Zhou Chen frowned subconsciously. All the bosses in the suspended attic were alarmed and stared at Yu Xin in shock. It was hard to imagine that refining a single elixir would cause such a big turmoil.

Even Yu Xin couldn't help showing a solemn look.

"Fengtian Dao Fa" can be regarded as the strongest Dao method of the Feng Yao lineage. With the power of supreme desire as a guide, Feng Shanyue, Jianghai, Xingchen, vicissitudes, and Zhutian Avenue!

When you think about it, the heavens will shake.

It was the first time she used it, and it was only by relying on the Demon Sealing Supreme Jade that she could barely mobilize this Fang Shanhe.


Under the blessing of the will of the mountains and rivers, the Zijin Shenlong Ding made a roar that shook the sky and earth, as if a world was brewing, and it seemed as if hundreds of thousands of volcanoes were about to erupt.

The thunderclouds in the sky were violently turbulent, and the thunder roared. The whole sky seemed to be divided into six parts, occupied by six thunderclouds of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and blue. The whole world is full of heaviness.

At the last moment of the violent tumbling, at the center of the thunder cloud formation, a purple brilliance shot out and spread rapidly! 678 Reading Novels www.678kxs.com

Seven-color Dan Lei!

This is almost a legendary divine pill, which appeared in front of them, and its refiner was just a [-]-year-old Tianjiao girl!

Everyone knows that the victory of the Alchemy Dao Tianjiao battle has been decided, and it was won with undisputed peerless strength.

Between heaven and earth, one after another fiery eyes stared at Yu Xin, including many bigwigs in the hanging attic.If it was said that the previous Dan meeting was just a battle of heaven for them, then when Yu Xin triggered the seven-color Dan Lei, all this changed.

The seven-color Dan Lei is a qualitative change. If the elixir of four to six-color Dan Lei can be called the Holy King Pill, then the elixir under the seven-color Dan Lei is the Holy Lord Dan!The elixir that makes the peerless holy master jealous.

The existence of the Holy Master, how many can there be in the entire continent?If this Holy Lord Pill is lost, it will definitely cause a Holy Land War, and many Holy Lands will not hesitate to fight for it.

It is foreseeable that after today, Yuxin's name will be completely resounding on the mainland, ranking among the top alchemy masters in the mainland!


A multi-colored thunder and lightning pierced the sky and came suddenly, but it was Xiao Guyan's Dan Lei robbery.

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath. The Dan Thunder Tribulation was a huge test for the master of the Dan Dao. The five-color Dan Thunder Tribulation was almost as powerful as the Holy Presence, and it was extremely terrifying, as if it was going to blow up the entire square.

Zhou Chen had long since retreated to the side, this thunder was too strong, and it was very likely that Chiyu would be affected if it got too close.

In the face of such Ling Ran's coercion, Xiao Guyan was not at all nervous, and directly took out the Eternal Fire Ruler to shake the terrifying thunder calamity.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The explosion sounded, and the whole square seemed to collapse, but Xiao Guyan's body was as stable as a rock. After the thunder light touched the heavy ruler, they burst one after another, and did not cause any harm to him.

"As expected of this year's Wu Tanhua, this combat power is definitely above the semi-sacred!"

Countless people burst out with exclamations, but they were not particularly surprised. After all, Xiao Guyan's combat power had already been confirmed by the Tianwu Zhaobi and the Secret Realm of Life and Death.

"Zhang Yuxin, I want to see, with your strength, how to catch the Seven Colors Pill Thunder Tribulation!"

After breaking the Dan Lei Jie, Xiao Guyan turned to look at Yu Xin, with a frenzy on his face, Yu Xin took away all his honors, making his heart a little unbalanced, and desperately hoped that Yu Xin would be in front of the Dan Lei Jie. frustrated.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The energy of the seven-color Dan Lei mottled together, and it actually converged into a huge seven-color Dan Lei big mudra, pressing down fiercely.

At this moment, the color of heaven and earth, Yu Xin seems to have become a lonely person in the universe, and will be directly erased by Dan Lei's big mudra.

Yuxin looked up at the sky, with no joy or sadness on her face, the Supreme Jade of Sealing Demon dancing in the wind, emitting a faint azure light to wrap Yuxin inside.

A vague young figure appeared behind Yu Xin, with her left hand behind her back, and an ancient scroll in her right hand, like a scholar who went to Beijing to take the exam.

But the moment he saw the big handprint of the seven-color Danlei, his temperament suddenly changed, and a force of shattering mountains and rivers pierced the sky!Make all those who see it can't help but kneel on the ground and worship!

With one hand up to the sky, he made a majestic voice:

"The Nine Bans of Sealing the Demon, I want to seal the sky!" ,, . . .

Chapter 466 Diwei Shakes Nine Mountains and Seas

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The seven-color Danlei big mudra in the sky, like a roaring dragon, made a roaring sound that shook the sky and the earth pressed down, leaving no doubt that it could destroy the entire platform with one blow.

But at the moment when the mighty Emperor's Voice swayed, this powerful Dan Lei Big Handprint actually stopped in mid-air, and the wind and thunder brought by the tail continued to ravage the void, emitting a dazzling thunder, but the entire palm was not in the slightest. Can't move forward either.

"If I want to have it, the sky cannot be without it. If I want it without it, the sky cannot have it!"

The figure behind Yuxin became more and more solid, like an emperor who stood upright in the sky, roaring loudly, turning the bookish air into divine might, going up against the sky, and directly smashing the big handprint of the seven-color Dan Lei, the remaining power did not diminish, and it rushed straight into the sky, the thunder that filled the sky. The cloud was directly swept away.

At the same time, the nine mountains and seas were all sensed, and countless powerful people who were concentrating on retreating looked up at the sky, and their tears flowed like a spring.

"Nine generations of Dao Zun!!"

The Feng Yao lineage, which had long since formed a loose sand, was surging at this moment, looking at the Qiwei men who appeared above Jiuxiao, all kneeling on the ground.

In the past, Jianmu was under the collapse of the sky, and he did not want to look up at the demon sky. For [-] million years since the establishment of the Taoist line, it was their duty to ban the great demons of heaven and earth. Destruction blows, the disciples are torn apart, but as a 'monster sealer', the Taoist idea has never been shaken.

Now, the ninth generation of Feng Yao Dao Zun has announced to the world, indicating that Feng Yao Supreme Jade has seen the light of day again, a new Dao Zun of Feng Yao's lineage has been born, and people's hearts have been reunited.

"Quick, start the Zhoutian Great Array, use the Xingluo Immortal Mirror to locate it, and be sure to find out the whereabouts of the tenth generation Feng Yao Dao Zun."

Above an immortal mountain, a burly middle-aged man solemnly ordered that he had been sleeping for three million years, but he broke the barrier directly because of the appearance of Feng Yao Supreme Jade.

"Haha, okay, okay, I'm from the Feng Yao lineage, and I'm going to rise again!"

In the depths of the secluded and terrifying wilderness, a swamp suddenly burst open, and a scruffy old man in gray cloth rushed out, looking at the phantom of Emperor Fengtian above Jiuxiao, his face full of ecstasy.

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