
Prince Nanmaru screamed again, and continued to spurt blood, even his eyes were full of bloodshots, and he lay on the ground like a dead dog, extremely miserable.

This Poison Dragon Dao method is another of his supernatural powers. In order to obtain this supernatural power, he had lurked in a Xianmen sect for [-] years, and finally obtained it, and then was killed by two and a half members of that sect. Bu Zhenxian chased and killed for tens of thousands of years, and finally had to explode his body in a fierce place, and the remnant soul strayed to the small world of Shengyuan to be reincarnated and rebuilt.

It can be said that the big hand of white bones is his best magical power, but this "Poison Dragon Way" is stronger, it is a supernatural magic of the top immortal sect.

After being reincarnated as the Prince of Nanzuma, he did not relax in the cultivation of this magical power. If he could not capture the real poisonous dragon soul, he replaced it with ninety-nine top-level poisonous dragons and merged into a poisonous dragon, in order to return to the peak one day. This supreme supernatural power breaks through the shackles and enters the fairyland.

However, everything was shattered now. Zhang Tian's single blow shattered all the ninety-nine poisonous Jiaozhen souls he had spent thousands of years cultivating, which was equivalent to abolishing his method.

"Prince Nanmaru, you are so brave. The capital has set up a net of heaven and earth, and you dare to take the initiative to send it to your door. Say, where are the rest of Nanmaru traitors hiding?"

Ruthless walked to Zhang Tian's side with lingering fears and asked sharply. 17 Biquge www.17sct.com

Prince Nanmaru stared at Ruthless Man resentfully, lay on the ground and exhaled, and said miserably: "So you have such supreme and powerful guards by your side, no wonder there are so many treasures, I am not wronged, haha …”

Ruthless said in a low voice: "It doesn't matter if you don't plan to say it. In a few days, I will be able to find them. Now, you can die."

After she finished speaking, the ice and fire sword from the waist of the ruthless man was unsheathed, bringing a burst of ice-blue sword light, and an invincible sword intent erupted from her body, which was transmitted to the ice and fire sword, ready to strike.

"and many more!"

Just when the ruthless man was about to kill the Prince of Nanmaru with one sword, there was a sudden exclamation not far away, and then a white light flashed, and a beautiful woman wearing a moon-white Luoshan knelt in front of her.

The ruthless sword slammed for a while, looked at it, and suddenly said: "Mrs. Xianglian, what are you doing?"

It turned out that the beautiful woman kneeling in front of her was the mother of Fang Lin and Fang Yin, as well as the lady of the Bloody Marquis Mansion, Mrs. Xianglian.

With a haggard face, Mrs. Xianglian bowed down and said, "Senior Zhang and the Marquis of Nanling, please look at the concubine's face and spare the prince's life. He is the only bloodline left by the Nanzhao royal family."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked, only to hear Mrs. Xianglian tell a shocking truth.

It turned out that her real origin was actually the Princess Nanzuma, the younger sister of the King Nanzuma, and the aunt of the Prince Nanzuma.Ever since Mu Qiluo set fire to the Holy City and rescued Prince Nanzuma from prison, she has been living in fear every day.

The ruthless snow body was shocked, and suddenly realized a lot of things, and said softly: "So it is, no wonder I searched the whole city and couldn't find your whereabouts, you should be hiding in the palace of the imperial concubine Shu. Bar."

Concubine Shu, one of the five imperial concubines of the dynasty, was Madam Xianglian's twin sister, and was naturally the eldest princess of Nanmaru. In this way, Ruthless Man had all his thoughts straightened out.

Mrs. Xianglian burst into tears, tearing her voice: "In those days, the imperial army attacked Nanmaru for no reason and slaughtered the people of Nanmaru. How innocent is my Nanquan royal family, and the family has been wiped out? So far, the ancestral temple has been burned, thousands of Nanmaru The remnants became slaves, this is the evil thing done by the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. Now I have this little blood left in the Nanzhao royal family. I also ask Senior Zhang and Nanling Hou Kaien to give him a way to live."

Ruthless felt some emotions in her heart. She had already made it clear to her that the secret of the expedition against Nanmaru was quite clear. It is true that the emperor was too arbitrary and domineering, but from the perspective of the court, killing a person who may cause great danger is not right. .

