For a time, this originally secluded mansion was surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people, and many strong people were hiding in the dark to observe. In the past two days, the arrogance of these ancient mountains has been too arrogant, making many great masters feel aggrieved, but for various reasons The scruples did not dare to shoot, and now it is all sincere hope that Zi Yan can take a sigh of anger for Shengyuan Continent.

In the mansion of the Seventh Prince, the Seventh Prince’s face was black and he was in a very bad mood. He provided the mansion of the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain. He originally planned to curry favor with this ancient Sacred Mountain power, but he didn’t expect the flattery to get on the horse’s leg. Now caught between the Zhang family and the Black Flame Dragon Mountain, I don't know what to do.

"His Royal Highness, send someone from the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain to spread the word, and let us dispatch the Imperial Army to suppress Zhang Ziyan."

A guard leader entered the hall and said.

The seventh prince thought for a while, and said coldly: "These guys from the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain are really vicious. Let this prince take action to suppress the people of Shengyuan Continent, do you want this prince to be stinky for thousands of years? The order goes on, all the imperial court officials will be Don't move, let them fight by themselves!"

The seventh prince is not a fool. Now the people of Shengdu are in a fierce confrontation with those foreign forces. If he dares to deal with Zi Yan, his reputation will be completely ruined, and he will be scolded by the people in the spine, and the Zhang family is not easy to mess with, Tianlei. He knew exactly how the emperor died and how the eighth prince was imprisoned in Dali Temple.

But he didn't dare to deal with the people from the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain.

"Do you still like the head gift I gave you?"

In the mansion of Heiyan Longshenshan, Zi Yan stood swaggeringly, but her face was rarely cold, and her body exuded imperial power, making her petite body look very heroic and extraordinary, like a young god.

"It turns out that you killed the Seventeenth Prince!"

"Junior looking for death!"

"Let your whole family be buried with you!"

The powerhouses in the hall were all furious. The seventeenth prince of the dignified Black Flame Dragon God Mountain was beheaded, and his head was sent back. Now he even dares to come and provoke him personally.

Many onlookers also only knew the whole story, and immediately talked about it.

"The generation of the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain is really bad. Even the natives of the small world can't suppress it. What face will there be in the future?"

"Hey, they killed the little witch today, and their reputation can't be recovered. If I say, they might as well not come, not only losing the face of the ancient Shenshan, but also the face of the Ninth Mountain Sea."

The surrounding discussion made the faces of the strong people in the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain flush red. Someone was deliberately fanning the flames, which completely discredited the Heiyan Dragon Sacred Mountain.

"Ada, Er, San, Si, you went up to suppress this little witch, carried her body for a while, and paraded through the streets to show the crowd!"

The mighty old man standing in the center of the main hall gave orders, and for today's plan, he could only behead the little witch as soon as possible, and then slowly stand up to save face.


The four powerful youths stepped forward together, their bodies were full of black light, turned into a half-dragon shape, and their whole bodies were covered by ferocious dragon armor, facing Zi Yan, and shouted: "Suffer to death!"

As soon as the four of them came out, there was a gust of wind and thunder. They were four half-sages of the dragon clan. They were all servants of the seventeenth prince. The half-sages were their servants.999 Chinese Website www.[-]

The seventeenth prince has fallen, and they will have a major punishment when they return to their bodies, and they have long hated Zi Yan in their hearts.At this time, he shot without any reservations, and each exerted his stunts to press towards Zi Yan.

The dragon clan is known as the spirit of the four seas. These four people are all orthodox dragon clan treasures, calling for wind and rain. They are actually controlling the celestial phenomenon in this side, transforming into wind, rain and thunder and lightning, and constantly bombarding Zi Yan.

This treasure technique is the same as the Dragon Breath Treasure Technique performed by the seventeenth prince before. It is a top-quality treasure technique, and it is the foundation of every immemorial mountain, which makes Zi Yan eye-opening and amazed.

It wasn't until the storm, thunder and lightning hit the front, that Zi Yan roared loudly. In the violent storm, the young body rose into the sky, like a mad scorpion, holding up the Seagod Trident and stabbed forward sharply.


A pillar of blood spurted out from the sky, and the half-sacred dragon body of the dragon clan in front of him exploded directly. The blood rained all over the sky, and the thunderstorm formation in the sky was missing a corner, and it suddenly became very unstable.

Killing one person in an instant, Zi Yan fell back to the ground, looked at the direction, and rose into the air again, hitting the ground with one foot, the speed was as fast as thunder, it was another magic trick of the Kunpeng family, "Kunpeng Skywalking", under one step , such as the sky.

The two dragon semi-sages didn't have time to react at all. They were directly stabbed by the trident, and the dragon body flew upside down and smashed into a courtyard. Under the tremendous force, the palace and pavilion collapsed and became ruins.

"Where are you going?"

The last half-sage wanted to escape, but was directly caught up by Zi Yan from behind, and the halberd split into two halves, the blood of the dragon soared.

In an instant, the four Semi-Saints all died tragically, and the whole place fell silent.

A semi-sage who can dominate one side, at this moment, life becomes extremely cheap.

Many of these people are from the ancient Shenshan forces. They want to watch the Heiyan Dragon Shenshan die and watch a battle between dragons and tigers, but the strength displayed by Zi Yan makes them palpitate and feel fear from the heart, and they can't laugh at all.

Is this the power of a small world native?It's like an ancient creature!

Many people in the Primordial Divine Mountain were jealous. They didn't expect to see such a legendary existence in a small world, which made them feel jealous and ashamed.

"Little girl, the old man wants you to die!"

The leader of the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain finally couldn't bear it any longer. He rose into the air and took out a halberd that shone with divine light. The surface was densely covered with golden dragon patterns. It looked very miraculous. Rolled over by Zi Yan.

"This is a real dragon and a halberd! The little witch is going away!"

The onlookers Cicada Yurou and Hu Mei'er all showed expressions of horror. I didn't expect that the elders of Shenshan would take action in person, and the power of the half-step emperor was full, and he even sacrificed the 'real dragon war halberd', which was cast with real dragon essence blood. Extreme Dao Imperial Soldier, this is completely killing the red eye.


With a heavy blow, Zi Yan's petite body flew out directly, and the Seagod Trident in her hand shattered into several pieces, revealing her terrifying power.

"Are you going to be old after you're young? Let you see how good my dad is!"

Zi Yan stood in the void, threw away the Seagod Trident, her left hand pressed the Bingling bracelet on her right wrist, and a blue light swept out, blowing her hair up like a fairy.

In an instant, Chan Yurou and Hu Mei'er's eyes were all focused and concentrated. , , .

Chapter 484 Zhang Tian's record is refreshed again

Under everyone's attention, the blue light emitted by the Bingling Bracelet became more and more intense, revolving around Zi Yan, and finally formed a blue divine chain, crystal clear, with countless runes engraved on the surface, and it was easy to see at a glance. Makes people feel dizzy and hard to understand.

"Is this a martial spirit will?"

Chan Yurou said suspiciously, the so-called martial spirit will is that a peerless powerhouse strips out a part of his own martial arts and seals it in a magic weapon.

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