The last sentence, Zhou Chen said while looking at the nightmare, his eyes were full of warnings.


The nightmare sneered nonchalantly and rushed into the fire zone first.

Xiao Guyan, Mu Qiluo, Lin Yao, and Yu Xin followed closely behind.

"Zhang Yuxin, wait for me, wait for me."

Yuxin was wandering around in the Xuantian Fire Territory, and suddenly heard the voice of the little princess Zhou Yu from behind, she couldn't help turning around, looking at Zhou Yu who was rushing towards her, her face showing doubts, she said strangely: "Princess What do you want me to do, Your Highness?"

Zhou Yu rushed to the front, stopped abruptly, and said eloquently: "Don't call me Your Highness Princess, just call me Zhou Yu." Immediately, he rolled his eyes and said, "That Senior Zhang is your father. ?"

Yuxin nodded.

Zhou Yu clapped his hands again and again, and said with a little star in his eyes: "Really! Your father is too powerful. He is my savior. When you go out later, you can take me to see him."

Yu Xinqiong's nose wrinkled, she didn't agree, and said instead, "Miss Zhou Yu, do you have anything else to do? If not, I have something else to do."

Zhou Yu narrowed his eyes into crescent moons and said, "Are you trying to get that Kowloon Emperor Heart Flame? Tell you, that's impossible. Except for me, none of you can get the Kowloon Emperor Heart Flame."

"Why?" Yu Xin asked with a frown.

Zhou Yu said: "Kowloon Emperor Xinyan is such a treasure, how could the father easily give it away. Let me tell you the truth, this Kowloon Emperor Xinyan has been planted by the father for a long time, which not only restricted its activities, but also It is constantly reducing its will to resist. And I hold the other half of the ban in my hand, which can make the Nine Dragon Emperor Xinyan surrender willingly, so only I can subdue it! Hehe..."

After Zhou Yu finished speaking, she proudly showed two cute little tiger teeth, and waved at Yu Xin, showing her the forbidden rune painted on her palm.

"I see."

Yu Xin showed a clear look, and was slightly disappointed.

But at this moment, Zhou Yu suddenly exclaimed and knelt on the ground with his hands covered.

Yu Xin was taken aback and said quickly, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Yu sweated on his painful forehead, and grinned, "Yes... someone broke the restraint on the Nine Dragon Emperor Xinyan."

Underground in the center of Xuantian Fire Territory, there is a red palace. A woman who is as thin as a mermaid is bound by countless iron chains. Her long black hair covers most of her snow body and hangs in the air, unconscious.

Suddenly, the ground above shook, as if countless seas of fire were churning, and countless boulders fell from the top of the palace, and even the chains made a clanging sound.

"Concubine Yan, Concubine Yan..."

It seemed that there was a sound of calling echoing in the hall for a long time.

The sleeping, peerless beauty like a fire elf slowly opened her eyes.

It was a pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes, with blue pupils, showing coldness and evil in the enchanting. , , .

Chapter 468 The Furious Kowloon Emperor Heart Flame


A cluster of flames suddenly gushed out of Yan Ruge's body, exuding a terrifying aura, directly shattering the chains that bound her, and her body fell to the ground like a swimming fish, but it was suspended three inches from the ground. It seemed that he didn't want his jade feet to get dusty.

The rubble of the crimson hall collapsed, making bursts of overwhelmed roars, as if it would collapse at any time.The flames in the several oil lamps were also shaking violently, and the half of the snow body leaning against the lamp seemed to glow, which added a little enchanting feeling to her beauty due to the mystery.

Su's hand lightly stroked the snow body twice, and Yan Ruge's eyes showed a little mist, and it seemed that he was also immersed in this warm and fragrant nephrite.She has absolute confidence in her body, at least so far, she doesn't think any man is qualified to have this beauty, including Prince Nannuma.

She has never seen such an indomitable king.

The fog gradually dissipated, and the enchanting and cold look returned to Yan Ruge's eyes. The jade hand folded in front of her chest, pinched a seal, and a fiery red gauze appeared out of thin air, covering her snow body, making it seem like a bell. The aura of heaven and earth is born, and the beautiful contours of the mountains are undulating and clear.A few hollowed out places, like the snow skin carved from flawless white jade, are looming, attracting infinite reverie.


The vibration became more intense, Yan Ruge raised his jade neck slightly, and the moment before the huge chandelier above his head fell, his figure suddenly flashed, like a elf dancing in flames, leaping up in the collapsed palace , rushed out directly.

"Concubine Yan, you are finally out of trouble."

Mu Qiluo stood outside the palace, and when she saw Yan Ruge coming out, she immediately showed a look of surprise.

Yan Ruge's long and narrow Danfeng eyes flashed a hint of playfulness, and said coldly: "It's just a tarsus fire drill, how can it really trap me, that Human Sovereign thought that he could use the great formation to absorb the fire spirit in my body, but he didn't know about me. The Fire Infant Spirit Body was far beyond his imagination. Instead, I used the Great Array to continuously absorb the fire spirit power of the Xuantian Fire Region. Even the Nine Dragon Emperor Heart Flame allowed me to absorb two sources, but I lost my wife and lost my troops. "

While speaking, Yan Ruge had already run to Mu Qiluo, raised her Xue Jaws lightly with one hand, and approached her with cold eyes, and said, "Also, don't call me Concubine Yan again. Do you really think that, Don't I know what happened back then?"

Mu Qiluo felt a chill in her heart. Yan Ruge was the daughter of an aboriginal tribe leader in Nanmaru. She met Prince Nanmaru by accident. When Prince Nanmaru saw his talent, he had the idea of ​​accepting an apprentice. The king of Nanzhuo misunderstood and sent someone to inform the tribal leader that he wanted Na Yan Ruge to be the crown princess.

The leader of the tribe had only one daughter, Yan Ruge. He wanted to stay by his side to pass on the position of leader, but he was unwilling to marry out. As a result, he annoyed the king of Nanzhao and sent people to slaughter Yan Ruge's tribe under the guise of mountain bandits. , and only brought Yan Ruge alone to the royal city.

Later, Prince Nannuma rejected the matter of Nafei and devoted himself to teaching the Four Heavenly Kings of Fenghuo, Forest and Mountain, but the name of Yanfei was passed down and became a kind of name.

This matter is very secret, and Mu Qiluo only got a glimpse of it after taking over the intelligence system, but he didn't want Yan Ruge to know the truth long ago.

"Then why are you...why?"

Mu Qiluo was a little shocked.

"Why do you still want to enter the king's city knowing that the king has slaughtered the tribe?" Yan Ruge's eyes flashed a cold light, and he said calmly: "At that time, besides obeying the king's arrangement, was there a second way to survive? "

A cold air rose from Mu Qiluo's back. She always considered herself to be calm, but after seeing Yan Ruge's forbearance, she still felt a burst of horror. 90 Literature Network

Yan Ruge smiled sweetly and said, "Don't worry, hatred has a source, I won't hold grudges against the Crown Prince and you. That damned king and Nanmaru have already died and the country has perished."

Mu Qiluo breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good. This rescue plan was arranged by the prince himself. Let's go out quickly, the prince is taking someone outside to meet him."

At this moment, the entire void suddenly violently rioted, countless fire sources raged, and the chaotic fire aura filled all the space, as if it was about to explode at any time.

Yan Ruge frowned and said coldly, "Damn, someone is angering that Kowloon Emperor Xinyan, come and see!"

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