After all, in this world where the weak eat the strong, and the strong are respected, there are many right and wrong, and there is no way to judge.

After thinking for a while, the ruthless man turned his head to look at Zhang Tian, ​​but saw Zhang Tian's expression was indifferent, apparently letting her make her own decision.

Looking at Mrs. Xianglian, who was crying on her knees, and at the Prince Nanmaru lying in a pool of blood, the ruthless took a deep breath and said softly: "Since Mrs. Xianglian pleads for mercy, Prince Nanmaru has also been punished. Just spare his life. Tomorrow I will write a letter to resign from the post of inspector. From now on, the Nanzuma case has nothing to do with me, and I will no longer take the initiative to participate.

Ruthless is very clear that this is a world where the weak eat the strong, and Fa Li is vulnerable in the face of absolute power. Now she has no ability to change, and staying out of it is the limit of what she can do. , , .

Chapter 476 The Three Great Demon Leagues Attack Heaven!

"Thank you Nanling Marquis, thank you Senior Zhang."

Mrs. Xianglian bowed gratefully, and the ruthless man hurriedly helped her up, and then carefully looked at Zhang Tian, ​​wondering if what she did was in line with Zhang Tian's expectations.

Zhang Tian met Ruthless Man's gaze, smiled slightly, then glanced around, and said in a low voice, "Come out and take him away."

The voice fell, and the void rang again and again, Bai Yu, Mu Qiluo, and Yan Ruge all showed their bodies, and their eyes looking at Zhang Tian were full of awe.

This time, Prince Nanzuma's sudden attack on Ruthless Man was his personal behavior. Mu Qiluo felt bad when he noticed it, and hurriedly communicated with Yan Ruge and Bai Yu to stop him, but he didn't want to be a step too late, when they arrived At that time, I only saw Zhang Tian waving his hands at will to hang and beat Prince Nanmaru.

It was an absolute crushing, and they didn't even have the courage to come forward to support.

Seeing that there was no hostility in Zhang Tian, ​​the three of them breathed a sigh of relief. Bai Yu flew down and grabbed the Prince of Nanmaru. He nodded at Mrs. Xianglian, didn't dare to stay for a moment, and immediately disappeared.

"Let's go."

Mu Qiluo looked at Zhang Tian with complicated eyes, and finally said something softly, turned and turned into catkins and left.

Yan Ruge's eyes were very bright, looking at Zhang Tian, ​​as if he had seen some treasure, and immediately showed a faint smile, wearing a fiery red feather robe, swaying slightly, a cloud of purple flames came out of nowhere, wrapping her Inside, shatter disappears.

Mrs. Xianglian has been severely mentally overloaded these days. This time, it broke out like the last straw that broke the camel's back. She fainted directly and was led by Fang Yin to the wing.

The ruthless man watched Madam Xianglian and the others leave, worried and looked at Zhang Tiandao: "Dad, am I doing this right or wrong?"

Zhang Tian didn't answer, but instead asked, "Why did you let Prince Nanzuma go?"

The ruthless man said: "Because the court was ashamed of Nanmaru back then, Prince Nanmaru's revenge seems to me to be justifiable, and my father also abolished his two powerful supernatural powers, which is regarded as punishment, so let him go."

Zhang Tian chuckled and said, "Excusable? If someone framed by Deity Academy came to kill you at this time, would it be excusable?"

The ruthless man's tone was stagnant, and he didn't know how to answer.

Zhang Tian stroked Ruren Ren's hair and sighed softly: "You are thinking about the problem as the Nanling Marquis of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, but you must know that the Holy Ancestor Dynasty is just a pond to you. To be bound by this identity. A real strong person will only follow his own heart and will not be disturbed by external things."

"My true heart?"

The ruthless man's eyes were slightly hazy.

Zhang Tian looked at the ruthless man and said, "Nan, do you still remember the origin of the word 'ruthless' in your name?"

The ruthless man was stunned for a moment, and his memory went back more than ten years ago.

"My name is Ruthless, thank you for saving my life."

"Ruthless man? You are a girl, why did you have such a name?"

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