Li Changfeng was really panicked now. If Yan Ruge destroyed the Gate of Light and the Xuantian Fire Territory collapsed, the entire Holy City would be burned to ashes.

As soon as the order came out, Sword God, Bone God and other powerhouses immediately attacked Yan Ruge, but a force that was so powerful and twisted suddenly stopped in front of him.

The void burst, and an endless green poisonous mist erupted, covering the sky, and a giant hand with white bones and crystal clear, like a sacred mountain, stretched out from the poisonous mist.

This giant hand has no flesh, it is as white as crystal, it tore apart the sky, and its five fingers are like the peaks of the sky.

The bone god Leng Aotian was about to split, and a powerful momentum burst out from him, and eight ferocious arms extended out, each of which was dozens of feet long, constantly blasting towards the white-boned palm.

It is the supernatural power of the bone god: the eight-armed god and demon!


The bone arm made a crackling sound in the poisonous mist, and it slammed on the giant white bone hand, but it couldn't stop it.

The speed of the white bone giant hand did not decrease, and continued to press, directly holding the bone god Leng Aotian, the surface was burning with poisonous fire, and Leng Aotian's shrill cry was heard, and then he died.

A generation of bone gods, Leng Aotian, who is known as immortality and immortality, died in this body.

"Weak ants, also want to compete with this prince?"

The giant hand of white bones tore the void into an abyss, and the Prince Nanmaru, wearing a green robe, stepped out with a cold and arrogant look, and the terrifying power shocked the audience! , , .

Chapter 471 Bailong Pilgrimage, Emperor Zhenbo

"It's Prince Nannuma!"

I don’t know who shouted, and the masters of Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment all showed fear. In the past hundred years, the Prince of Nanmaru can be said to be the most popular powerhouse in the mainland except Zhang Tian. are daunting enough.

Even Li Changfeng, the god of swords who can shock the top holy places, has a cold sweat on his temples, the name of the person, the shadow of the tree, just the words 'half-step emperor' are enough to make him awe, not to mention It is said that this is the reincarnation of an invincible emperor, which means that he has the will of the emperor's martial arts, and even if it is weakened, it is by no means comparable to an ordinary half-step god emperor.


In the time when everyone was terrified, the door of light in Xuantian Fire Territory trembled violently again, and countless cobweb-like cracks appeared around the door of light, and the purple fire snake between Yan Ruge's hands boiled, and a pair of doors about to melt. looks like.

"Stop her now!"

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't bear it any longer, and they all planned to step forward to stop it, but the big hand of white bones in the sky descended directly from the sky, with great coercion.

"Those who take a step, die!"

Prince Nanmaru's eyes were as sharp as venomous snakes, scanning the audience, cooperating with the giant white-boned hands hanging from the top of his head, he made all the strong men stop.

"Prince Nannuma hand it over to me, you go to stop it!"

Li Changfeng shouted, with the long knife in his hand, he struggled to slash towards the Prince of Nanmaru.

"Out of control."

Prince Nanmaru's pupils shrank slightly, and he raised a finger to point forward, and the giant white-boned hand on top of his head immediately grabbed towards the giant knife gang.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The crackling sound continued to sound, and Li Changfeng's sword gang actually stopped the trend of the falling of the giant hand of white bones.

"The python god is possessed! A change!"

Li Changfeng's hand holding the long knife kept shaking, and he shouted again, a burst of gray light suddenly burst out from the knife, as if some seal had been lifted, a huge python phantom appeared on the knife, roared fiercely, and then merged into it. The power of the blade and the long blade suddenly skyrocketed, forcing the giant white bone hand back by three points.

"The python god is possessed! Two changes!"

Li Changfeng was driving a powerful sword gang with aura like a rainbow, and another huge python phantom appeared, merged into the blade, and blessed the power of the double pythons.

"The python god is possessed! Three changes!"

Li Changfeng's whole body was trembling, his face was distorted, his eyes had turned bloody, and the third python phantom merged into the blade.

"The python god is possessed! Four changes!"

"The python god is possessed! Five changes!"

This is obviously a taboo secret method, but seeing the aggressive behavior of the rebels in the South Swamp, Li Changfeng can no longer hold back, wielding a long sword like a demon.Little

When the seventh change was reached, the whole long knife had completely turned into the shape of a python. The seven pythons above the blade gang roared wildly, as if they were forcibly fused together by a tyrannical force. Hand biting.


A burst of explosions sounded, and the python god's knife gang directly smashed the huge white bone hand, and the powerful sword intent swept all directions, like a giant python screaming in the sky, making everyone feel palpitations.

This kind of divine power made the Prince of Nanzhuo also moved, and said coldly: "It's a bit interesting, to have encapsulated the remnant souls of nine demon pythons in a magic weapon, and can briefly combine his own sword spirit martial arts with the will of the demon python. Fusion, it is no wonder that such strength can erupt. However, ants are ants, no matter how hard they try, they are only slightly stronger ants."

After he finished speaking, the green robe on Prince Nanzuma's body was windless and automatic. With a big move, a green poisonous dragon flew out from the palm of his hand, with the might of tearing the sky, he directly grabbed the python god's sword and swept away the giant tail of the poisonous dragon. An extremely terrifying force descended on Li Changfeng, one arm was torn apart, blood spilled into the sky, and the whole person vomited blood like a parabola and flew upside down.


A force of energy swept across the building where the people of Qi Shi Mansion were located, and the entire restaurant was directly swept away by the waist. Several of the geniuses of Qi Shi Mansion did not have time to resist, and they melted in the poisonous mist. The terrifying coercion made everyone's scalp numb. .

"Giggle, it's too late, you should have a good taste of the Xuantian Fire Territory."

Under the interception of Bai Yu and Mu Qiluo, Yan Ruge finally made it to the end, a mad look flashed on his face, and the purple flame spread on his arms doubled again. live.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The door of light in the Xuantian Fire Territory was shattered, and a powerful and heart-pounding energy wave escaped.

"It's over."

Everyone showed despair. Such a huge fire, which had accumulated tens of thousands of years of effort in the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, broke out at one time, and it was beyond human rescue. The Holy City was predictably destroyed.

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