"Bury... Burial the Emperor?"

The moment the white clothed man saw Zhang Tian, ​​it was like being struck by lightning, his whole body trembled, the fierceness in his eyes disappeared in an instant, and turned into a deep and unpredictable, as if Xingchen Xuanyu was disillusioned in it.

Until this moment, the true spirit of Emperor Feng Tian was truly awakened!The man in white before was nothing more than a thought he had entrusted to him.

It seems that he slept for too long, which made Emperor Feng Tian a little dull, rolled his eyes, looked at Zhang Tian, ​​and then looked at Yu Xin, who was holding the Feng Yao Supreme Jade, and suddenly said in surprise and anger: "Emperor Buried, it is you who helped this little boy. The girl stole the Emperor's Demon Sealing Supreme Jade? What do you want to do?"

Zhang Tian looked relaxed and said casually: "This emperor's daughter, do you still need a reason for who you want to take?"

"Your daughter?"

Feng Tiandi seemed to have received a heavy news, but he didn't react for a while, then he woke up suddenly and said loudly: "What about your daughter? This is the inheritance of my Fengyao line! Burial Emperor, don't go too far. !"

Zhang Tian's face turned cold, and he said solemnly: "Feng Yao Xianzong joined the Zhantian Alliance and caused chaos in the nine mountains and seas. Do you really think this emperor is merciful?"

Feng Tiandi narrowed his eyes and said, "What do you think?"

Zhang Tian looked at Yuxin and said in a low voice: "The tenth generation of Feng Yaozong, Feng Yao Dao Zun, this emperor's daughter wants it. If you don't give it, this emperor will let you be the same as the demon, and you will never be in the nine mountains and seas. ." ,, . . .

Chapter 457 The ultimate battle with the Emperor Buried!

"you dare!!"

Emperor Feng Tian was furious, but his trembling body betrayed the fear and panic in his heart.

Zhang Tian said in a slow voice: "The lineage of Feng Yao has been passed down for [-] million years since the beginning of the Tao. Each generation of Feng Yao Dao Zun has no enemies in the world. Existence, can be juxtaposed with forces such as the Escape Immortal Palace and the Supreme Palace, and the disciples and disciples are all over the nine mountains and seas. But in front of this emperor, it can only be destroyed in a single thought. You should know that even without the power of heaven, this emperor also has this strength. "

Feng Tiandi was silent, the final battle of the Zhantian era, the shocking battle between the nine peak quasi-immortal emperors and the Buried Emperor on the Nine Heavens Tower. .

I am afraid that in the whole world, he is one of the few people who knows Zhang Tian's strength best. As the ninth generation of Feng Yao Xianzong, he wanted to inherit the power of the previous eight generations of Dao Zun, to ascend to the Immortal Emperor, to ban the way of heaven, and to use it. Feng Yao Xianzong is above the ancient heaven.

But the first time he saw Emperor Burial, he knew that he was wrong and overestimated himself. With his Taoism, he was still far from being able to seal the sky.

The result was just as he expected, the nine peak quasi-immortal emperors, after many disasters, were killed from the nine mountains and seas to the heaven.

After that battle, Emperor Feng Tian had already sealed it with supreme magical powers and hid it in the deepest part of his consciousness.

The only thing he remembered was that they were defeated, and they were devastated and defeated, and they were powerless to fight back.On that day, Emperor Burial showed them a power that was enough to make them despair.

So when Emperor Burying Heaven threatened to destroy the entire Feng Yaozong, Emperor Feng Tian was really frightened.

After being silent for a long time, Emperor Feng Tian's eyes suddenly shone with divine light, and said, "The road to seal the demon, the final destination is Feng Tian, ​​do you want your daughter to be your enemy?"

Zhang Tian chuckled and said: "This emperor stands on behalf of the sky, and he does not fit in the way of heaven. If this emperor's daughter really has the power to seal the sky in the future, what if the way of heaven is given to her? My daughter is in charge, if you dare to make trouble, this emperor will let your true spirit be silent forever."


