But she also felt that something was wrong. For the first time in her life, she felt a little uncertain and could not guess.

"Hmph, a mere martial spirit will, destroy it for me!"

The Shenshan elder looked contemptuous, and the real dragon halberd slashed down fiercely, the golden dragon pattern radiated brilliantly, and a real dragon phantom emerged from the halberd, roaring and shaking the sky, raising its huge claws and fiercely towards the blue God chain caught.


The blue divine chain seems to be wrapped in the power of the Great Dao Cangming. Wherever it goes, the void retreats, and it penetrates the shadow of the real dragon as fast as lightning.

Just listening to a shrill cry, the real dragon phantom exploded directly, but the light of the blue divine chain did not attenuate in the slightest, and with a slight sweep, all the divine might was dispelled.

"Dad, don't destroy my halberd!"

Zi Yan shouted at this time, making everyone a little confused, thinking that your battle halberd has been destroyed, and then she reacted immediately, and the little girl said that it was a real dragon and halberd, which made them smile bitterly.

However, what shocked everyone was that the blue divine chain seemed to really understand it, bypassing the real dragon and the halberd and rolling towards the elders of the mountain.

"This martial soul has a soul?"

Cicada Yurou and Hu Meier glanced at each other, and both found the horror in the other's eyes. Ordinary martial soul wills are dead objects, which are equivalent to one-time magical powers that have been stored long ago. They can be put away but not taken away. But it completely violated the law, obviously not the general martial spirit will.

"Ah, ah, break it for me!"

The mighty elder of the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain felt this fatal crisis, and a powerful desire to survive broke out. His whole body was shrouded in black dragon flames. bite.

This faucet is completely condensed by the martial spirit, at least reaching the seventh rank, and it is very powerful, but before it can get close to the blue divine chain, it bursts directly. Under the divine light, the elder dissipated directly out of thin air, and he didn't even have time to let out a miserable howl.

Souls are destroyed!


Losing control, the Azure Dragon Halberd fell directly to the ground, making a loud roar.

Everyone in the audience could not help but take a deep breath.One Pinshu Bar www.1pinshu.com

To kill an elder of the mountain with only one martial soul will?This is a great terror, shocking countless people, including those strong men from the Ninth Mountains and Seas and the Great Thousand Worlds.

Every time a catastrophe-level war between heaven and earth will cause serious damage to the origin of this universe, and the speed of recovery is far less than that of frequent destruction.Five million years ago, in the era of Zhantian, it completely destroyed the last immortal essence of the nine mountains and seas, so that the immortal road was broken, and no one could go to the fairyland.

To this day, although such an earth-shattering war has never happened again, due to the serious damage, the spiritual energy is still being lost, and it has even made it difficult for the emperor to emerge, and the level of masters walking in the world is getting lower and lower.

Being able to kill the elders of Shenshan with the will of a martial soul, such an existence, even in the current Ninth Mountains and Seas, can be regarded as an overlord.

"In this small world, there is such an existence?"

Many powerhouses from other worlds find it strange. Normally, there will only be one or two great emperors in the ordinary Great Thousand World. In the same way, the small world will only have one or two god emperors.When they first came, they thought that the emperor of the ancestors was the only immortal emperor in the small world of Shengyuan, but now it seems that it is obviously wrong.

There are two types of small worlds. One is an independent world formed by the division of a certain piece of land from the nine great mountains and seas, with a history of no more than [-] years at most. The resources are scarce, and it is already great fortune to be able to produce an immortal emperor in each life. .

The other is a small world that has degenerated from a large world. This small world has a very long history, millions of years, or even tens of millions of years, with a very deep background.Although the spiritual energy is thin now, there are many relics of the strong in the ancient times. Each time one is excavated, the resources in it can add many strong men to the continent.

This small world of Shengyuan obviously belongs to the latter. It has a strong heritage, and maybe there are old monsters who have been killed by themselves. Everyone can't help but put away a bit of contempt when they think of it.

