Yan Ruge passed through the night like a fire feather elf, and two jade arms burning with purple flames tore in the void and drilled directly into it.

Prince Nanzuma stared deeply at Ruthen at last, and no longer hesitated, and took Bai Yu and Mu Qiluo away, leaving only an indifferent voice, which rang softly in Ruthen's ears:

"This prince will come to you again." ,, . . .

Chapter 473 Calling the Emperor Banshen, the Great Emperor Dongtian


Just after Prince Nanmaru and the others left, the gate of Xuantian Fire Territory completely burst, the dimensional space collapsed, and the endless fire source poured out like a waterfall, and then was directly absorbed by the hell oven behind Ruthless Man.


Crazy refining!

The ruthless man pushed "Devouring the Heavens" to the extreme, and a yin and yang tai chi pattern appeared in the dantian. With the injection of a large amount of pure yang essence, the half of the yang has been completely lit up, showing a pure color, constantly compressing and fermenting , faintly revealing a vast avenue of breath.

Until all the sources of fire are exhausted, the ruthless person has completely mastered the way of yang. As long as she completes the way of yin, she can directly condense the yin-yang taiji spirit, breaking through to the sixth transformation of the legendary realm in one fell swoop.

If someone else knew about this, it would definitely be a shock. Ordinary people understand the legendary nine changes, just understand the fur, but the ruthless person directly condenses the martial arts. The difference is like the difference between clouds and mud, the power of the ancient times. Life is just that.

Slowly opening his eyes, Ruthless Man looked around, and saw that many court officers and soldiers had already arrived and were cleaning up the chaotic scene.

This was a very tragic battle. There were four people killed and injured, including the bone god Leng Aotian who was captured by the four gods of Dali Temple. It was a heavy loss to the imperial court.

Fortunately, some ruthless people took over all the fire sources in the Xuantian Fire Territory, and did not let the fire spread, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Cao Zhengming was standing in the void, presiding over the overall situation, and all around were full of awe-inspiring eyes. Just now, he made a tie with Prince Nanmaru with a note of the Heavenly Gang Promise Palm, which shocked many people.

Although Prince Nanzuma has been imprisoned and sealed for many years, his strength is obviously much higher than that of the Holy Master, and he is tied with him with one palm. Does it mean that Cao Zhengming already has the strength of a half-step emperor?This is an earth-shaking change, which means that Cao Zhengming has jumped from the top powerhouse in the world to one of those who stand at the top.

Although everyone was shocked at this point, it was not very surprising. Cao Zhengming is an old monster who has been famous for many years. He has long been able to compete with the top holy masters. He has always been known for his forbearance. .

Seeing the ruthless man come to his senses, Cao Zhengming immediately stepped forward and bowed his hands, "This time, the Nan Swamp gangsters rebelled again, thanks to the Marquis of Nanling who knew the treachery early and turned the tide, it was possible to avoid a major disaster. Woe. The old man will tell the truth like His Majesty, and there will be a generous gift at that time."

The ruthless man glanced at Cao Zhengming and said in a low voice, "Eunuch Cao, don't be too busy asking for credit for this marquis, but worry more about yourself."

Cao Zhengming's expression stiffened, and he said, "What does the Duke of Nanling mean by this?"

The ruthless man said: "This marquis has been ordered by His Majesty to supervise this major case of thieves in Nanmaru, and the Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment must follow the orders. A few days ago, this marquis sent someone to notify the Dali Temple, telling you that the Prince of Nanmaru is very good. You may show up in the Dandao Square, but you Cao Zhengming didn't come to ambush in person, so that the thieves in Nanmaru acted recklessly, damaged several officials of the court, and even burned the Xuantian Fire Domain. Report truthfully, Duke Cao should think about how to face the emperor's censure first."

After speaking, the ruthless man walked away.

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Even with Cao Zhengming's calmness, he couldn't help showing a hint of anger. Looking at Ruthren's back, his eyes flashed with coldness. He didn't expect that Ruren, a [-]- or [-]-year-old Tianjiao, was also well versed in the art of scheming. , this matter was reported to the emperor, and he had to bear the wrath of thunder.

The arrogance of Qi Shi Mansion followed closely, and they secretly admired the courage of the ruthless man. It must be known that after Cao Zhengming showed his strength as a half-step emperor, his status and status were completely different. Even Prince Rong and the seventh prince should be respected. However, the ruthless man still dared to scold him with a cold face. This pill alone is enough to look down on all the arrogance of heaven.