Feng Tiandi was shocked and angry, but he had nothing to do. Not to mention that he only had a bit of true spirit left, even in his heyday, he had no strength to defy the decision of Emperor Burial.

Feng Yao lineage, [-] years of Dao foundation, should it be buried in his hands?

Feng Tiandi couldn't make such a decision, so he could only sigh helplessly, turning into an invisible blade and slashing himself.

This knife is to cut off the connection between him and Feng Yao Supreme Jade.

In an instant, the jade pendant in Yuxin's hand became even more radiant, and it was completely integrated with her.

"now it's right."

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, turned and disappeared into the door of light.

The light in Feng Tiandi's eyes also dimmed, and he turned back into a white-clothed man who was motionless on the altar. 678 Reading Novels www.678kxs.com

Heaven and earth returned to silence.

I don't know how long it took, Yu Xin finally woke up leisurely. Emperor Feng Tian's "Fang Tian Forbidden Law" was his accumulation of the previous eight generations of Feng Yao Dao Zun. The rule is only one step away, and even with the help of the supreme treasure, Feng Yao Supreme Jade, she only understood a layer of fur.

Looking at the surrounding scene, the original mysterious feeling disappeared, but it made her feel a kind of intimacy, because all the wandering around in this space was the unique spiritual energy of Feng Yaozong.

After thinking about it for a while, Yuxin's expression became solemn, and she flew into the sky like a peerless fairy, ordering the world: "Qingdi's spiritual transformation, all spirits return to the ancestors!"

Suddenly, the spiritual energy of the entire valley swarmed towards her. Those millions of years of spiritual medicine and spiritual fruit all withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, transformed into the pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth, turned into the tide of the spiritual sea, Baichuanhui. The sea poured into Yuxin's body.

This Fengtian Valley is the place where Emperor Fengtian sealed the true spirit for five million years. Together with the true spirit, there is also the spiritual energy in this space, the real spiritual energy of the ancient times, which is extremely rich. Yuxin naturally does not want to. waste.

Under the watering of this majestic spiritual energy, the other side flower in Yuxin's body erupted with infinite divine light, the branches and leaves stretched, and the greedy mouth absorbed the spiritual liquid, and all the three flowers and leaves skyrocketed several times.

The fourth flower and leaf was originally just a flower bone. After absorbing a lot of ancient aura, it finally showed a strong vitality. It grew visible to the naked eye, and finally the flower bloomed, echoing with the other three flowers and leaves. Power erupted from Yu Xin.

On the other side, the flowers bloom in the seven-color sky, and the flowers become immortals for a thousand years!

The four colors of the other side flowers, replaced by the general realm of the human race, can be equivalent to the holy realm, and these four flowers and leaves are rich in color and full of spirituality, which has already exceeded the scope of the primary holy realm, reaching the intermediate holy realm, even high Step Holy Land!

Casting a first-order blood body, upgrading black and white two-color beads to psychic treasures, inheriting the "Fengtian Dao Fa", the other side of the four-colored sky, and a series of adventures, Yuxin is very overwhelmed, and it took a long time to sort out smoothly.

Taking a deep breath, when she raised her head again, Yu Xin's eyes had turned indifferent, because she knew that the moment she left the valley, there would be a battle.

"Crack! Kick! Kick!"

One after another thunderous sound exploded in the void of the valley, and Yuxin rushed out of Fengtian Valley at a speed unseen by the naked eye like a cyan lightning.

"What, he actually rushed out!"

"Hundreds of thousands of years, the only person who stepped out of Fengtian Valley."

Seeing Yuxin rushing out of the valley, all the igneous Jiao clan strongmen who were guarding outside were all boiling. The ancestral land they had guarded for tens of thousands of years was destroyed. I really waited for the murderer to come out, and I was in a hurry.

Yu Xin didn't give them any time to prepare, the arc flashed and moved directly in front of a demon saint, holding up the crimson blood palm, and stamped on him fiercely.

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