The people in Shengyuan Continent were even more shocked. Zhang Tian's strength refreshed their cognition once again. Even the elders of the mountain can be killed instantly. Doesn't that mean that he will kill whoever he wants in the holy capital?

The most important thing is that people stop killing people, and gods stop killing gods. They are not afraid. It seems that they don't even care about the ancient sacred mountain!

Zi Yan happily kissed the divine chain and said sweetly, "Thank you, Dad." Then she jumped forward with her short legs and picked up the Azure Dragon Halberd on the ground.

"Tsk tsk, good baby, good baby, better than my trident!"

Zi Yan kept stroking the black-gold Qinglong war halberd and was very satisfied. This war halberd was made of Qinglong blood essence, which faintly echoed the Qinglong blood essence in her body.

The rest of the powerhouses of the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain were all ashamed and angry. This Azure Dragon Halberd was the ultimate imperial soldier refined by a peerless Dragon Sovereign who had stimulated the energy of his whole body, blood, spirit and soul before his death. The will of that peerless dragon emperor was only cultivated in seventy-seven and forty-nine years in the Dragon Transformation Pond with the blood of Qinglong, and its power can even crush many imperial soldiers.

Such a magical weapon, even in the Black Flame Dragon Mountain is an important inheritance. This time, the elder of the mountain led the team to the lower realm, and this was specially given to him for self-defense. He thought that his strength, coupled with the Qinglong halberd, was comparable to the immortal emperor. , It was foolproof, but I didn't expect it to be beheaded just two days ago, and the Azure Dragon Halberd became a trophy of a seven- or eight-year-old girl.

"Damn little girl, you know who we are, so why don't you return the Azure Dragon Halberd!"

One of the great sages of Heiyan Dragon Sacred Mountain spoke angrily, Huanghuang Shengwei pressed towards Zi Yan, and the other great sages also had anger in their eyes. Although the death of the elders of Sacred Mountain made them very flustered, as a member of Heiyan Dragon Sacred Mountain. members whose pride does not allow them to bow their heads in front of a small-world native.

"You want this halberd? Then let you taste its power."

Zi Yan said coldly, with a petite body, holding the Qinglong war halberd several times larger than her, rushing towards the great sage like a storm, crushing the void all the way, the wind and thunder bursts, like a pure blood The immemorial beast is galloping, making the sky tremble! , , .

Chapter 485 Killing a god is like slaughtering a dog!


The explosion sounded, and the golden light on the Qinglong halberd directly smashed the great sage into a pulp, and the flesh and blood flew.

"Aren't you going to kill me for that Long Gaitian, then come!"

Zi Yan was as imposing as a rainbow. After overturning one person with the Qinglong halberd, she once again looked down on the audience. The blue divine chain was spinning in the void, as if she was protecting Zi Yan, and she was extremely majestic.

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

Zi Yan locked on the target and killed in the other direction. Qinglong's halberd turned into a terrifying golden halberd, which penetrated the world. It was obviously the body of a seven- or eight-year-old girl, but it had an invincible aura of a million army.

"The natives of this small world are too terrifying, killing the strong in the mountain is like killing a dog!"

"Why do I feel that the Qinglong halberd is more domineering in her hands than in the hands of the elders of the mountain?"

"Invincible, so invincible, this girl can compete with the top Tianjiao of the nine mountains and seas!"

All the onlookers felt a shudder when they saw the bloody battlefield. This was a one-sided slaughter. It is hard to imagine that a genius who is not even in the demon king realm can actually kill the top-level Qinglong halberd. The power of the imperial soldiers of the extreme path is more than [-]%, and it is completely unstoppable by the strong in the holy realm.

After all, the Azure Dragon Halberd contains the will of a peerless Dragon Sovereign. Even if the years pass, even if it can only exert [-]% of its power, it is not something that ordinary great sages can stop.

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