"Because in this world, the weak eat the strong, and only the ruthless can survive!"


When she was three years old, she already understood what this world looked like. This was never a world bound by legal principles, but a jungle world, a world where the weak prey on the strong and respect the strong.Dream Literature Network www.mxwxw.net

Her original intention is very simple, that is to become an invincible powerhouse and survive in this cruel world!If it goes further, it is to protect the people who are important to her from harm!

Zhang Tiandao: "Do you understand?"

The ruthless man nodded and said with firm eyes: "Thank you dad for pointing out the maze, I was the one who took the photo before. This world has never been fair, and I have no obligation to do justice to others. Maybe Prince Nannuma is the victim, but He shouldn't provoke me, and provoke me is a death penalty!"

Zhang Tian showed a touch of admiration, nodded and said: "It's good if you can understand it. In addition to martial arts and martial arts, martial arts is also very important in martial arts. Many people who have cultivated to the emperor's realm are because of their lack of martial arts. Jian, go astray, no matter how hard it is to cultivate, you can only go to the world to hone your mood, and Dad doesn't want you to have that day."

Ruthless said, "Don't worry, Dad, I won't make this mistake again."

Zhang Tian smiled and said, "The training of martial arts doesn't happen overnight. You can know what you have in mind. Go back."

Ruthless followed behind and suddenly said, "Then Prince Nanmaru..."

"Don't worry, he won't live long."

Zhang Tian's voice was very casual, but it was as if Yan Luo sentenced life to death, and he could not be heard.

Back in the small courtyard, seeing Zhang Tian and Ruthless people discussing over, Zi Yan became lively, jumped up and down in front of Ruthless people, jumped directly, and said softly: "Eldest sister, Zi Yan misses you."

The ruthless man also smiled and said, "When did the little girl leave the customs?"

"Just a few hours ago, I slept comfortably this time."

Zi Yan said with a smile, revealing two small white tiger teeth, which combined with the pink-carved jade skin, looked very cute.

She slept this time not simply by refining the Azure Dragon Claw Martial Soul, but swallowing the entire Martial Soul, digesting her insights, and then combining the Dragon Clan secret techniques she learned from the Azure Dragon Hall to transform a very powerful Azure Dragon Clan Treasure Technique. Deduced to the realm of Xiaocheng.

This treasured art is called "Blue Dragon Star Picker". It was created by an ancestor of the Blue Dragon clan. It has earth-shattering power. When it reaches the realm of Dacheng, it can pick stars with one hand and destroy one world with one claw. It is domineering. Absolutely.

In terms of rank, this Qinglong clan treasure art is comparable to that of an immortal king. With Zi Yan's martial arts realm, it is impossible to even get started.Fortunately, she had refined a drop of pure Qinglong blood before, and then she realized that she had cultivated this top-level treasure technique to a small success in one fell swoop.

The ruthless man smiled and said: "It's good to wake up, I'm afraid you will miss this monster clan's arrogance battle. According to the information I got, this monster clan's arrogance battle is very impressive, it seems to be in the ancient land of Tianfeng. Go ahead, by that time, it's not just the arrogance of the demon clan in Shengyuan Continent."

Yu Xin was startled: "What do you mean by eldest sister, is it possible that there are other world's demon clan Tianjiao coming over?"

The ruthless man nodded slightly and said solemnly: "This ancient land involves an ancient secret. In the early days of the ancient times, that is, more than [-] million years ago, the Emperor Burial of Heaven at that time had not yet stood for the sky, but the desolate ancient heaven. It is already at the height of the sky, ruling the nine mountains and seas, and helping the weak human race to become the first race in the world. This move aroused the indignation of the demon clan. Under the call of the three supreme demon clans, Longzu, Fengzu, and Linzu, the three The demon alliance was established, the siege of the ancient heaven, and the two-million-year-old human-monster war began."

Yuxin naturally knew about this battle. The so-called three major demon alliances were the Phoenix Alliance, the Lin Alliance, and the Dragon Alliance.

All birds and scales are in the Phoenix League.

All hair and armor are in the Lin League.

All the beasts of the four seas have entered the Dragon Alliance.

The three major demon alliances cover almost all the demon clans in the nine mountains and seas, and their momentum is several times stronger than that of the Zhantian alliance. After the demon alliance was suppressed, the nine great mountains and seas officially entered the middle of the ancient era.

