"Although the fireworks are beautiful, they are deadly. The people of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, this prince's revenge has just begun."

Prince Nanmaru stood in the sky, his gloomy voice spread all over the place, and his face looked very evil under the reflection of the sky-high firelight. He cooperated with the four heavenly kings who were on each side, giving people great oppression.

At this moment, in the sea of ​​​​fire that overturned the world, a cold voice suddenly sounded:

"Swallowing the Devil, the Hell Oven is now!"

The four-color sword domain swayed, and the flames around the ruthless man rolled back like the tides of the sea, and the void roared, tearing apart a huge crack, as if it was connected to the underworld, and a quaint giant cauldron of unknown size flew out, like a long Like a whale sucking water, it devoured all kinds of fire sources, refining it into strands of pure yang essence and pouring into the body of the ruthless man.

This scene is so spectacular.

I saw the ruthless man stepping on the sea of ​​flames in the void, with a beautiful face, three feet of blue silk dancing in the wind, a hell oven behind him suppressing the world, and the sea of ​​fire all over the sky was surging towards her, like a flaming dragon taking off, a hundred dragons making a pilgrimage. , is spectacular.

And Prince Nannuma and Yan Ruge's plan to burn the holy city on fire was directly declared bankrupt.

"This... what kind of magical power is this?"

Prince Nanzuma was completely shocked. With his vision of the reincarnation of the invincible emperor, he was also terrified by the supernatural powers of ruthless people. He never imagined that there was such a powerful divine channel method in the world, which could devour the fire source of one realm! , , .

Chapter 472 Battle of the Kings, Yehuo Sanctuary

The waves of fire turned upside down, constantly being swallowed by the hell oven, refining into billowing pure yang essence, and continuously pouring into the body of the ruthless man.

This is a great creation.

Ruthless beings are currently in the state of the five transformations of the legendary realm, 'Yin-Yang Transformation'.

As the fire source essence continued to pour into the body, the ruthless man's control over the 'The Way of Yang' became stronger and stronger.

If others were infused with so much pure yang essence, even the existence of a holy king would explode and die, but the body of a ruthless person was like a bottomless pit, no matter how much they poured in, they would all accept it.

Seeing that all the fire waves pouring out of the Xuantian Fire Territory were absorbed by the hell oven behind the ruthless man, Prince Nanmaru couldn't be more surprised. A green poisonous dragon nearly a thousand feet long roared out and slapped the ruthless man with one paw.

"Nanlinghou be careful!!"

A group of geniuses from the Qishi Mansion exclaimed, but no one dared to come forward to rescue. This power is too strong, surpassing the top Holy Master by a large margin, and it is enough to kill the Holy King in seconds, even the nearby Sword God Xie Xiaonan dare not Sharpen its edge.

Just when everyone thought that the ruthless man was about to be torn apart by the poisonous dragon like Li Changfeng, the center of the ruthless man's eyebrows suddenly burst into a bright golden light, shining across the sky!

The golden thunder sword rushed out and instantly turned into a thousand-zhang divine sword, surrounded by countless golden thunders, like a sky-slicing blade, slamming into the poisonous dragon qi.


As if there was a sound of thunder, the ground below the collision burst with a bang, and the gravel rolled back hundreds of feet high, forming a dust storm. The terrifying power spread around, and many of the approaching Tianjiao powerhouses were directly spit blood and flew upside down. .

When the smoke cleared, everyone hurriedly looked around, only to see that the green poisonous dragon's raised dragon claws were blasted back, and most of the boiling poisonous mist above dissipated.The eyes of the huge poisonous dragon looking at the Golden Thunder Sword were filled with fear.

"Is this the power of Lei Fa's source?"

Prince Nanmaru showed a terrifying look again. With his vision, he could see at a glance that the pure Golden Thunder Sword was still in its infancy, and it was not enough to fight against his Poison Dragon Way.But this divine sword actually contains the power of the source of thunder, but it is the nemesis of all yin, demon, and poison, and naturally it cannot be dealt with by the poison dragon.

The crux of the problem is that the essence of Lei Fa’s origin is only contained in the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Tribulation, which directly points to the foundation of the laws of the heavens. Even for true immortals, it is a supreme treasure. How could it appear in this barren little world.

For a moment, Prince Nanzuma's eyes were full of greed. Whether it was the magical power of the hell oven or the golden thunder sword in the sky, they were all powerful powers that he had never possessed as an invincible emperor in his previous life. I can definitely go farther than my previous life, maybe I can set foot on the fairy road.

Thinking of this, Prince Nanzuma swayed his right hand, and the huge poisonous dragon in the sky turned into poisonous mist and shattered, while he himself pressed directly towards the ruthless man, his movements were lightning fast, after all, the famous wind king Baiyu was also the one who was responsible for him. After being trained, as a master, his movement skills are even better.

This movement is so fast that even the Golden Thunder Sword can't catch up. Just as he was about to approach the ruthless man, Prince Nanzuma's gloomy face showed a look of astonishment, as if he could sense a powerful force.

"Suppressing Demon Tower, suppress me!"

The ruthless man sacrificed another treasure. It was the famous emperor-level Noble Phantasm Suppression Pagoda, which smelted the power of ancient reincarnation, directly broke through the void, and rolled down towards the head of Prince Nanmaru.Let's start www.xiashou8.com


The explosion resounded in all directions, and Prince Nanmaru was caught off guard and was blasted out. No matter how strong he was in his previous life, he was only a half-step emperor now, and he still couldn't reach the level of smashing the emperor's soldiers.

"This is... an imperial treasure?"

Prince Nanmaru was completely speechless. Looking at the ruthless people surrounded by the three great treasures, the Hell Oven, the Golden Thunder Sword, and the Suppressing Demon Tower, he felt that his worldview was about to be overturned.

"Hmph, this prince wants to see how long you can activate these three treasures at the same time."

A venomous snake-like cruelty flashed in Prince Nanmaru's eyes, and he flew up again, the half-step emperor's coercion Ling Ao in the audience.

The ruthless man had absorbed nearly [-]% of the fire in the Xuantian Fire Territory, and felt the tyrannical coercion of the Prince Nanmaru. The magic tower and the Golden Thunder Sword, she doesn't mind playing the strongest trump card - smashing Prince Nanzuma to death with the golden bell without beginning!

Just as this confrontation was about to break out, a thunderous roar suddenly sounded in the distance: "Bold South Marsh rebel, dare to make trouble at the feet of the emperor, and capture it before he can!"

This sound wave was really tyrannical, and before anyone arrived, the mind-blowing coercion covered the audience.

In the next moment, the void shattered layer by layer, revealing a giant palm of infinite pure yang, fiercely covering Prince Nanmaru.


The two collided, and a wave of air that seemed to pierce the eardrum rolled away. This was a force of destruction, and the whole earth seemed to be ploughed again.

"This is Tiangang Wujigong, Cao Zhengming is here!"

Mu Qiluo dodged and flew to Prince Nanzuma's side, and said solemnly.

"This old guy has hidden such power, he really is an old tortoise. Prince, let's evacuate first. After a while, the people from the Wuhou Mansion and the General's Mansion will come, and it will be difficult to leave again."

I don't know when Bai Yu appeared on the other side of Prince Nanmaru, his face was very ugly, Cao Zhengming's strength was obviously beyond everyone's expectations.

Prince Nanzuma put his trembling right hand behind his back, and said coldly, "It's only a half-step emperor. This prince has just unblocked. When he regains his ten successes, why should he be afraid of him."

"Don't be brave, let's go."

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