With the noise together, the eyes of the whole audience are focused.

When the few black tiger arrogances heard the words 'the ninth mountain and sea', they immediately secretly said that it was bad, but they could not soften their faces under the eyes of the public. What about people? Back then, when the Son of Desolation came down, he was not crushed by the little witch, but he was still the son of the Lord of the Desolate Realm, you are nothing!"

This sentence lit the powder keg, and the golden light flashed in the eyes of the emperor, as if an ancient emperor lion was roaring, a terrifying aura erupted from him, and the tiger king who opened his mouth was directly shocked and flew out. The body is cracked, and the flesh and blood are flying.

"Dare to look down on the ninth mountain and sea, this is the end. You let the little witch come out, and I will suppress her on the spot!"

Emperor Shi'er's voice reverberated throughout the restaurant, causing countless demons to tremble. This bloodline was so powerful that they had the illusion of facing the supreme demon saint.

"Oh, little lion, you are too serious, and you still want to suppress me?"

In the tense atmosphere, Zi Yan's voice came out from the elegant room on the second floor. , , .

Chapter 479 Qinglong slaughtering the emperor lion, a demon king one step at a time

This voice was cold and clear, but it was indescribably pleasant to the ear, causing everyone to follow the sound involuntarily.

I saw that Zi Yan was reclining on a multicolored corridor on the second floor at the moment. She looked only six or seven years old. She was wearing a white dress and carved jade. Although her little face was immature, it had a peerless fairy charm. , let everyone's eyes shine, and secretly said a beautiful little loli.

It turned out that in the past two days, the arrogance of the demon clan has entered the holy capital one after another, including old acquaintances such as Hu Dali and Xiong Hiefeng.

"Little witch, it's you!"

The moment he saw Zi Yan, Di Shi'er's eyes were red, and hatred filled his heart.

"Little Lion, you just said you wanted to suppress me? Have you forgotten your identity after staying at Ninth Mountain and Sea for two years? You are my servant."

Zi Yan said casually, but the word 'war servant' caused an uproar. Countless demons were terrified, and the elite disciples of the dignified immortal ancient college turned out to be the servants of a girl from a small world?This matter spread out, I am afraid that the joke of Xiangu Academy will be bigger.

"Little witch, you are courting death!"

Di Shi'er was poked in pain in the center, and immediately roared.

This is a powerful lion roar technique. It is earth-shattering, and the mighty sound waves spread, causing everyone's eardrums to rumble, and a chill surges from the bottom of their hearts, as if seeing an ancient emperor lion roaring in the sky on the mountain There is only such a roar.

Under this power, many demon clan geniuses showed pain, feeling that the spiritual energy in the Dantian wheel sea was about to collapse, and they were extremely shocked.

"Well, the voice is louder than before. Could it be that he was caught and used as a watchdog in Xiangu Academy?"

Zi Yan took out her ears and said nonchalantly, her voice was like a ding dong of spring water, as if it was not affected in the slightest.

"Ah ah ah, cracking lion claw, suppress me!"

Emperor Shi'er was completely mad, the golden hair stood upright, intimidating, raised his hand and pressed it towards the sky, suddenly forming a huge golden lion claw, the surface was boiling with flames, and he grabbed towards Zi Yan fiercely.

"This, this is the precious art of the golden lion clan!"

"Terrorist, the power of this treasure art is not much worse than that of the Amethyst Lion King. The Tianjiao of Xiangu Academy is really powerful."

"The little witch is finished this time. Emperor Shi'er already has the strongest bloodline, and after two years of hard work in Xiangu Academy, her strength has already caught up."

Everyone watched the battle with rapt attention, not wanting to miss a single detail.

This is a big battle. Zi Yan is recognized by all ethnic groups in the mainland as the unparalleled talent, and is the top hero of Shengyuan continent. If she is easily killed, it can only show that the power of the ninth mountain and sea is indeed far beyond the world of Shengyuan.

"Have you grown so much after staying in the Ninth Mountains and Seas for two years?"

Zi Yan pouted, very disdainful, until the lion's claw was about to catch it, and then she slowly slapped her backhand.

Suddenly, the void shook, and a azure dragon claw condensed out of nowhere. The dragon pattern was densely covered. It was huge and boundless, and its terrifying power covered the sky and the earth, as if the sky was falling. Just tear it down, and the golden lion claw will Exploding directly, Yu Wei did not diminish, and continued to crush the Emperor Shi'er.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" 12 Novel Network www.12shuoxs.com

Where the big hand of Qinglong passed, the void shattered, the world seemed to collapse, the space was completely blocked, and there was no other way except hard connection.


Emperor Shi'er was shocked, never expected that Zi Yan's strength had risen to such a terrifying realm, thinking that he was apprenticing to a demon emperor of the Emperor Lion clan at Xiangu Academy. The invincible hand in the battle of Xiangu Academy, and he claims to be respected under the demon saint, but this palm of Zi Yan completely shattered all his arrogance.

Beat him to the dust!

The powerful coercion emanating from the azure dragon's claws made him seem to return to the fear of being dominated by the invincible little witch two years ago.

The attack was just in front of him, without thinking about it, Emperor Shi'er let out a long whistle again, the golden hairs on his body were as sharp as blades, and a huge imperial lion appeared behind him, welcoming Zi Yan's attack with the strongest defensive posture.


The loud noise shook the sky, and the entire Tianxiang Restaurant almost turned over. Under the terrifying offensive of Qinglong's claws, the dharma image of the emperor lion was directly shattered, and the powerful emperor lion's body showed terrifying claw marks of martial arts. He flew out in blood.


The power of this blow made the audience fall into silence. The elite disciple from the Ninth Shanhai Xiangu Academy, the Emperor Lion with the blood of the Emperor Lion, was killed by Zi Yan in one move!

"How, how is this possible?"

The faces of the two monsters who came with Emperor Shi'er also changed greatly. They knew that Emperor Shi'er's strength was stronger than the two of them combined, but in front of the indigenous loli of this small world, they were so unbearable. hit.

Zi Yan clapped her hands, jumped down directly from the second floor, and stepped towards the emperor lion who was crying miserably on the ground.

The mouse-eared man and the wolf-headed man looked at each other, and although they were a little frightened, they stopped in front of them. The mouse-eared man turned into a seven-zhang-tall mouse king, and said sharply: "Aboriginals of the small world, do you know who I am, offend me? Xiangu Academy, you are called eternal life!"

"Go away."

The two words swayed lightly, but this time the object was changed.

At the moment when Zi Yan's voice fell, the petite and exquisite body slammed forward a lot, and the hot golden light ignited on the right fist, like a round of sun, and slammed out.


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