But she still didn't understand what it had to do with Tianfeng Ancient Land. , , .

Chapter 477 The burial place of the true immortal, the emperor Tianwei

The ruthless man said: "This ancient land of Tianfeng is the burial place of a Fengmeng army that year, including a top-level general of the Phoenix clan. Those who can serve as generals in the Fengmeng are at least top-level true immortals. Even if the body is dead and the soul is destroyed, the will will not dissipate, so this burial place is separated, turned into a dimensional space and floated in the stars, and somehow arrived near the small world of Shengyuan."

Yu Xin exclaimed: "The burial place of a top true immortal? No wonder the Ancestor Dynasty would willingly let it go. This treasure is too big, even if all the forces in the mainland can't be digested, if it is forcibly occupied, I am afraid the whole world will be destroyed. danger."

A look of admiration flashed in Ruthless Man's eyes, and he said, "Second sister really has a smart mind, the path to immortality is difficult, don't take the real immortal lightly. In fact, since the Battle of Heaven, the entire nine mountains and seas have not been seen for millions of years. Once a true immortal, the powerhouse of the emperor can suppress a big world. It is conceivable that the temptation of this ancient land of the phoenix is ​​so great, not to mention the powerhouses of the surrounding big world, even some ancient people in the ninth mountains and seas. Power, but also be tempted."

Yu Xin said: "If the news of the ancient land of Tianfeng is disclosed, the arrogance of the demon clan in Shengyuan Continent can still get a share of the pie, otherwise the Ninth Mountain and Sea will come down to a great emperor, and the whole continent will be devastated. The emperor made a correct choice. ."

The ruthless man looked at Zi Yan and said solemnly: "This matter is still a secret now, but it will be made public soon, when not only the demons of the entire continent will gather in the holy capital, the surrounding big world, and even the ninth The arrogance of some ancient gods in the mountains and seas may come, and it will be a cruel and unparalleled battle, you must be prepared."

Zi Yan raised her little pink fist and said arrogantly: "Don't worry, big sister, no matter where he is, if he dares to provoke me, he will all be killed with one punch!"

Her words are not without a purpose. When she first came out of the customs, she tested the power of the Qinglong Star Catcher, but she was shocked by herself, and because of this, she suddenly swelled up. Several powerful arrogances made her show her prestige.

Seeing Zi Yan's cute appearance, everyone in the Zhang family laughed.

Yu Xin flipped her palm, took out the round seven-color Dragon Yuan Dan, and said, "Little sister, this is the treasure I made for you. The strength is further improved."

"Thank you second sister."

Zi Yan took the treasure pill with a smile, and watched it with admiration. This is the nature of the dragon family and has no resistance to shiny things.

The ruthless man said: "There are still seven days before the battle of the demon clan, so don't think about it. I will accompany you to polish your tactics. If you can emerge in this battle, you will become famous in the ninth mountain and sea world."

"Okay! Dad is coming too!"

Zi Yan responded loudly, and then jumped into Zhang Tian's arms to act like a spoiled child.

Time hurried, three days passed by in the blink of an eye, Zi Yan officially stepped into the half-step demon king realm with the addition of the seven-color Dragon Yuandan, communicated with the bridge of heaven and earth, and the strength penetrated the whole body, and there was a sound of thunder in the sky.

It's not uncommon to become a half-step demon king, but Zi Yan jumped directly from the Lunhai realm to cast the half-step demon king's body and crossed the transcendent realm in the middle. This is very terrifying. Nine mountains and seas.

Because this is the patent of the ancient creatures, in the [-] million years after the self-burial of the Emperor of Heaven, there has never been such a person in the nine mountains and seas again.

"It's too strong. It's terrifying that Shirenhai and the Dragon Emperor's physique can explode with such power."

The ruthless man and Zi Yan finished training, and couldn't help but stunned for a while. After refining the Qinglong blood essence, Zi Yan has raised her bloodline to the Dragon Emperor level. With all kinds of powerful treasures, even if she is not using gold Under the premise of No Beginning Bell, there is no certainty that it can be defeated. uu library www.uusk.net


Zi Yan was wearing a white dress, with a beautiful face and white skin, like a porcelain doll carved from pink and jade. She let out a burst of laughter like a silver bell, looking very proud.

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