It's a simple flat lift, a stab.

What kind of powerful physical strength can this be to burst out with a speed and power that surpasses the Supreme Treasure Technique, killing a Dragon Clan Tianjiao of the ninth mountain and sea with one halberd.

Comparable to the ancient creatures!

The two women made an evaluation in their hearts at the same time, such an amazing potential, I am afraid that only real ancient creatures can compare.

For a while, the eyes of the two women looking at Zi Yan changed and became solemn.

That day, the beauty of the Mingxue Fox clan, Hu Mei'er, looked frivolous on the surface, but in fact she was very high-spirited. She didn't take this small world Tianjiao in her eyes at all, and she only talked to Zi Yan because of her cuteness.But now it's different. Zi Yan's potential has attracted her great attention.

Comparable to the potential of the ancient creatures, at least he can become a great emperor in the future, dominate the ups and downs of a lifetime, and even go a step further and enter the legendary fairyland!

Such potential is already worthy of the efforts of Taikoo Shenshan to win over.

"Little sister, are you interested in joining the Purple Spirit Mountain? My clan has always treated the outstanding young talents favorably. With your potential, it is a pity to stay in this small world."

Before Hu Meier could speak, the Ziling Fairy in a white dress threw an olive branch to Zi Yan first.

Ziling Sacred Mountain, the Taikoo Sacred Mountain inhabited by the Ziling Tianchan clan, is also the top demon clan force in the ninth mountain and sea, not inferior to the Tianming Sacred Mountain where Hu Meier is located.

"Hey, Chan Yurou, don't go too far. If the little sister wants to join, she will also enter my Heavenly Nether Mountain."

Hu Mei'er interrupted quickly, as her enemy, she didn't want Zi Yan to stand over the Ziling Mountain.

Zi Yan said with a smile: "Don't fight, it's very easy to want me to join. You Shenshan only need to come up with [-] beauties as beautiful as you to be my father's concubine, and I will join immediately."


The two beauties scolded at the same time, her jade face was slightly red, this girl's words were too irritating, and there were more than one hundred and eighty, thinking it was Chinese cabbage.You must know that they are all arrogances born under the great world. They have not been out for a million years. After recounting the history of the two great ancient sacred mountains, I couldn't find a hundred or eighty. She really dared to boast.

Fairy Ziling pursed her face softly and said coldly, "Don't talk nonsense any more about your words. If someone spreads it out, be careful to cause trouble for your upper body, and your honor will be implicated by you when the season comes."

Her words are not to scare Zi Yan. With her and Hu Mei'er's elegance, Ninth Shanhai has many admirers. These people have deep backgrounds and are used to being arrogant and domineering. If they hear Zi Yan's offensive words, they will definitely Angered and guilty, even the entire Shengyuan Continent can't bear the anger of such a big force.

Zi Yan said nonchalantly: "It's alright, if a young Tianjiao comes to trouble me, I will shoot it to death, and if an old monster comes over, let my dad shoot it to death!"

The two beauties are speechless again. This girl is too confident in her father. Even if her father is the first master of Shengyuan Continent, so what, in front of the great forces of Ninth Mountains and Seas, he is just an ant.

Seeing the disapproval expressions of the two women, Zi Yan said angrily: "Don't you believe me? Tell you, my dad is amazing, the best in the world!" 20 Novel Network

The two women shook their heads helplessly, and Hu Mei'er said, "The seventeenth prince you killed this time is the heir of the sixth dragon emperor of the Black Flame Dragon Divine Mountain. Just know that your father is nothing in front of a real powerhouse, and only I, the Heavenly Underworld Sacred Mountain, can protect you comprehensively."

Zi Yan said: "If you don't believe it, forget it. If you miss this opportunity, you won't have a chance to be my father's concubine. Now, I will go to the [-]th prince's lair to see who can stop me. ."

After finishing speaking, Zi Yan strode straight out of the restaurant, and everyone immediately dispersed respectfully, looking at Zi Yan like a god.

Chan Yurou and Hu Meier glanced at each other, and invariably stood up and followed. They valued Zi Yan very much and wanted to pull her to their own mountain.

At the same time, they were also a little curious about Zhang Tian, ​​and wanted to know what kind of man could make Zi Yan, who has amazing potential, admire him so much, maybe they could meet him in the next battle.

The Holy City, the residence of the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain.

As if there was a huge dark cloud cover pressing over the mansion, the whole mansion was filled with a gloomy and suppressed anger.

In the main hall, countless dragon clan Tianjiao stood on both sides, their faces were very ugly. In the center, there was a golden wooden box. The lid was opened, and inside was a bloody dragon head. The skull was violently smashed, and the flesh was split open. Terrifyingly terrifying.

"This is provoking the majesty of my Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain!"

"No matter who it is, it must be cut with a thousand swords, and then the soul will be taken out and handed over to the Sixth Dragon Emperor for disposal!"

"Send the news back, please go to the lower realm, and let this small world be buried with the seventeenth prince!"

Everyone in the hall was filled with righteous indignation. This is a great shame. The seventeenth prince of the dignified Black Flame Dragon God Mountain was beheaded by the natives of the small world. If it is passed back, it will become a joke of the nine mountains and seas.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, there was a thunderous roar outside the door, and the energy swept across. A dragon guard directly broke open the main hall door and slammed it under the steps.

"What happened?"

Everyone in the hall was shocked and angry, and a dignified middle-aged man asked coldly.

"Elder, the big thing is bad, someone came in from the outside, one person and one halberd, overturning all the guards!"

Two dragon warriors covered in blood stumbled in, their faces full of horror.

"What? How dare you declare war on the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain?"

The prestigious middle-aged man asked again, the dragon's beard was upside down, and there seemed to be two divine fires burning in his eyes.

"Elder Hui, it's a little girl who looks only seven or eight years old. She said she was a little witch and came to seek revenge on Long Gaitian."

The two soldiers reported truthfully.

"What a little witch, so cruel, killing so many people!"

Many people clamored for Chen Ziyan's guilt!

"Do you still want to show your face? As long as you kill people, don't you allow others to resist?"

Zi Yan's figure appeared at the door, her body was full of golden rays of light, like a scorching sun. Although her tone was calm, there was a majesty of a king. The pressure from the origin of blood made everyone in the hall feel a heartbeat. . , , .

Chapter 483 Let you see the power of my father!

At the same time, the Holy City was in an uproar, the continent's unparalleled Tianjiao little witch actually wanted to single out an ancient sacred mountain force, which was sensational.

Anyone who heard the news, the first reaction was disbelief, and then they rushed to the mansion of the Black Flame Dragon Mountain.

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