At this moment, the surrounding void suddenly vibrated violently, and large black mists gathered together. The entire sky above the holy city was shrouded in a cloud of darkness. The mighty might overwhelmed the whole city, and it was faintly visible in the depths of the black cloud, one after another void. Cracks appeared, revealing the spectacular phantoms of sacred mountains.


As if feeling the crisis, the beacon towers in the four corners of the imperial city suddenly ignited the smoke of a thousand zhang wolf, the shouts of countless sergeants resounded the heaven and the earth, the earth trembled violently, and the majestic holy city suddenly burst into golden light.

The blue dragon in the east fights against the sky, the vermilion bird in the south is raging, the white tiger in the west roars in the sky, and the basalt flood in the north turns the sky.

It is the Xeon Guardian Array at the bottom of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty - the Great Array of Four Spirits to Suppress Prisons!

The formation opened, and the powerful pressure in the sky immediately dissipated without a trace. At the same time, the majestic voice of the Emperor resounded throughout the Holy City.

"In this battle of the arrogance of the demon clan, the ancient fierce area 'Tianfeng Ancient Land' is the battlefield, nine mountains and seas, and three thousand worlds, all the arrogance of the demon clan can participate. The robbers will all be killed!"

The last word fell, and an incomparably tyrannical imperial power swept the whole city, and even rose into the sky, deterring the arrogance of the major forces in the sky who set up 'heaven'.

"What? All the arrogance of the monsters from the nine mountains and seas will come over this time?"

"Those geniuses in the great world enjoy resources that are many times stronger than ours in this small world. All holy pills and divine pills are eaten as jelly beans."

"Mom, there will be no Tianjiao of the ninth mountains and seas, that is really incomparable. If anyone comes out, his identity will be a hundred times more noble than our prince!"

In the holy capital, the people were talking a lot, and most of them were in awe and fear. For them, whether it was the Ninth Mountains and Seas or the Great World, they were unattainable existences, and they were the best.

Among the restaurants and tea houses, there are even some people who like to show off. They blow the arrogance of the world into hype, as if they can destroy the holy capital in one anger. They can't afford to offend them. Be careful to offend the incomparably honorable Great World Tianjiao.

"Hmph, worshipping foreigners, and eating holy pills as jelly beans, thinking that the Great Thousand World is a paradise? It's really stupid."

The ruthless man stood on a high pavilion, listening to the bragging and envious voices below, he couldn't help showing anger.

Zi Yan clenched her fists beside her and said angrily: "These people are too demeaning to themselves, let's see how I can destroy the arrogance of the big world!" , . . .

Chapter 478 The Emperor Returns! !

The Four Spirits Suppressing Prison Array opened, and the mystery of the ancient land of Tianfeng was completely revealed. In the next two days, countless demon clan geniuses poured into the holy capital, most of which were geniuses from the major wastelands.

Whenever there is a genius in the world, it will immediately cause a sensation. Every one of the noble and noble children who make a fortune on weekdays, all of them are like pugs, walking around the road, even the monsters on the mainland. He also felt that he was a dwarf and did not dare to fight with it.

If there is a Tianjiao of the ancient sacred mountain, it will be even more incredible. Not only are there empty alleys, not only the major restaurants are competing for free hospitality, but even many princes and ministers will go to flatter them in person, posing as a servant, as if in the eyes of these people, Being a servant of Shenshan Tianjiao is also a hundred times better than the royal power and wealth of Shengyuan Continent.

After all, every Primordial Divine Mountain represents an invincible force in the Ninth Mountain and Sea Realm, possessing the existence of a great emperor or even above.

Many monsters from the Great Thousand World have come to the Small World for the first time. Seeing the people here are so humble and bowing their knees, they all put on airs, all kinds of pomp, and enjoy the stars and the moon that they have never enjoyed before. .

This way of spreading the field satisfies the flattering hearts of those powerful people, but it is suffering the ordinary people of the Holy City. For a while, the people are angry, but they dare not speak out, so they can only continue to endure and serve these uncles.

