In the Endless Fire Territory, the invincible forces of the nine great mountains and seas were tyrannical for a while, and Emperor Yan was the supreme figure of the nine great mountains and seas, and there were countless other immortal kings, true immortals, and great emperors.

Such a terrifying force was annihilated by a decree of the Burial Emperor. Even if this matter has been reincarnated for thousands of years, it will never forget it, let alone only five million years have passed.

Five million years ago, it was only one of the many different fires possessed by Emperor Yan. Facing the divine slaughter method of Emperor Burying Heaven, it felt like a mayfly facing the ocean, and it could be killed with a single thought. That kind of deep-rooted fear, even if it No matter how many times the memory of the soul is weakened, it will never be forgotten.


The huge fear occupied the entire consciousness of the Nine Dragon Emperor Xinyan, causing it to retreat crazily, the flames of the huge dragon body cracked and ravaged the void.

"It's not that easy to run."

Zhang Tian's playful voice reverberated in the sky, and the divine chain of order floated gracefully, and suddenly stretched forward, directly piercing the void, appearing thousands of miles away, a burst of divine might that defied the sky, directly piercing the flames of the Nine Dragons Emperor's heart.

"Ah...don't, spare my life, spare my life, don't erase my will, don't..."

Yu Xin and Zhou Yu both widened their eyes, watching Jiulong Emperor Xinyan constantly struggling in the void, but was wrapped in the divine light emitted by the divine chain, and could not break free, but his voice became weaker and weaker.

Finally, the Nine Dragon Emperor Xinyan stopped struggling, and the divine light gradually receded. I saw that the golden dragon flame on his body had weakened to less than one tenth. Whether it was the ban left by the emperor or the thousand corpses and demonic fire of the demon, all of them were gone. It disappeared, only a black emperor pattern was printed on its eyebrows, full of ancient and majestic atmosphere.

If anyone who knows the ancient emperor pattern is present, they will definitely recognize that the meaning of the ancient word of the emperor is - burial! , , .

Chapter 470 Two beauties shocked by Zhang Tian

"Yuxin, accept Yihuo. Dad said that if the Nine Dragon Emperor Xinyan dares to disobey, he will have his own father to teach him a lesson."

Zhang Tian's domineering and casual voice sounded in the void, and immediately the divine chain of order turned into blue light and returned to the Ice Spirit Jade Ring. With a flash of inspiration, it became unpretentious again.

"Wow, Senior Zhang is so handsome! It's amazing!"

The little princess Zhou Yu suddenly jumped to the front, holding Yu Xin's palm and looking at it, her eyes full of envious little stars.

Yu Xin was also a little surprised. She only felt that she had an inexplicable connection with Jiulong Emperor Xinyan, as if it had been a strange fire that she had cultivated for a long time.

With a simple move, the group of Nine Dragons Emperor Xinyan immediately flew into Yuxin's hands obediently, turned into a mini golden dragon, and got directly into the palm of his hand.

Zhou Yu blinked, she was very envious. She was a princess born with a golden spoon in her mouth. She wanted anything, and she was more amused by Kowloon Emperor Xinyan, and she was just a little disappointed if she couldn't get it.

"Oops, the Nine Dragon Emperor Xinyan was actually subdued by Zhang Yuxin, what should I do now?"

After a volcano thousands of miles away, Mu Qiluo said with a frown.

Yan Ruge's toes were three inches away from the ground, her slender body twisted slightly, and she squinted her eyes and said, "That divine chain is very strong, it not only suppressed the Nine Dragon Emperor's Heart Flame, but also wiped out its consciousness. The power of the main level. With this treasure bodyguard, I am not an opponent, let's go."

After Yan Ruge finished speaking, he turned around and fled towards the exit. Under the seemingly calm face, a huge wave was already set off in his heart.

She didn't say one thing. When the divine chain of order was retracted just now, she clearly felt that a pair of emperor eyes glanced in her direction. It was just this glance that did not contain any coercion, and she let her in that moment. Suffocation, even the emperor who conquered Nanmaru did not give her such a strong oppression.

That was the real reason for her retreat.

"Wait for me."

Although Mu Qiluo was a little unwilling, she still used her body technique to follow Yan Ruge, but she remembered the emperor pattern on the forehead of the Nine Dragon Emperor Xinyan in her heart. She just wanted to tell her if she could understand it. The meaning of this emperor pattern is likely to reveal the mystery of Zhang Tian.

But it was said that after Yuxin, Momeng and others were sent to the Xuantian Fire Territory in the Pill Dao Square, Zhou Chen's expression was very uneasy. Unexpectedly, it will definitely hurt the vitality.

And the variable of the devil is destined to have waves, but the emperor's order cannot be changed, even he can only wait for the result.


Just at the moment when Zhou Chen was extremely nervous, a sea of ​​fire suddenly shot out from the door of light in the Xuantian Fire Territory, directly penetrating the entire holy city. .

"Tonight, the Holy Spirit will become a sea of ​​fire."

Yan Ruge stepped on the billowing waves of fire, with a contemptuous expression on his face, he raised his hands and gestures, the fire started a prairie fire, and the endless fire rain fell from the sky, just like a fire god descended into the world, extremely powerful.

The ruthless man sat firmly on the elegant seat on the top floor of a restaurant, looked out the window at the sea of ​​​​fire, and said softly: "Do it."

As soon as it fell, countless auras rose up in the streets and alleys around Pill Dao Square. A powerful man walked in the air, split the fire waves with his supernatural power, and killed Yan Ruge in the center of Yanting.

Bone God, Sword God, Sword God, and Dali Temple's four god arrests, the three god arrests shot at the same time, united several great saints from the Punishment Department, and completely blocked the void around Yan Ruge.

"Huh? Do you think you can deal with me with such a few people? I will repay the humiliation that the emperor gave me back then, so let's use your minions first."

Yan Ruge's long and narrow Danfeng eyes flickered with cold light, and her graceful figure swirled in the air.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen monstrous fire waves rushed in at the same time, covering the sky above the heads of the powerhouses.

"Open it for me!"

Sword God Li Changfeng was as cold as ice, and a peculiarly shaped long knife in his hand slashed towards the waves of fire, slashing out a terrifying blade of nearly a thousand feet, directly dividing the sea of ​​fire into two.

When they swept their eyes, they found that Yan Ruge had returned to the entrance of Xuantian World, and Zhou Chen, the great master of the Alchemy Dao, was carried by her like a dead dog, and he didn't know his life or death.

"Bold traitor, let go of Zhou Guoshi!"

Li Changfeng scolded loudly, and the surrounding powerhouses were all nervous. Zhou Chen was a top-level master of alchemy, a national teacher proclaimed by the emperor, and was well-known in the mainland. If he died in Yan Ru singer, the trouble would be big.

"Giggle, is this old guy's life very valuable?"

Yan Ruge covered his mouth with a coquettish smile, and threw Zhou Chen out suddenly. A fire snake spewed out from his palm, biting Zhou Chen tightly, as if to devour him.

Li Changfeng didn't think much about it, and quickly caught it, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw that Yan Ruge had pressed his hands on the door of light in Xuantian Fire Territory, and countless purple flames erupted.

"The Emperor suppressed me with the Xuantian Fire Territory, and I will let you all taste the Xuantian Fire Territory!"

Yan Ruge said crazy words, but her eyes were as cold as ice, constantly urging the power of fireworks, and the door of light roared, as if it were about to collapse at any time.

"Quick, stop her!"

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