"The second form of the Blood God Dafa, cutting the blood ghost palm!"

The same move, performed at Yuxin's current realm, was a hundred times stronger than before, and immediately blasted the demon saint of the Huoyan Jiao clan, and a large amount of demon blood was torn out, dyeing the world red. , , .

Chapter 458 The Immortal Emperors Wake Up


The rest of the sages and half-sages of the Jiao clan saw Yu Xin's ruthlessness, and they all showed their fury.


The crackling sound resounded in all directions, and there seemed to be some treasures, all of which were spread out by black and white beads in the Taiji pattern. On the Taiji diagram, there was a fire dragon roaring and roaming, with unparalleled coercion.

"This, this is..."

Many Huoyan Jiao clan experts showed very horrified expressions. They felt a familiar breath from the fire dragon on the surface of the Taiji map. Isn't it the fire dragon demon emperor they have enshrined for tens of thousands of years!

Before these people could react, Yu Xin turned into an electric arc and attacked another demon saint again, as fast as the wind, and her palm was still full of the blood of the flood saint, making her blood-cutting ghost palm even more powerful.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The war is in full swing. After all kinds of adventures, Yuxin's strength is stronger than that of entering the Pill Emperor Realm, and it is more than ten times stronger. The most proud body of the demon clan, in front of the blood god Dafa, is full of loopholes and is constantly being attacked. Yu Xin tore out a puff of blood, and soon became sluggish.

"Run! Run!"

After seeing Yuxin's fierceness, all the Huoyan Jiao people were afraid of being killed, and they all rolled up and called Jiao to flee in all directions.

Yuxin didn't take advantage of the situation to chase after her. Several magical powers in the blood nerves consumed a lot of spiritual energy, so she couldn't bear it because of such an explosive display. In addition, the Pill Emperor Realm was about to close, so she had no intention to cut the grass and remove the roots, and just cleaned it casually. After leaving the battlefield, I took out all the three demon saints and four half-sacred demon pills that were killed.

Yao Dan is the place where the blood of the demon cultivator is stored. It is not only a treasure for the people of the demon clan, but also an excellent material for alchemy.Yuxin's cultivation has improved greatly this time, and even her spirit has been greatly improved, so she can use these top demon pills to refine a peerless pill.

Finally, Yu Xin carefully checked the elixir in the storage ring, and after confirming that she had collected everything, she no longer hesitated, and ran directly towards the end of the Pill Emperor Realm.

She didn't notice that just when she left, the connection between Fengtian Valley and Pill Emperor Realm was split and divided into an independent dimension.

At the same time, the altar in the depths of Fengtian Valley disappeared directly, and the six immortal emperors kneeling in front of the altar, as well as the powerhouses of all ages who were sealed in the valley, began to show signs of awakening.


The lightning flashed wildly, Yu Xin volleyed across the sky, and every step she fell, a thundercloud would grow from the soles of her feet. While dragging her, a powerful thrust erupted, making her faster and faster.


Just as Yuxin was rushing on the road, she suddenly seemed to have discovered something, stopped in the void, and carried her vast soul to glance at the ground.

I saw a huge canyon below, as if it was split into two sections by a sword that opened the sky, with a very fast waterfall in the middle, and the terrain was very dangerous.

At this time, Xiao Guyan was trekking in one of the mountain streams, carefully examining the ordinary treasures. In this battle of Pill Dao Tianjiao, he wanted to refine a very high-grade elixir. The residual picture, and the Nine Dragon Emperor Xinyan in the Xuantian Fire Territory, he has to take all these into his arms, so he must find the best elixir.

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Xiao Guyan looked into the distance and saw a slightly swaying purple flower opposite the waterfall, only to feel that his whole heart was about to burst.

White Night Purple Flower, this is a very rare elixir, it only blooms once a year, and it only disappears for a short period of time when the white night alternates.

There was no time to think about it, Xiao Guyan rushed towards the waterfall and pulled out the Eternal Fire Ruler with his right hand and slashed fiercely at the rushing water.

Just as he made his move, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded behind him, and Yu Xin's ghostly figure appeared directly behind him, and slapped his back with a slap in the face.


With Yuxin's current strength, the sneak attack on Xiao Guyan, who only had three transformations in the legendary realm, was naturally a hit. He stunned him directly, and then quickly took off Xiao Guyan's storage ring and put the valuables in it. All the things were transferred to his storage ring, and then he walked away.

Thousands of miles away, on a plain with flowers in full bloom, Yuxin strolled on the grass, and had recovered her original appearance. With a flash of brilliance in her right hand, Xiao Guyan's red lotus karmic remnant picture appeared in her hand.

She was also speechless for the 'ruthless' robbery, but the value of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire was indeed too great, ranking fourth in the Nine Realms of Different Fire List, being the Emperor Immortal in the Different Fire, or getting it early would be the most reassuring.

Seeing that the exit was approaching, Yu Xin didn't have time to study the Red Lotus Industry Fire Treasure Map, she put it away directly, and turned into an escape light and galloped towards the light source.

After walking for about half a day, a huge square appeared in front of me, and there were already thousands of alchemists waiting there.

Seeing Yuxin's figure, many alchemists showed a dignified look. After all, Yuxin's reputation as a semi-sacred alchemist was extremely loud, and it definitely overwhelmed the existence of all alchemists.

Yu Xin ignored the scrutiny eyes of the alchemists, found a corner and sat down, closing her eyes to adjust her breath.

After a few more days, more and more alchemists came, but compared to when they first came in, they were only less than three-tenths of the time, showing how hard the journey was.

Suddenly, the void trembled slightly, and Zhou Chen, the grand master of the Alchemy Dao of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, appeared in the center of the square, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

"The time has come. In this Alchemy Dao Tianjiao Battle, you can only refine [-]th-grade or higher elixir. Alchemists who have not collected Qi Lingyao will enter the door of light on the left. Continue to participate in the alchemy of the second level and enter the door of light on the right. ."

After the words were finished, Zhou Chen swung his wide sleeves, and the void in front of him suddenly rippled, and then two huge doors of light were revealed.

"Can only refine [-]th rank or higher elixir? This is too demanding. Isn't it possible that only alchemy masters can enter the second level."

Many alchemists showed annoyance, but they did not dare to make trouble, and obediently lined up to enter the light gate on the left.

Yu Xin stood up and was about to step into the door of light on the right, when suddenly there were two roars in the distance, and then she saw two astonishing lights rushing to the front, it was Xiao Guyan and the nightmare.

"Who was the one who attacked me?"

"Where is the other side of the soul palace killer?"

Xiao Guyan and Demon Nightmare spoke almost at the same time, their eyes full of anger, and they glanced viciously at all the alchemists.

Yu Xin's beautiful eyes flickered, and she spit out her tongue in embarrassment. Like a child who did something bad, she dodged and entered the door of light on the right. , , .

Chapter 459 Zhang Tian's debut, attracting worldwide attention

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