"Roar, Roar..."

At this moment, a violent beast roar came, and the whole earth trembled.

The sloppy old man frowned, and with just a wave of his hand, he tore the two desolate beasts tens of thousands of meters in size to pieces, twitched the two dragon-eye-sized demon pills with his fingers, and smashed away directly.

"Feng Yao Supreme Jade was born? Hmph, I want to see what successor the ninth generation Dao Zun has chosen. The position of the tenth generation Feng Yao Dao Zun belongs to me, Feng Baichuan!"

In the deepest part of a gloomy hall, stood a flag with the word 'Feng' as high as 90 zhang, and a gloomy black-robed old man standing under it said gloomily, causing all the disciples kneeling under His Highness to tremble.[-] look at www.[-]dy.com

Feng Yao Supreme Jade appeared in the world, this is a big event that shook the nine mountains and seas. The super power that once dared to be side by side with the Supreme Palace and the Escape Immortal Palace, even if it has been silent for five million years, it still makes people not dare to underestimate it.

All the top immortal domains were turbulent because of this, and even disturbed those immortals who had been sleeping in the ground for millions of years. In the mountains and seas, one after another tyrannical immortal thoughts swept across, making all the great powers walking in the world tremble with fear. , for fear of offending the Immortal Venerable and coming to Immortal Punishment.

Shengyuan Continent, Shengdu, Dandao Square.

The sky was blue and cloudless, all the thunder and lightning dark clouds were swept away, the scorching sun was in the sky, and beams of warm sunlight poured down from the sky, illuminating this piece of land that had been attacked by thunderclouds for several days. Everyone sighed in relief and showed expressions of joy.

After enjoying a good sunbathing, the eyes of the audience gathered on Yu Xin again.

Up to this moment, the Pill Dao Tianjiao Battle has officially ended, and it is time to announce the results.

Zhou Chen looked at the sky, and then looked at the young alchemists in the square, his face was full of sighs, his body flashed, and he returned to the sky again, and said slowly: "The pills are gone, all alchemists, please also ask. Take out your elixir."

After listening to Zhou Chen's words, all the alchemists took out the elixir that had been refined in the elixir furnace, but they were obviously a little absent-minded. From the corner of their eyes, they couldn't help but glance at Yuxin's elixir furnace and the elixir of seven-color elixir. , even many alchemists from the Great Holy Land have never seen it.

Under the curious eyes of everyone, Yu Xin did not hide it, and directly let the fifth-grade holy elixir she refined suspended in mid-air, the sunlight poured down, reflecting the colorful rays of light, as if there was a dragon shadow swimming on the surface of the elixir , very miraculous.

"Okay, very strong pill. Dare to ask Miss Zhang, what is the use of this pill?"

Zhou Qing stepped out of the suspended attic and asked nervously, staring at the elixir without blinking.

His cultivation base has barely reached the Holy Master level. At this point, it is close to the peak of Shengyuan Continent. Even with his status, it is difficult to obtain useful elixir, so Yuxin's elixir, He takes it very seriously.

Not only Zhou Qing, but all the bosses in the hanging attic held their breaths and waited for Yu Xin to explain.

Yu Xin smiled slightly, as if returning to the earth in spring, her whole body was surrounded by immortal energy, she said softly with her sweet voice without a trace of impurities: "This pill is called Qi-color Dragon Yuan Pill, with dragon blood as the guide, it can cultivate Refining qi and blood, strengthening the soul, but it is only effective for the strong of the dragon family."

It turned out that the real main medicine of this spirit pill was the demon pill she got by killing the strong people of the Huoyan Jiao clan. The Jiao clan was a branch of the dragon clan, and its blood contained dragon blood.She refined this elixir just for Zi Yan to use.

When the big guys heard Yu Xin's explanation, they immediately showed disappointment and were no longer interested in the elixir.

At this time, Zhou Chen had already checked everyone's elixir with several judges, and said loudly: "The alchemist is fighting for the front, respecting the spirit, the alchemist Zhang Yuxin has refined the elixir of seven-color pill thunder, which is shocking to the past. I announce that the champion of this Pill Dao Tianjiao battle is... Zhang Yuxin!"

Hearing Zhou Chen's turbulent voice, the onlookers around the square felt a burst of enthusiasm, and they stared at Yuxin again with admiration in their eyes.

