This is the treasure of the Kunpeng family, "Sun Peng Fist". With Zi Yan's current strength, it is enough to smash half of the rat king's body, smash the wall of the restaurant and smash it on the street, life and death. I don't know.

"Little girl, you are courting death!"

The wolf-headed man was frightened and angry, and with a loud roar, he suddenly turned into a silver-haired wolf king with a size of more than ten meters, and waved his hill-like wolf claws towards Zi Yan.

"Taiyin Kunzhang!"

Zi Yan was calm and calm, took a step forward, turned her left hand into her palm, exuding a starlight, majestic, forming a sea of ​​stars, as if a large star fell, rumbling, directly shattering the wolf's claws, piercing the silver-haired wolf king The body of the wolf, which was more than ten meters high, fell to the ground with a thud, making a deafening howl.

In the blink of an eye, the three elite disciples from the Ninth Shanhai Xiangu Academy were all suppressed by Zi Yan. The petite body like a seven- or eight-year-old child stood in the middle of the three demon kings, welcoming everyone's attention, and no one dared to despise them. , , .

Chapter 480 Blow up your dog's head!

"Boom! Boom!"

Zi Yan was rude, raised her foot and stomped twice, and the tragic howl of the silver-haired wolf king stopped. Yang Gangfeng smashed the silver-haired wolf king's head into pieces, as if he was looking for something.

This scene was so shocking that everyone was frightened and dumbfounded. The elite disciples of the dignified immortal ancient academy, wherever they go, are not the stars and Gongyue. Tianjiao from Daqian World felt cold sweat running down his spine, and he was extremely afraid of Zi Yan in his heart.

"Huh? Where did it go? Strange?"

Zi Yan muttered in her mouth and kept rummaging.

"Giggle, is my sister looking for its demon pill? The demon pill of the Silverback Sirius is not in the head, but in the core."

Someone suddenly reminded someone at a table next to them. Everyone looked at the sound, and Ou Du couldn't help but feel extremely amazed. I saw this woman wearing a black dress, which perfectly outlined her soft figure. Her red lips were lightly opened. The demeanor is strange and beautiful, evil and soft and beautiful, like an elf looming in the secluded forest.

Immediately, everyone felt a burst of surprise. Such an extraordinary and refined woman, sitting alone, they didn't even notice it before, and now they stared at it, but they couldn't move their eyes at all, which made people feel strange.

"Thank you big sister for reminding me."

Zi Yan replied happily, rolled up her sleeves, and waved a burst of yang qi towards the abdomen of the silver-haired wolf king, and immediately threw away a big hole and rummaged.

"Haha, found it."

It didn't take long for Zi Yan to have a fist-sized silver-white demon pill in her hand.

The beauty in the black dress said again: "The silver-backed Sirius bloodline is noble, and it also contains the power of stars and moonlight. A demon pill is of infinite value. Little sister is really a blessing."


Zi Yan smiled charmingly, her eyes were pure, like a girl who was not familiar with the world, she put away the silver-white demon pill, clapped her hands, and looked around the audience.

"Who else wants to pick things up, I'll take all of them. No matter if you're from the Great Thousand Worlds or the Ninth Mountains and Seas, if you dare to do anything wrong, you'll blow your shit out of you!"

Zi Yan's voice was clear and crisp, but it contained a ray of coercion, which exploded in the ears of all Tianjiao, making them pale.

This sentence is too crazy, to challenge all the geniuses of the Great Thousand World and the Ninth Mountains and Seas by himself, and he is still an aborigines of a small world, which makes the highly respected Yang-sama feel very aggrieved these two days.

But you have to endure the grievances. Zi Yan is too cruel. He is a top-level wolf king. Backed by the two great forces of the Yinbei Tianlang Clan and the Xiangu Academy, he was smashed alive to take pills. Dare to protest.

Raise your eyebrows!

As soon as Zi Yan said this, all the people of Shengdu felt a resentment from the bottom of their hearts, and they were very excited!

This is the genius of their Shengyuan Continent!

Disdain the world and suppress the nine great mountains and seas!Fifth

What about coming from the Ninth Shanhaixiangu College?It's not that they want to be stepped on by the arrogance of their Shengyuan Continent!

At this moment, all the people of the Holy City felt a sense of pride. The slightly bent waist was lifted up unconsciously, and there was no trembling as before.

Those who are willing to be humble and desperately advocate the superiority of the Daqian World, their faces are swollen at this time, their heads are lowered, and they can't wait to find a crack to burrow in.

Seeing that no one made a sound, Zi Yan showed satisfaction. She stepped forward again, stood in front of Emperor Shi'er, and said coldly: "A servant who has committed a crime below, what's the use of you!"

"Wait, spare your life, little witch spare your life, I have important information for you."

Emperor Shi'er lay on the ground and shouted again and again, his family's bloodline has been passed down from ancient times, it is indeed powerful, and the wounds caused by the Qinglong star picking hand are so serious, but most of them have recovered in this short period of time, but the blood that has flowed has not yet. Supplement, it seems very sluggish.

Zi Yan stopped her pink fist raised high, and her beautiful eyes flashed: "What news?"

Di Shi'er breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You still remember Long Gaitian of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan in Tianlonghai, that guy was also in the Ninth Mountain and Sea, and he took refuge in the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain. Now he is very famous, I don't know how to hate you. Now, this time, the arrogance of the demon clan from the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain will also come to take your life!"

"I said why can't I find him, so I ran to the Black Flame Dragon Divine Mountain, what the hell is that place?"

Zi Yan muttered.

The beauty in the black dress said again: "Little sister come to my side, I know the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain."

When Zi Yan heard the words, she immediately turned around and walked towards the table of the beautiful woman in the black dress. When passing by the silver-haired wolf king, she tore off a two-foot-long wolf leg and threw it on the table, saying, "Thank you, big sister for reminding me just now. , this wolf leg is given to the eldest sister, his meat is fragrant, it must be delicious."

After speaking, Zi Yan looked around again and said loudly: "Come out from the shopkeeper of the restaurant, make me a roasted whole wolf with this wolf demon, and I will invite everyone to eat it for free!"

The beauty in the black dress was stunned for a moment, and then she laughed, her snow body trembled slightly, and said, "Little sister, you are too bad. You are the first person I have ever seen who dare to treat the Tianjiao of the Silverback Heavenly Wolf clan as food. If it reaches the Ninth Mountains and Seas, it will definitely cause a big shock."

"You misunderstood, I'm actually kind."

Zi Yan sat next to the beauty in the black dress and said very sincerely.

The beauty in the black dress chuckled again, like a pearl falling on a jade plate, very beautiful, and immediately said seriously: "Little sister, you are indeed very powerful, but this time you have caused a lot of trouble, even if the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain is in the ninth All the ancient sacred mountains in the mountains and seas can also be ranked in the middle and upper class, and they are not joking when they say they want to take your life."

Zi Yan said nonchalantly: "Take my life? Hmph, if they don't look for me, I have to trouble them!"

Suddenly, the corner of Zi Yan's eyes caught a glimpse of snow and exclaimed, "Ah, big sister, why do you still have a tail."

The beauty in the black dress showed off the beautiful tail of snow velvet generously, and said with a smile, "Sister, I am from the Tianming Snow Fox clan, of course I have a tail."

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