the catastrophe of Feng Yaozong, and it is also the fate of Feng Yaozong. If you want to get rid of it, you can only get rid of Fengtian, and then go to Lingtian!"

"In the line of Feng Yao, there is one more ban in each generation. This is only the ninth ban created by this emperor, "The Forbidden Law of Fengtian". I will pass it on to you. ... to seal the mountains, the rivers and the seas, the stars, the vicissitudes, and the avenues of the heavens!"

"On the day when you hold this jade, you will be the tenth generation of the Demon Sealing Sect, and you will search for the nine great mountains and seas, gather the Nine Demon Sealing Bans, and create the tenth ban. "Flying Fiction www.fytxt.com

The mighty and vicissitudes of words shook in Yu Xin's mind, and before she knew it, she had walked into this immortal palace, as if standing above the Nine Heavens.

The next moment, she stood directly on the high platform of the main hall of Feng Yaozong, and hundreds of thousands of Feng Yaozong disciples looked up.

The green jade pendant obtained from the man in white floated out, emitting an extremely dazzling demonic light, illuminating the entire hall.

"See the tenth generation Feng Yao Dao Zun-"

All the disciples of His Highness, the mountains and the seas responded, and let out a shout that shook the sky and the earth, as if to announce to the world that the demons were sealed, and there was another peerless headmaster who would lead them and overturn the mountains and seas.

In the sky and the ground, only the Feng Yao lineage is the only one!

"Who is it that steals my lineage of Fengyao!!"

In the Fengtian Valley, the dimly radiant eyes of the man in white suddenly burst into infinite divine light. The white robe was automatic without wind, and the entire valley reverberated with the mighty voice of the emperor, like a peerless fierce god who was killed from the ancient times.

In the next moment, he directly fixed his gaze on Yu Xin, whose whole body was wrapped in green light, a coercion of Lingtian Jedi burst out, raised one hand, and the rules of heaven and earth were distorted, wanting to seal Yu Xin in endless. dark.

Just before this powerful force came, a blue light suddenly burst out on the ring finger of Yuxin's left hand, rushing straight into the sky, instantly smashing the terrorist attack from the man in white, an invisible power washed away, that seal sealed the rules of the entire Fengtian Valley. The magical power shattered along with it, as if this space had returned to the control of 'Heaven'.

"Feng Tiandi, stay safe?"

The blue light emitted by the jade ring turned into a huge door of light in the void. Zhang Tian stepped out from the door of light with his hands on his back, looked at the man in white on the altar, and said with a chuckle.

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