Because of the sudden riot of the Nine Dragon Emperor's Heart Flame, the Xuantian Fire Territory was in chaos. Xiao Guyan had a premonition of the crisis, so he ran out ahead of time and escaped the disaster, but he didn't gain anything because of it. He was very depressed and was planning to follow Qi Shi. Fu Tianjiao's team left, but a pleasant female voice came from behind.

"Xiao Guyan, wait a minute."

Yuxin stopped Xiao Guyan, stepped forward quickly, and spread her hands.

Xiao Guyan asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Yuxin said: "Didn't we make a bet before, I won, you should give me that red lotus karma remnant picture."

Xiao Guyan's face turned black all of a sudden, and after writing ink for a long time, he said angrily, "My residual picture was taken away by someone."

This is the greatest shame in his life. He was beaten with a sap in the back. If that person intended to take his life, wouldn't he already be dead?

Yu Xin was silent, and looked straight at Xiao Guyan. In fact, the person who robbed Xiao Guyan was her, but Xiao Guyan had opposed her several times before, and this time, she had to take revenge.

Xiao Guyan said in embarrassment: "I'm telling the truth. But as long as the man has said it, it's hard to chase after the horse. I can't give you the residual picture for the time being. If you want, I can exchange it for a secret."

Yu Xin blinked and said, "What secret?"

Xiao Guyan said: "Do you know that five million years ago, there was a peerless emperor in the mainland, named Tianhuo Emperor?"

Yuxin nodded. If she was talking about other emperors, she might not know, but Tianhuo did.This great emperor is famous for his fire path, he controls nine kinds of different fires, and his combat power is comparable to that of a half-step true immortal.

Xiao Guyan said with a serious expression: "This secret of mine is about the inheritance of the Heavenly Fire Emperor. It is said that there are not only several powerful strange fires in the cave, but also the treasures of heaven and earth that can make people break through to the emperor's realm."

"The Heavenly Fire Emperor's Inheritance Cave?"

Yuxin showed a look of surprise. This is the treasure of a top emperor, and its absolute value is infinite. With the prestige of the emperor at that time, it is very possible to leave enough treasures to pass through to the emperor's realm.

Thinking of this, Yu Xin's eyes couldn't help but shine.

PS: In order to avoid some misunderstandings, Jiuwei re-emphasizes that this book firmly adheres to the basic principle of 'not giving away women', and all female characters, including the three daughters, will not have any superficiality with men except the male protagonist. Friendship will be described with special attention to the nine tails, please rest assured that it will look good. , , .

Chapter 474 Zhang Tian killed Prince Nanmaru

Seeing Yuxin taking the bait, Xiao Guyan continued to persuade him: "The Heavenly Fire Emperor's inheritance cave is in the Southern Wilderness, and I have basically grasped the specific location, but it is not easy to open this cave, and I will talk to you when I am fully prepared. elaborate."

This is a shocking secret and a great benefit. The reason why Xiao Guyan is willing to tell Yuxin is to compensate for the red lotus karma, but more importantly, he needs to use Yuxin's power.

The Heavenly Fire Emperor’s inheritance, or the Xiao family’s inheritance, is now in the hands of the six ancient clans in the Southern Wilderness. Those people only know that opening the cave requires the disciples of the Xiao tribe to perform the Nine Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire, but they don’t know there is another one. The important condition is that you must collect all nine kinds of different fires!

This is the real difficulty. Xiao Guyan currently only has one kind of strange fire. If he wants to find eight kinds of fire in a short time, it is almost a dream. The easiest solution is to find other people with strange fire to cooperate. There are three kinds of fire. The powerful Yuxin of different fire is naturally the first choice.

Therefore, even if there is no such thing as the loss of the Red Lotus Industry Fire Remnant Map, Xiao Guyan will most likely come to Yuxin to cooperate, but this time it is just a matter of pushing the boat with the flow.

Yuxin's beautiful eyes flickered, she was so smart, she understood Xiao Guyan's intentions at once, so she was relieved, since Xiao Guyan wanted to use her power, she would definitely not lie to her.After entering the Inheritance Cave, who can get the treasure depends on their abilities.

Thinking of this, Yu Xin nodded slightly and said: "Okay, I will go to Nanhuang again when I have time. No matter if you can enter or not, you must give me the location of the inheritance hole."

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