Tianxiang Restaurant, one of the two most luxurious restaurants in the Shengdu, was already occupied by the demon clan Tianjiao at this time, and the top-level Tianzihao and Dizihao wing rooms were all inhabited by demon clan Tianjiao from the Great Thousand World.

The Xuanzi and Huangzi wing rooms below are also not part of the Tianjiao of the mainland, and all live in the servants of the Tianjiao of the Great Thousand World.

As for the arrogance of the demon clan from the Ninth Mountains and Seas, big people have already sent them to the luxurious mansion covering thousands of miles, and they will never come to crowd this small restaurant.

At this time, it was the noon meal time. The entire restaurant had gathered guests, and the best seats were all occupied by the geniuses of the demon clan in the world.

Suddenly, there was a commotion at the entrance of the restaurant, the crowd dispersed like a tide, hula-la scattered a passage, and three figures walked in.

Although these three people are human, they are obviously not human races. The one on the left has a pointed head and a pair of rat ears, and the one on the left has a terrifying wolf head with silver-white hair that is very strong and scattered all over the body.

Only the person in the center is the most handsome, tall and mighty, with divine power in his eyes, a resolute face, and an imperial golden crown on his head. majesty.

"Who are these people? What a big show!"

A Daqian World Tianjiao who was sitting in the second-floor attic seat said gloomily.

The person next to him immediately whispered: "Silence! Didn't you see the accessories on the waists of those people, they are from Xiangu Academy."

Looking at that day, Jiao stared at him, and he was shocked, and he lowered his head and didn't dare to say a word.

It must be known that this Immortal Ancient Academy is a very long-established force in the ninth mountain and sea world. It accommodates the arrogance of countless top ancient clans and aristocratic families, and its power is not inferior to any immemorial mountain.

Walking into the restaurant, the expressions of the three of them were a little arrogant, and the wolf-headed youth chuckled: "This small world has a good appearance, it should be degenerated from the great world, and the spiritual energy is seriously depleted. It is hard to imagine such a dilapidated small world. , can also breed a peerless genius like the Emperor Lion."

The man in the center smiled, and if he looked closely, he could see that he was not very old, just a teenager, but the emperor lion family was born burly, and he had the invisible power of the emperor, which made him seem to be in harmony with him. Age does not match.Kanshu

If there was Tianjiao who participated in the blood-colored trial back then, he would definitely be able to recognize that this young man was the Emperor Shier of the Golden Lion Clan who had returned to his ancestors!

"Hey... Brother Lang is joking, there is only one outstanding person in the land, and without the cultivation of the Immortal Ancient Academy, it would be difficult for my Emperor Shi'er to have today's good fortune! I am afraid that I will be like them, wasting time and disappearing everyone."

There was a faint sigh in Di Shi'er's eyes, and there was a sense of glory of returning home.

After the blood-colored trial, he went to the ninth mountain and sea with the son of wildness, and cultivated in Xiangu Academy as a mount. Until today, he became an elite disciple of Xiangu Academy and returned to his hometown. Only he knew the bitterness and suffering.

But compared to the strength he gained, it was all worth it.

"Little witch, I hope to see you again this time. I will pay back the humiliation you gave me back then!"

Emperor Shi'er clenched his fists secretly, and when he thought of defeating Zi Yan, the little witch, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

At this time, the three of them had reached the center of the hall, and the rat-eared man swept his eyes and walked straight towards a table near the window.

"Go away."

There is arrogance and impatience in the voice of the mouse-eared youth, as if uttering these two words is a great charity.

"You... what did you say?"

On the seats were several arrogances of the Black Tiger Clan, who had always been known for their tyrannical slaughter. Being so scolded by the mouse-eared man, he suddenly became furious and his face flushed red.

The mouse-eared man did not expect these people to dare to disobey him, and a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and a middle-aged dignitary next to him scolded first: "Bold! Blind your dog's eyes! These are the distinguished guests of the Ninth Mountains and Seas, It's your honor to give up your seat to them! Go away and apologize to these masters."

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