The big bosses in the hanging attic invariably moved towards the attic where Zhang Tian was, and said respectfully, "Congratulations to Senior Zhang for having another unparalleled talent under his knees."

Chapter 467 Enchanting Concubine Yan

Zhou Chen paused for a moment, then continued: "The alchemist Xiao Guyan of Nanhuang Fengshen Academy, refining the elixir of five-color dan thunder, can also be called a generation of amazing arrogance, and is the second place in this alchemy arrogance battle."

"The Devil's Nightmare, the disciple of the Corpse Demon Sect, refined the three-color Dan Lei's elixir, and was the third place in this Pill Dao Tianjiao battle."

"Unnamed scattered cultivator Mu Ling, refining the elixir of one-color Pill Thunder, this time the fourth place in the Pill Dao Tianjiao battle."

"Zhou Yu, Lin Yao, the spiritual pills you two have refined are both of the semi-holy level, with similar qualities. It has been decided that the two of you are tied for fifth place."

Zhou Chen's words rang out in the air, and every time a name was uttered, there would be jubilation, thunderous applause, and it would last for a long time.


Looking at Yu Xin's back, Xiao Guyan let out a long sigh. Although he was very unwilling this time, he had to admit that Yu Xin's strength was inferior to others.

The Demon Nightmare squeezed his knuckles. This time, he came to the Holy Capital with a huge mission to create momentum for the birth of the Demon Corpse Sect. Now he is only ranked third, obviously he cannot get his wish.

"Hmph, the good show is not over yet, if you dare to beat my nightmare, there will never be a good end."

The nightmare glanced at Yuxin and Xiao Guyan coldly, and a cruel arc appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The little princess Zhou Yu's expression was very nervous. After hearing that she was ranked fifth, she breathed a sigh of relief. Although the name was very different from what she had imagined, at least she had the qualifications to enter the Xuantian Fire Territory.

"Look, that Nine Dragon Emperor Heart Flame must be mine!"

Zhou Yu clenched his small fist tightly, with a sweet voice.

After the announcement of the top [-] rankings, Zhou Chen's voice suddenly changed, and he raised his voice: "Since the ranking of the Pill Dao Tianjiao battle has been released, the rewards should also be honored. Zhang Yuxin, Xiao Guyan, Demon Nightmare, Mu Ling, Zhou Yu , Lin Yao, all six of you have the qualifications to enter the Xuantian Fire Territory, and you can choose a source of fire to bring out, including the Nine Dragon Emperor Heart Flame that ranks seventh on the Nine Realms Different Fire List!"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd that had calmed down boiled again, and everyone's eyes became hot.

Kowloon Emperor Xinyan, this legendary supreme flame, is finally about to be born!

In the end, who will fall?

This made everyone present full of expectations.

The alchemy meeting ended. Except for Yu Xin and other six people who stayed in the alchemy square to prepare to enter the Xuantian fire domain, all the other alchemists dispersed, and those onlookers who had been guarding the square for many days gradually dispersed.

In the hanging attic, the ruthless looked solemn and said in a low voice: "Get ready, it's our turn to appear."

As soon as this remark came out, all the geniuses of Qi Shifu were shocked. Chenbei Xuan said: "The masters of Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment have already arrived, just waiting for those South Swamp thieves to throw themselves into the net."

On the Pill Dao Square, Zhou Chen said solemnly: "The Xuantian Fire Territory contains many fire sources, and the spiritual energy is very violent, especially the Nine Dragon Emperor Xinyan near the center. Although it has been blessed with many Dao seals, it is still very unpleasant. Stable. If you don't have a complete grasp, it's best not to provoke it, or let it get out of trouble, and the entire Xuantian Fire Territory is in danger of being destroyed."

Yu Xin and the others nodded solemnly, but the Demon Nightmare's face was full of disdain. Zhou Chen frowned and said with a flick of his sleeves, "Now, let's send you to the Xuantian Fire Territory."

After all, Zhou Chen took out a silver token and made several handprints. The token suddenly erupted with a strong silver light, which reflected in the void and turned into a light door.

"Okay, go in quickly. No matter if you get the fire source or not, you must come out after three days, or you will be responsible for the consequences." Express Novel www.ems999.com

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