Xiao Guyan hesitated for a while, but finally agreed.

A vigorous Pill Dao Tianjiao battle has truly come to an end since then.

A few days later, various rumors about the battle began to spread throughout the streets.

From the whole Tianjiao battle, Yuxin is undoubtedly the most eye-catching person, not only won the Pill Dao Tianjiao battle, but the seven-color Pill Thunder God Pill refined is even more shocking, and her future achievements will catch up with Pill. Emperor.He even subdued the Kowloon Emperor Xinyan, who was famous for his tyranny in the Xuantian Fire Domain, and his reputation spread across the continent at the speed of light.

In addition to the various details of the Tianjiao battle, after the appearance of Prince Nanmaru, Yan Ruge's deeds such as breaking out of trouble and destroying the Xuantian Fire Territory are also talked about.

Speaking of this battle, the Sacred Ancestor Dynasty has lost face in front of the world. Not only has the Xuantian Fire Territory been destroyed, but several of the great saints have died and suffered heavy losses. On the contrary, the traitors have gone away without the slightest loss. .

According to legend, the emperor summoned Cao Zhengming into the palace the next day, scolded him severely, and even sent him to the 'Tianshi Mountains' to repair a defensive circle.

This punishment can be described as very harsh. The Heavenly Corpse Mountains are located at the intersection of the small world of Shengyuan and a mysterious big world, not on the continent of Shengyuan.

This meeting point appeared millions of years ago. The war broke out between the two worlds. Countless strong men fell, so that the corpses were scattered all over the field and piled up into mountains. The name of the 'Heavenly Corpse Mountains' came from this, but it was actually a Dimensional space.

For nearly [-] years, the two sides have set up guardian formations in the Heavenly Corpse Mountains, but the friction is still very fierce. For things like repairing the defensive formation, it is bound to be besieged by the powerhouses of another world, even if Cao Zhengming has half a step. The strength of the emperor, I am afraid that it is also more fortunate.

Compared to Cao Zhengming's severe punishment, the Ruthless Man and the people of the Qishi Mansion were commended by the Emperor, especially the Ruthless Man, who single-handedly pulled down the building and saved countless civilians. Hear praise for her.

Although the Battle of Pill Dao Tianjiao ended, because Prince Nanzuma and others escaped, the cloud of war condensed above the Holy City still did not retreat.

After the ruthless man led the Tianjiao to return to the Qishi Mansion, the first order was to block the entire city and open the forbidden air formation.

In the next few days, the Ruthless Man made another drastic deployment. The whole city, the grass and trees were all soldiers, and the bulldozing effect was used to investigate layer by layer, constantly narrowing the scope, until the whole city was searched, but still nothing.

In the main hall of Qishifu, all the arrogant people are seated.

Lu Shaoyan said: "It's weird, it's really weird. We have searched the whole city, but we haven't found anything at all. Are those Nanmaru traitors just evaporated out of thin air?" Leshuoba www.leshuoba.com

The ruthless man sat on the main seat and pondered: "Are you sure you have searched every place in the city?"

Chenbei Xuandao: "Basically they have been searched, including the Dali Temple, the Hanlin Academy, and the residences of the princes."

Ruthless Man's eyes flashed, and he said, "Basically they have been searched? That is to say, is there any place to search?"

Chen Beixuan was stunned for a moment, and said: "There are indeed two places that have not been searched, one is the Grand General's Mansion, and the other is the Wuhou Mansion, both of which have half-step emperors sitting in town, and the formations are fully open. It is impossible for the Nanmaru traitor to get close to half a step."

Tantai Mingyue said softly: "Brother Chen seems to have missed a place, but we haven't searched the imperial city."

As soon as this remark came out, all the arrogances were shocked in their hearts.

Tantai Mingyue continued: "Different from the important military places such as the General's Mansion and Wuhou's Mansion, the imperial city is too large and the personnel are mixed. In addition, the emperor's clone also went to the Tianshi Mountains, and the South Marsh thieves are hiding in the emperor. In the city, it is also very possible.”

The ruthless man said: "Let's go here first today, and tomorrow I will contact the Imperial City Imperial Army and ask them to search carefully."

All the arrogance nodded in unison, and each left.

The ruthless man walked to the Bloody Marquis Mansion alone. On the road, she always felt a little palpitated, as if something was about to happen. Just as she crossed the gate of the mansion, the words of Prince Nanzuma before flew through her mind like lightning. Pass.

"This prince will come to you again."

Thinking of this, Ruthless Man's heart suddenly shrank, and he hurriedly turned into a sword light and ran towards his other courtyard.

At the moment when she moved, several poisonous ribs half a zhang long suddenly appeared on the spot, and they were extremely powerful.

"The prince said that he will come to you again. If I kill you, the blockade of the whole city will be lifted."

In the Hou residence, the voice of Prince Nanzuma resounded.

The void in front of the ruthless man suddenly exploded, and a big hand with bones protruded out, grabbing towards her like a cover.


The ruthless man kept escaping with his sword, and the explosion sounded throughout the mansion. Prince Nanzuma's forces were too urgent and too violent, so she did not have time to defend the tower.

Countless towers and rockeries collapsed, and the entire Hou Mansion was disturbed. Everyone came out one after another, looking at the ruthless man who was constantly being chased and killed by the big hands of the bones in the courtyard, all showing a look of horror.

At this moment, Zhang Tian also took Yuxin and Zi Yan out of the courtyard, with a bit of sleepiness on his face, and he pressed it towards the void. The big hand of the bones shattered.


The void shook, and the Prince Nanmaru, who was wearing a green robe, fell out of his body soaked in blood, covered his broken arm with his hand, and let out a terrifying howl. , , .

Chapter 475 Zhang Tian, ​​who is more terrifying than a real fairy?

The audience was as silent as death. Only the miserable howls of Prince Nanmaru still resounded. The originally tall and mighty body had now shrunk into the shape of a shrimp. The muddy and mixed filth is as embarrassing as it is embarrassing.


so horrible!

Prince Nanmaru managed to stop the pain, but looking at Zhang Tian, ​​his eyes were filled with indescribable fear and horror.

The big white bone hand just now was one of the two strongest supernatural powers in his previous life as the Invincible Emperor. It imitated the method of the demon clan sacrificing rune bones, and sacrificing his entire right arm into a treasure, that is, the big white bone hand. Its body, its power is comparable to that of imperial soldiers.

In the past and present, this big white bone hand has killed many enemies for him. Even if it is destroyed, it will only destroy a phantom of the law. With a little recovery, it can be condensed into another.

However, Zhang Tian's decisive blow directly shattered all the bones in the void and his right arm, and destroyed the body through the dharma. Such strength is like a ghost.

"you you……"

Seeing Zhang Tian approaching step by step, Prince Nanmaru's body couldn't stop trembling. Although Zhang Tian didn't exude a bit of coercion, it gave him the illusion that he was more terrifying than a true immortal, and he suddenly shouted, The left hand blasted out, and the endless poisonous mist sprayed out, and a huge green poisonous dragon sprang out from the poisonous mist, fangs and claws, and slammed towards Zhang Tian.

"court death!"

Zhang Tian frowned slightly, and with a flick of his finger, the poisonous dragon burst into pieces, and an invisible imperial power swept out, as if a prairie fire, swept away all the poisonous mist.

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